Wednesday, November 15, 2023

I Lost It


Tabby posted this on IG! 

Andrea (surrogate) comes in to see TJ. She's upset about the baby. They go into an exam room. She lost the baby. Went to Mercy; blood tests confirmed it. Do we believe her? He tells her he will tell Molly. She says she can't go through being a surrogate again. THEN TJ goes to talk to PORTIA about it! PORTIA! Um, text ya partner!! 

Metro Court: Diane and ALexis meet to chat. ALexis sees Molly and Krissy hugging across the room. She's happy they made up. She tells Diane that Andrea is through her first trimester. Then they talk about Anna and the fact Robert is helping her through this. They are eating GIANT LETTUCE PLATES. 

Molly did some lawyer stuff for Kristina's center. Molly says that she might want to quit her job at the DA's to be a full time mama. She keeps talking about THE BABY. BABY BABY. they leave. 

Austin meets Cyrus in the stairwell. Mason is taking a plea deal. Not mentioning Cyrus or Austin. Austin isn't so sure. Nothing happens and Cyrus leaves. Then he comes back. Oh brother. Says he paid for all of Austin's medical school. yada yada. 

Lucy, Maxie and Scott are at Home and Heart. Morgan Fairchild is snotty but wants them there. Sasha is late. Scott tells Morgan Fairchild to cut out the theatrics or he'll sue her. This is just..weird. Sasha is still late. She finally walks in and says things better go smoothly or she'll walk out. 

Maxie is trying to get someone on the phone--not sure who. Oh, CODY.. because CODY is now the MALE FACE of Deception. Which NO ONE Knows about but her. Then, Cody steps up and they do a demo on his face with The Deceptor. Lucy LOVES them together. "They are gold" she says. 

Curtis and Marshall have a full on convo about ...MEDITATION. I'm serious. It's as boring as it sounds. Then Portia comes in and she says she's had a bad day and is happy they have Trina. She doesn't tell him about TJ/Molly. 


Sasha says she can't work with Cody because she has feelings for him. 

Austin agrees to do whatever Cyrus tells him to do

Alexis picks up a tablet Krissy left behind. Or Molly. Don't know

TJ calls Molly and tells her to get home to talk. 



  1. Metrocourt restaurant:

    Alexis and Diane: Wow! Alexis is eating!!! :D Diane and her car metaphors! Hahahahahahaha! Poor Alexis is all confused about them hahahaha. Oh Alexis sees Krissy and Molly, and I thought they were Krissy and Blaze at first! Until Alexis says my girls! :)

    Krissy and Molly: Wow! Molly going to quit her job once the baby is born? She didn't even work that long.

    The hospital:

    Andrea and TJ: Yeahhhhhh I don't believe Andrea.. Come on TJ! She didn't bring any proof with her that she had a miscarriage! Tell her to get an ultrasound!!! Now she doesn't want to be a surrogate anymore! Of course not! Then she can go and hide so she could keep the baby!

    TJ and Portia: Oh TJ!!! Get her to get an ultrasound!!!!

    Pawtucket Holtster and Cyrus: Cyrus yelly! YAY! :D I'm just waiting for either of them to say he is Pawtucket Holtster's daddy! :D

    Purtis's home:

    Curtis and Mr. Hat man: So is meditating going to help Curtis be ready for zex?

    Purtis: Curtis you ready for zex? I wanted Portia to tell him about the surrogate having a miscarriage!

    Home and heart:

    Lucy, Scotty, and Haven: I thought Lucy was going to kiss Scotty! ROFL! She just wanted him to talk to Haven! :) GO SCOTTY GO YOU TELL HAVEN! :D

    Lucy and Scotty: Scotty wins the line of the day.

    Scotty: I hope there are some shenanigans.


    Haven, Sasha, and Cowboy Cody: Geez that thing that Sasha is using on Cowboy Cody, looks dangerous. It's so red. He could get cancer with that thing!!! And why is Sasha wearing that shirt? It looks weird on her. It makes her look pregnant.

    Sasha and Maxie:

    Sasha: I have feelings for him.

    Oooooooooooooooooooooooooo! And then what? She finds out Cowboy Cody is her twin brother?! :) Cowboy Cody is happy hearing that she has feelings for him. *Giggle*

    Molly's office:

    Molly on the phone with TJ: Yes Molly go home! So then you can find out Andrea had a "miscarriage" and then you can cry on your horsy and throw him across the room, like you almost did that one time.

  2. I got nothin' today......
    well, I gotta say that I think surrogate is lying cause she went to Mercy ------- TJ never asked for proof ------ and she leaves and keeps the money-----------an yes Kristina will now be torn between 'I told them I would be a surrogate" and "I really like Blaze"
    other than that - I got nothin.........what a day...

  3. Was anyone one else hoping that Austin would throw Cyrus down the stairs? They've repeated so many plots...I really wanted to see the body at the bottom of the stairs.

    I also wanted Cody's beard to catch on fire or The show was so aggravating today that my evil side was grasping at straws. I even thought of the surrogate stealing the baby too.

    I think I need some sugar...carmel cheesecake maybe...calm yourself Di...(This works much bettet than meditation and lettuce bowls. ,lol

    1. Mmmmmm, carmel cheesecake. Now, I want some.

    2. "Di says, Was anyone one else hoping that Austin would throw Cyrus down the stairs? They've repeated so many plots...I really wanted to see the body at the bottom of the stairs."

      DI!!! :0 No I just was waiting for Cyrus or Pawtucket Holtster to bring up that Cyrus is his daddy!

      "I also wanted Cody's beard to catch on fire or"


      "The show was so aggravating today that my evil side was grasping at straws."

      YOU?! An evil side? NO!!! :0

      "I think I need some sugar...carmel cheesecake maybe...calm yourself Di...(This works much bettet than meditation and lettuce bowls. ,lol"


    3. Yup, I thought the same thing. Cyrus would look pretty good laying at the bottom of those stairs. Opportunity so lost!

  4. Gh really should review their wardrobe department. Even the stunning Sasha couldn't pull off that butt ugly dress.
    TJ goes to Portia? wth Surrogate is probably lying and some months from now a nice looking college age person will come looking for TJ. LOL I hope they decide to wait rather than going right to Kristina.
    Seems like Molly has had her job for a week.

    1. "Zazu says, Surrogate is probably lying and some months from now a nice looking college age person will come looking for TJ. LOL"

      Months?!?!?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Hysterical! :D

    2. You would think tj would want to do an ultrasound or something to confirm she is no longer pg

  5. I so agree about the poor job the wardrobe people are doing on set. Fugly doesn't even cut it. I will make mention of Morgan Fairchild's hair, is it me or is that a wig? made of the cheapest material available. If it is her own hair, holy moly, no 73 year old women looks good in that hair style.

    1. gotta be a wig yes yes horrible wardrobe on the people who work at Deception! which is odd..

    2. Her face barely moves either. I guess if I had the money I may try some of that stuff too. The hair does look like a wig.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...