Tuesday, November 28, 2023



Memorial Card after yesterday's show 

YESTERDAY'S GH : I'm glad they had more dinners on like the Corinthos and such. Geesh, Sprina are just gettin' it ON!! LOL Diane, Robert/Anna and Emma at The Metro. Why bother showing Marshall and Curtis? They are doing NOTHING lol.  OMG I HATE MICHAEL!!  The Yuri Russian Mafia help was great. I do wish Terry was there too though. 


Laura and Alexis are at the PC Grille. Cyrus stares at them from the bar. Laura wants to talk about Esme and if she's doing ok at the job because she's going to sign the lease tomorrow. Alexis says she's doing well. Then they talk about Spencer. Cyrus still lurks around. Like walks back and forth 400 times LOL. Drops glasses. 

Sonny goes to Sam and Dante's house to talk to Dante. PH that is...He wants to talk about Ava's kidnapper. When is Mason going to jail? Dante isn't sure. Sonny tells him about Betty and tricking Cyrus and yada yada. Dante tries to call Austin and a detective answers and says he's dead. WELP. So exciting. 

Molly and TJ are at GH ..she said she has another appointment to find another surrogate. TJ's mad she didn't ask him first. He's not ready right now. 

Portia and Liz say Austin is late for work. Hmm...flat tire? Phone problems? Not like him!! Finn has to get Portia to sign off on his treatment plan and he's mad. Liz says something to Portia and Portia reminds her they are being sued. Then Liz goes to Finn's office and they do BREATHING EXERCISES TOGETHER. Oh brother. SO BORING

Dee Dee Clark comes to Finn's office. She's GH's lawyer for the lawsuit. She talks to Finn about what's going to happen next. 

Drew and Sam are at The Metro with Scout who's doing a report on her Dad's business. He tells her and Sam he got Scout a spot in Westwood Academy! Private School! Scout agrees to go because Drew wants her to go. Sam's like: Um it's expensive!! 


Molly meets the surrogate at the PC Grille without TJ's knowledge! 

Scout tells Sam that she really doesn't want to go to that school 


  1. ---I just have to believe there is a reason for all this malpractice stuff (Scary lawyer too!)
    ---I just have to believe the convo between Alexis and Laura was only so Cyrus could hear about Charlotte & Esme (hope he doesn't do anything to them)
    ---I just have to believe that Drew's character is changing so he will have a personality....he has never cared about Scout going to a private school.
    ----I just have to believe that Molly meeting a surrogate without TJ is the beginning of problems in their marriage.......
    ----I just have to believe there is a reason Sonny had no bodyguards and there was a reason we saw that outside shot which SURELY isn't the outside of their apartment building?
    ------I just have to believe these things or I just wasted an hour of time.

    1. "Mufasa says, I just have to believe that Molly meeting a surrogate without TJ is the beginning of problems in their marriage......."

      Well, technically they aren't married, but yes I'm thinking that it's the beginning of problems in their relationship.

      "I just have to believe that Drew's character is changing so he will have a personality....he has never cared about Scout going to a private school."

      Yeah I don't get it. It looks like he IS changing.

    2. I'm still laughing about the pic Karen posted of him Sunday

    3. Monkee's song, I'm a Believer! Lol! Me too. We MUST believe these things or what's the point?

  2. The hospital: Great shot of the hospital!!

    Portia and Liz: Wow! It's about damn time that Pawtucket Holtster was brought up! It's been 11 days since he has been shot! Yes Liz go see if he is okay, but he isn't in his apartment.

    Fiz: Finchy wins the line of the day.

    Finchy: It's good thing it's not an emergency or my patient would be dead by the time I got rid of all this paperwork.

    ROFL! And uh yes breath in and breath out. Is this lamas class? Is Finchy preggers?

    Finchy and DeeDee: Yeah I really wish this scene was all off camera! Zzzzzzzzz.

    Tolly: Yeah I don't blame you TJ for not being ready! First it was Molly who isn't ready, now TJ. I just want to give TJ a huge hug! The scene was realistic!!

    TJ and Portia: I am not sure why TJ had to tell Portia about Molly. Are we going to find out later, that they are having zex in the broom closet? *Snicker*

    Portia and Liz: Yes ladies it's good you both finally worry after 11 days. And yes you must be thinking he is dead.. Listen to your instincts!!!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Drew (Who is acting more and more like Ryan Lavery), Scout, and Sam: Great interview. I hope Scout isn't interested in Aurora when she gets older and does her own thing! And the look on her face, she don't want to go to that school! She is so sweet though wanting to make her daddy happy. :)

    Drew on the phone: Huh?! I don't get it. Is something going to happen at that school?

    Sante home:

    Sonny and Dante: OH! The detective must have just gotten there when Dante called! Cus you know, Liz tried calling and nobody answered the phone. OH! It's official! Pawtucket Holtster is dead! :( Will the Q's find out? Will Cyrus? Will Mason Jar? Will the Tribbles?

    Outside/Sonny's car: Nice car!!! :) Love how the steering wheel goes down. Who is Sonny talking to? Badger Bob?

    Port Chuckles Grill: Oh oh Molly! I don't think this is a good idea.

    Laura and Alexis: Laura is acting just like her mother and I love it! :) Cyrus walking back and forth was funny! ROFL! He should be cooking!!!!!! And maybe putting poison in the food, but it doesn't kill people. :)

    Cyrus and the boss: Cyrus should be the one cooking dammit!!!

    The police station:

    Detective and Detective Dante: Two detectives! :) Yes find out who killed Pawtucket Holtster Dante! Maybe Sonny's green beans did it!

    1. Oops forgot one thing.

      Sam and Scout: Yup! I knew it! Scout don't want to go to that school! Sam you gotta talk to Drew about it! He isn't acting like Drew though. He is Ryan Lavery!

    2. Sonya said "And uh yes breath in and breath out. Is this lamas class? Is Finchy preggers?"

      Because of my chronic pain I was in the pain management class at VA. One of the things they taught us was the breathing thing. Also, taught us meditation - "place all your negative thoughts on a leaf floating down a stream". Yeah, that didn't work. I kept drifting off imaging more interesting things. Now the breathing thing does help some but not as much as they tell you it does. 😊

    3. "Gary says, Because of my chronic pain I was in the pain management class at VA. One of the things they taught us was the breathing thing. Also, taught us meditation - "place all your negative thoughts on a leaf floating down a stream". Yeah, that didn't work. I kept drifting off imaging more interesting things. Now the breathing thing does help some but not as much as they tell you it does. 😊"

      Breathing does work, and you just have to teach yourself to focus and not let your mind drift away to other things. :) Focus on the leaf floating down a stream, and add things to it! Like a smiling leaf saying hi to you floating down a stream of marshmallows!! :) That will keep it interesting and not boring.. :)

    4. When we focused on the leaf we weren't doing the breathing cause what you said might have worked. This was just closing your eyes and imagining the stream. I will try what you suggested. That might make it good. Thanks, Sonya.

    5. I loved Laura and Alexis together. 2 vets making a salad lunch believable and interesting. Alexis's comments about Cyrus were a hoot. She was saying what the audience is saying. :)
      I got nothing for Drew. Can't read his daughter's face? And he's acting weirder than usual. I still don't care.
      Dante and Sonny were good too. But Dante is a blabber mouth, lol! I'm thinking Pawtawket had to have had an odor by now. Lordy!

    6. "Gary says, When we focused on the leaf we weren't doing the breathing cause what you said might have worked. This was just closing your eyes and imagining the stream. I will try what you suggested. That might make it good. Thanks, Sonya.

      Oh you gotta do both. You're welcome!!! Hope it works!! :)"

  3. First we have Curtis and Marshall discussing meditation. Today, we have Liz and Finn doing breath work. These writers really want us to calm down! ;-)

    1. "Paul773 says, These writers really want us to calm down! ;-)"

      ROFL! Yes!!! :)

  4. Didn't Ryan, I mean Drew, give Carly Aurora when he went to prison or am I misremembering? If he did then so much for creating it for Scout.

    1. he offered and she refused cause of Scout

    2. Thanks for the reminder mufasa.

    3. "Gary says, Didn't Ryan, I mean Drew,"


    4. Sonya, you have me calling him Ryan. Well, he doesn't act like Billy's Drew so he is Ryan.

    5. "Gary says, Sonya, you have me calling him Ryan."

      Hahaha. I'm sorry! :)

      "Well, he doesn't act like Billy's Drew so he is Ryan."


  5. The memory card of Tyler was a wonderful picture. It's how I'll always remember him. Sigh.

  6. I forgot also to mention -WHY did the police go to Austin's house? WAS it the smell???

  7. The character of Austin was a dud from the get-go...as he is in death.
    Cyrus has been established as a bad guy but not one who is out to maim and kill everyone he comes in contact with. They act like he is that bad.
    Sam looked really beautiful in black with very light make up. Drew is a yuck.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...