Friday, November 3, 2023


 Alexis is visiting Molly. Krissy comes over. Alexis wonders why they are being so nice to each other. They say they "ironed things out" (off camera I guess).  They eat Chinese takeout. Then talk about baby names. 

Carly and Sam visit. Sam was concerned about her friend and wanted to come back and check on her. They clean up. Talk about Drew, Judge Kim and Scout. Then they talk about Nina and Sonny. SO much talking. Sam leaves. OH ! Later, Drew comes in the door. "Is it really you"? says Carly. Then they kiss. 

Willow has a dream about Harmony who says "Willow, you can't"... Michael asks about it. She says she's dreaming about Harmony again. She says it's a warning but isn't sure what the warning is about. She thinks someone is lying to her. Michael flashes back to his convo with Nina. Willow really wants to go to Montreal 

Valentin drops the kids off with a warning. He's like a policeman "FLASHLIGHT! BE SAFE! STICK TO THE ROUTE"! Later we see Charlotte rifling through her backpack. Then she puts on an all black cape outfit and ditches the kids. Jake freaks out. Charlotte goes to Anna's place, looks in the trunk and flashes back to Victor's letter. 

Georgie and Danny go to Valentin and say Charlotte is missing and Jake went after him. 

Anna finds the file she's looking for. Says "Of course it's you, you smarmy bastard". She calls Robert and is going to his office to show him. She takes her gun, locks the apartment. Anna shows Robert the file. Some guy named Forseyth is in there and he knows that Anna KNOWS. (I swear that's what she said---so BIZARRE). She thinks that guy is after her and burned her house down to get some file she has about some 'incident'. 

KevLar have wine. Ace and Esme are asleep Esme is tired from Ace teething. Spencer is still out with Trina, probably on the desk at The Gallery LOL. Laura asks about Charlotte's session. He says that he can't say much but she is protective of her father. When she protects him, she protects herself. 


WELP! Anna shoots Charlotte! She thought she had a gun but it was the flashlight that went out. 


  1. Oh yes! that shooting definitely made things more interesting. That flashlight would definitely look like a gun in the dark., especially when she raised it. There's going to be a lot of guilt here on Anna's part.

    I'm glad that the Kristina/Molly talk was off camera. if it wasn't everyone would only be complaining about how long the conversation was, and how boring. It's a no win situation for writers.

    Love that Drew is out and I wish someone would get a lip reading friend to check out mumbling Harmony.

    1. I adore Valentin, but this is on him not telling Anna.

    2. Indeed it is Linda. If he had told Anna that he thought Charlotte was the one behind the attacks she probably wouldn't have shot her.

    3. Anna knew Charlotte had done the small stuff but Anna also knew someone from the past was out to get her and she'd just discovered why. She walked into a dark masked figure looking in her trunk. And that dark figure jumped up and raised what looked like a gun. I think she would have defended herself and the intruder would still have been shot.

  2. -----so many things off camera: Krissy and Molly (like nu one)------but no convo still between Sonny and Ava......
    -----knew Drew would walk in when Carly was by herself/cue the music/cue the lights off....
    -----Harmony must be warning her about Michael - not Nina------and I feel Willow ain't gonna forgive Michael for 'you didn't think I could handle the truth?' OOOOO Maybe Drew and Willow get together.
    ------stupid that Charlotte disappeared BUT the ending was worth it although I thought Jake would stop Anna..
    ------Bye Vanna -----------------so this is all Valentin's fault that Anna can't believe he didn't tell her about Charlotte AND then Valentin won't forgive Anna.........Laura and Kevin though will understand (as well as DA Scorpio) why Anna who has been tramatized shot a hooded intruder.....
    ------parents woulda search the kid's room by now looking for something connected to Victor.
    ------boring show until the END!!!!!!!!

    1. "Mufasa says, Bye Vanna -----------------so this is all Valentin's fault that Anna can't believe he didn't tell her about Charlotte AND then Valentin won't forgive Anna"

      V.C. won't forgive Anna for shooting at his daughter, and Anna won't forgive V.C. for keeping what Charlie did all a secret. Then they break up, and then Sonny learns the truth about what Nina did and ends it with her, then in comes ValeNina? :)

    2. I want Robert and Anna together!

    3. "mufasa says, I want Robert and Anna together!"

      Yeah.. I will always love RnA and if they get back together I won't be mad. :)

    4. mufasa, I commented about this on one of the boards and people were defending Michael. I may have went on a rant, well I did go on a rant 😊, about how if I were in Willow's position I would have told Mickey that as an adult I can make my own decisions about who I interact with and I didn't need anyone thinking they could decide things like that for me.

    5. for sure Gary this is the direction they are going!

    6. "Gary says, I may have went on a rant, well I did go on a rant 😊,"

      Oh Gary! ROFL!

      "about how if I were in Willow's position I would have told Mickey that as an adult I can make my own decisions about who I interact with and I didn't need anyone thinking they could decide things like that for me."

      Well if she goes that route, then Mikey can tell her well you kept a secret from me about having cancer! Then of course I bet she says, oh that's different. ROFL!

  3. Again putting Harmony on a pedestal trying to warn Willow... you're dead and now you want to be a good mother?

  4. Robert's office: Anna calling Robert!

    Robert: Happy Halloweenie Annie!

    Awwwwwwwwwwwww. :D

    RnA: Forseyth? Yeah I don't think it's Forseyth Anna. You are barking up the wrong tree. Of course you don't want Robert to take you home! Because I had a feeling Charlie was going to be there and since Anna has her gun, Oh oh.

    Tolly's home:

    Molly, Alexis, and Krissy: Hey look Molly has a mole now. :) We still got this Molly good good. Huh?! Molly and Krissy are getting along now?! When did that happen? All off screen! UGH! Book of baby names. Albert? Uh no. Unless you are going to call him Al, then that's okay. Bueller? No. Athena? YES!!! So pretty!!! Alexis wins the line of the day.

    Alexis: I'm proud of you both all the time, when you are not annoying me.


    Alexis and Krissy: Love that Alexis is going to take Krissy home. :)

    Kevlar home:

    Kevlar: Uh Doc? Charlie didn't say anything to you? Well even if she did, you wouldn't tell Laura would you? HIPAA remember? Yes teenagers think they know it all! I sure thought I did. :) And when I was in my teens and early 20's I was so judgemental. I'm glad V.C. called Laura. :) Great scene with V.C. and Laura. :)


    Carly and Sam: Besties. Yeah it's so strange that they are friends. Carly couldn't believe it either! ROFL!

    Carly and Drew: Yeah my first thought was is it Drew? Or maybe Cyrus. No it's Drew!!!! WHOA! :O Again something else off screen! UGH!

    Mildew home: Another stupid dream where we can't hear her! UGH! Enough!!!

    Mildew: Michael feeling the guilt feels and pretending to be dumb.

    Trick or treat spot:

    Georgie, Danny aka Cheeto, Jake, Charlie, and V.C.: V.C. being a good papa! Love it!!! :) Great scene!

    Charlie: Ooooo changing her costume. Very soapy. Did Charlie talk to Heather? *Snicker* At first I thought the costume was a blind nun! ROFL! I thought that thing she was holding was a cane for the blind. I'm thinking she is going to go to Anna's!!! Where Anna will see an intruder and shoot her! GAH!

    Georgie, Danny, and V.C.: V.C. is so worried!!!! Where did Jake go? Did he follow Charlie?

    Anna's home: I knew it!!!! Charlie is breaking in!!!! Where is Jake? I thought he was going to show up and wonder what Charlie is up to! Oh oh Anna is there! Oh no she is going to pull out her gun isn't she? YES SHE IS!!!!!!!!! Of course Charlie's flashlight goes out!!! When Anna shoots Charlie, I covered my mouth and screamed Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

    Flashback Friday: To honor Tyler Christopher, *Jumps into my time machine to go to June 30th 2011* Nik, Lucky, and Liz. Nik says goodbye.

  5. Charlotte may be "programmed" but she's still a kid who will make mistakes. Just said to a friend this morning that Anna would catch Charlotte in her house doing something. Shooting her was unexpected. Probably a graze if anything.
    Yes, like NuNuNuMolly! She fits right in.

  6. NuNuNuMolly is an acceptable replacement finally. I guess the third time is the charm. Even though I wish Lexi Ainsworth was back as Kristina, I will say the Davis girls now truly look like they could all be related now.

    I think I could make out part of what Harmony was saying in Willow's dream. It was "don't trust Nina." Now, I find this absurd because Nina's only "crime" against Willow was reporting Carly to the SEC while Harmony offered her up as a vulnerable young girl to essentially be a sex slave to a manipulative cult leader. C'mon! Have some perspective.

    1. I think she's warning her about Michael. He lies to her about everything and is sabotaging her and Nina. Plays the supportive husband but is very controlling.

    2. "Kevin says, I think I could make out part of what Harmony was saying in Willow's dream. It was "don't trust Nina."

      Oh thank you Kevin! :)

      "Now, I find this absurd because Nina's only "crime" against Willow was reporting Carly to the SEC while Harmony offered her up as a vulnerable young girl to essentially be a sex slave to a manipulative cult leader. C'mon! Have some perspective."

      Yeah I know!!!! And once Willow finds out Michael found out and didn't say anything, she will be furious with him. I like that. :)

    3. I like that too. I hate how they gloss over Harmony's handing her over to be a sex slave and make her a "good" mother. Some things are unforgiveable and crimes against children is one of them. I think she should mend the rift with Nina for wiley's sake but have the visits be group ones so she's not unsupervised with him... happy times but Nina gets a subtle message too.


Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...