Monday, November 27, 2023

One Of Those Days!


I Have a REAL WORLD meeting today at 2:30 so I'm going to watch GH tomorrow on Hulu. Sorry about that. I wanted to see the continuation of Turkey Day!! I guess the Qs will be getting Pizza. Maybe someday they'll opt for Tacos ?!

Photo is from IG: Tajh and Josh went 'live' for the Holiday Parade! 


  1. ---at some point Curtis needs to say aloud WHAT IS HE DOING WITH THE SAVOY?
    ----these letters may be small, but I am screaming "Nina is on my last nerve'.....her lame excuse about 'fate' and bringing food to the house was ridiculous and her whiny voice - please end of all this -
    ------I want Ned to tell the truth and Anna - and even Michael's secret (cause I can't stand him either) but the months and months of no secrets coming out are one of the reason GH is dying.
    ------LOVE Yuri but SURELY there is a better reason for Gloria to be there and to have that secret about yelling at someone during BINGO? It better be ending with Yuri helping Anna or WSB or something----------I mean Valentin DID bring him to the U.S.
    ----REALLY like Carly and Ava getting along - so nice -
    -----meanwhile Austin is still dead but in true GH ways who the heck knows what day he was killed?
    -----Emma so pretty!

    1. "Mufasa says, these letters may be small"

      What letters?

      "SURELY there is a better reason for Gloria to be there and to have that secret about yelling at someone during BINGO?"

      Well hey you don't want to mess with the mobster's wife!!!! Yikes!

  2. Some funny one liners today!

    Joss and Trina's dorm room:

    Sprina: Thanksgiving Zex!

    The hospital:

    Portia on the phone leaving a message to Trina: She is under the impression that Sprina are over. Yeah she will get a big surprise!! :)

    Portia on the phone with Terry: They don't show Terry. She is still at conference and called Portia. Probably to wish her a happy Thanksgiving!

    Purtis's home:

    Curtis and Mr. Hat man: No Thanksgiving for them. It's just the 2 of them. :( Curtis is busy trying to find out who shot him.

    Purtis, Mr. Hat man, and Sprina: OH! Thanksgiving after all! :D Portia is home because work is slow. Spencer brought a variety of desserts!!! :D Portia got a shock of her life seeing Spencer there! Trina said it was a misunderstanding and they worked it out! DOH! I bet Portia wants to hit Spencer with some Tribbles!

    Mildew home: Nina leaving a surprise basket of toys for Wiley! Awwwwww. :)

    Mildew and Wiley: Wiley is so excited for the basket!!! Michael isn't happy! Wiley wants to see his grandma Nina!!!

    Willow: We will soon.

    Wiley: I hope so I love her.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Carly's home:

    Crew, Sonny, Donna, Avery, Ava, Jex Scout, and Drew: The girls are playing games! Donna looks so adorable with her dress and hair awwww. :) Sonny wants Dex to stay for Joss. Awww. :) OH! Sonny isn't staying! I love how Carly, Sonny, and Ava are getting along! :) No Ava, no water guns so don't worry you can go and see Avery! ROFL! As Sonny leaves, You can see the love Dex has for Sonny. It's in his eyes!

    Dex: Sonny! Happy Thanksgiving.

    Interpretation: Happy Thanksgiving my love.

    Crew: They talk about wuv and how people take it for granted. Ava overhears their conversation. What is Ava thinking? Is she thinking about Nik? Pawtucket Holtster? How the Bills lost yesterday?

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Diane, Robert, Emma, and Anna: OH! Diane is invited for Thanksgiving with Robert, Emma, and Anna! Awwww. :) Emma asks how long they have been dating! BAHAHAHAHA! Robert says a month. A MONTH?!?!! :0 Either he is lying, or it's been off screen!

    Anna and Nina:

    Nina: I was just doing a favor for a friend.

    Anna: Will Sonny see it that way?

    WHAT THE?! Why is Anna threatening Nina? What the hell is that all about Anna?

    Nison and Anna: Man! Anna is giving Nina the death rays!

    Nison: Sonny noticed Anna's death rays! ROFL! Nina just downplaying the situation. Nison's first Thanksgiving.. Awwwww. :) And the last one for them!

    Nina on the phone with Lois: Lois asking Nina for turkey!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! :(

    Nina and Trish: OH! There IS no more turkey left!!! YAY!!!! :D

  3. Geez my comments were too long.


    The Q abode: Oh oh Tony's is closed for renovation!!! So no pizza! When Lois wanted to call Nina to get a new turkey, I was not happy!

    Lois and Gloria: Oooooo is Gloria having her own storyline?! :) Gloria burned the turkey because she has a lot of things on her mind. She was at bingo one day, and this Russian lady was talking Russian so loud on her phone, and Gloria was polite and said to turn it down. The Russian lady swore at her in Russian, and Gloria swore at her in English. She was kicked out of bingo, and she needs to apologize, but Gloria wouldn't! Now she is in trouble with uncle Pete the mobster!!! That Russian lady is his wife! YOWZA! So Gloria had to hide her doggie from uncle Pete!

    Lois, Gloria, and Yuri: And the whole time Yuri is listening to them. Huh?! WHY!? Ohhhh he can help them!!!!

    Yuri: I know I look like nice boy, but I'm not always nice.

    OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! That was a sexy line. :) Yuri!!!! I want to know your past!! :) What are you going to do with uncle Pete?!!?! :) I'm intrigued!!!

    Ned and Nina: Nina shows up with Pizza's!!! YAY!!!!! :D

    Ned wins the line of the day!

    Ned: Nina! Remember me? I remember you. Very clearly.


    Ned: Did you hear that grandfather?! The curse continues!

    I yelled out YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D With my arms in the air! :)

    Wiley and Nina: Awwwwwwwwwwwww. :)

    Michael and Nina:

    Michael: This isn't the deal we made.

    Nina: I can't control fate at the Quartermaines.

    Michael: You better find a way to control it.

    MICHAEL!!!!! SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP! *Throws Tribbles at you* Nina just tell the damn truth!

    Ned: Everyone knows the drill.

    Wiley: First we sing,

    Everyone: Then we eat!

    YAY!!!!! I love tradition! :)

    We gather together to ask the Lord's blessing;
    He chastens and hastens His will to make known;
    the wicked oppressing now cease from distressing.
    Sing praises to His name, He forgets not His own.

    "In loving memory of Tyler Christopher."

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :) And great picture too!

    Sidenote: IT'S BEEN A WEEK AND 3 DAYS SINCE PAWTUCKET HOLTSTER HAS BEEN ON THE FLOOR SHOT! Is nobody at the hospital wondering where he is?!?!

  4. I think his death is finally discovered tomorrow and Dante will be working on the case of "whodunnit" this week.

  5. Where is Pikeman? What is Pikeman? Did Robert wear that tux out with Diana? Did Brook give Lucy and Maxie, Deception? Why aren't they addressing Jackie's death? Where are all the quirky people; Dr. O, Mrs. Wu, Nina when she first came??? This group of characters is really boring and predictable. Why didn't they do a story on Taggart, and his feelings about Curtis' being Trina's dad. So many missed opportunities. At least have Adam tied into getting his drugs from Cyrus' organization.

    1. They started to do a taggert story with him drinking, then we haven't seen him since!

  6. Tyler Christopher "In Loving Memory" at the end. Sob....


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...