Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Mopping UP


I'm still not happy about a new GH being on Thursday. Geesh BOO. I guess I'll watch on Hulu Friday. No show Friday I don't think because of football. 

Sonny and Cyrus. Cyrus is scrubbing the floor.  Sonny says to cut the "Father Theresa" act and keep cleaning because that's the only job he'll get in Port Charles. BTW, Sonny's shoes are looking like the same shoes that shot Austin. He tells Cyrus to watch his step. Then he mentions the whole Betty thing and how he faked the information. Threatens him again. AND AGAIN. And..again! 

Nina visits Charlotte and brings her a gift of riding gloves. Charlotte says she thinks that Anna only likes her because she likes Valentin. Then she tells Nina all the things she did and that doesn't include burning down her house. Nina asks her again if she's telling the truth "I'll always love you"...Charlotte freaks out and swears she didn't burn down the house. 

Anna and Valentin at The Metro lobby/side drinking hallway/room. He says he knows why Charlotte targeted Anna. He gives her the letter to read. Which she does. 4th time we've heard it. She says Victor convinced Charlotte to protect him. Anna says she needs deprogramming. Valentin says they can all move ahead together once she's better. Anna doesn't think so. She is mad at Val about not telling her everything. YOU don't trust me she says. Then she says she doesn't trust him. Every time she sees him she thinks about shooting Charlotte so she doesn't want to see him anymore. 

Carly and Drew make out outside of Kelly's.  Then she talks to him about turning down Nina's offer. OMG They are SO BORING. They talk about Ned. Carly's mad because Ned was mean to Michael. She still thinks he told the SEC about them. 

Maxie and Cody look at the photos of the LLAMA photo shoot.  Sasha listens outside the office. Cody's trying to get out of it but Maxie is so excited. Maxie is dressed MORE HORRIBLY THAN USUAL TODAY. It's just GROSS they dress her like this! Cody sees how much he made on the last job and then Maxie says she'll double it. He says no because of Sasha. She comes in the door and is like "not so fast" . They decide to work together. 

Diane and Finn meet at The Metro. She tells him she cant' represent him, she is on retainer with the Muldoon Family (who's suing GH). Then she leaves and Greg comes in walking with a cane. They talk about Violet's debate class. Then Finn talks about his lawsuit. 

Curtis and Jordan. Curtis called her to tell her ALL ABOUT DISCOVERING MEDITATION AHAHAHAHA. Then he wants to find out who shot him and wants access to the PCPD files.  She says ok, but on one condition. She wants to work WITH him on this...ohhhhhhhh. Interesting. They talk about what a good TEAM they are. Giggle. 



  1. I think that the talk about Ned that Carly and Drew had is designed to make them disbelieve anything Ned tells them about overhearing the talk about the SEC.

    Never mind no followup about Molly. Austin's neighbours must be complaining about the dead body stench by now.

    And mentioning Laura really seemed to trigger Cyrus. Interesting thing to come, I think.

  2. ----well yep Charlotte didn't torcht the house.......I am SO over Vanna - I think Valentin and Nina are annoying and selfish so I want them together and take Charlotte away
    -----but I think down the road Val will save Anna from this so-called Forsythe we have never seen........
    -----Sonny's shoes TOTALLY like the shoes of the person who killed Austin
    ------I still think Thursday or Monday we find out about Austin/looks like the beginning starts tomorrow
    ------I just think the writers must love changing directions - NOW Curtis wants to work with JORDAN and get classified information about the shooting involving Sonny/Anna? No Selina Wu mention in forever? I guess he lets Marshall take over Savoy.....it all makes NO SENSE.
    -----Alexis clearly said Diane was taking no more clients which I GET that the family has her on retainer -----------but why go through all that? So I guess Diane vs. Marty in court and the side story is Alexis being mad at Diane for making Finn look bad?
    -----Sonny telling Cyrus about staying from Laura sets him off - wonder what he does now - he didn't kill Austin cause he needs him and Mason is gone so WHO is on his side?
    ----Cameron M - you are fantastic in romantic movies - Drew is just not working for you and that makes me sad but it's true.
    -------Finola is perfection in everything she does.

  3. Another day of Austin dying on the floor off screen. The flies are gathering. Literally.
    Jordan is TJ's mother and clearly doesn't know about the baby loss yet.
    I really wanted Anna to stand up and be Anna. She is upset and angry. Tears just don't do it. I think the Anna Devane we all knew is gone.
    All hospitals have many malpractice lawyers. This story is another nothing.
    Can't get over Frank V. That interview was very nice and polite and detailed. Maybe, just maybe, it's a ruse for the next character for RoHo. GH has done this before. I don't really think it is so this time but I can't help hoping. He is the actor who brought me back to watching GH after OLTL ended.

    1. "zazu says, Another day of Austin dying on the floor off screen. The flies are gathering. Literally."


      "Can't get over Frank V. That interview was very nice and polite and detailed. Maybe, just maybe, it's a ruse for the next character for RoHo. GH has done this before."

      I hope so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. WOW! No Pawtucket Holtster today!!! It's been 4 days since he has been shot and on the floor bleeding! He must be dead by now! A lot of funny one liners today!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Finchy and Diane: Yeah when Diane said she can't be his lawyer, I had a feeling she is the Maldoon's lawyer. Well, I guess he will just have to get Scotty! :) Or Marty! Or go deep and get Nora from OLTL! :D Hmmm nahhh he should get Scotty! :)

    Finchy and Gregory: Oooo nice cane Gregory! :) Gregory with the extension of little V wins the line of the day.

    Gregory: It makes me look like a dapper snowman.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I love V! :) Oh and Little V is very smart about humans!

    Vanna: I'm glad V.C. finally showed her the letter!! Yeah it really pains me to say this, but no V.C. you and Anna can't move forward. :(

    Anna: It's called lying.



    Crew: Zzzzzzzzzzz. Oh shut up Drew about Ned! You sound like an idiot!

    Port Chuckles Grille:

    Sonny and Cyrus: Oh seriously!? Scrubbing floors?! I want Cyrus to be a cook! Sonny's shoes! Yeah I was thinking he shot Pawtucket Holtster! Careful Sonny! Cyrus could poison you! :D

    Sonny: Maybe there is too much bleach in your brain.


    Deception offices:

    Cowboy Cody and Maxie: Geez just get Badger Bob as the male face of deception!

    Cowboy Cody, Maxie, and Sasha: So Cowboy Cody going to get another model or what? I'm confused.

    Purtis's home:

    Curtis and Jordan: Their scene is meh and zzzzz. Jordan should slip and fall on his lap and then they should kiss. :)

    The hospital:

    Nina and Charlie: Too bad Charlie didn't burn down Anna's house. That means stupid Forthsyth did. However the heck you spell it.

    Sidenote: Yesterday Liz called Joss, Dr. Jax! UGH! On soap central someone brought up that helping Adam can influence Joss to go into psychiatry! Ooooo I didn't think of that.. Yes! She can be a psychiatrist!! I like that idea. I can see her as a therapist!

    1. I was just going to mention day 4 of Austin bleeding on the floor. You and zazu beat me to it, lol! Seriously, do we have to wait until Christmas??
      I so agreed with everything you said. Just no to Val and Anna. I'd kick him to the curb, too. A big fat yes to Nora being Finn's lawyer. But yep, I'd take Scotty, too.
      Everyone noticing/commenting on Sonny's shoes are killing me, in a good way. I never would have noticed!
      Happy Thanksgiving Sonya and thanks as always for your comments! :)

    2. "Julie H says, I was just going to mention day 4 of Austin bleeding on the floor. You and zazu beat me to it, lol!"

      ROFL! He must smell really bad by now!

      "Seriously, do we have to wait until Christmas??"

      It's ridiculous!

      "I so agreed with everything you said. Just no to Val and Anna. I'd kick him to the curb, too."

      Yeah they can't go back to what they had. :( I really loved Vanna! :(

      "A big fat yes to Nora being Finn's lawyer. But yep, I'd take Scotty, too."

      Either way it's a win to have either one to be his lawyer. :)

      "Everyone noticing/commenting on Sonny's shoes are killing me, in a good way. I never would have noticed!"

      Lucky you have us!!!! :D

      "Happy Thanksgiving Sonya"

      Thank you!!! Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

      "and thanks as always for your comments! :)"

      You're welcome!!! :)

  5. I am really, really hoping the Austin murder mystery is wrapped up in six months with it being revealed Todd Manning shot him.

    1. Interesting!! :) But why would Todd Manning shoot him?

    2. I totally get why they lost Todd. And then I get why they decided to ax Franco because of James Franco. But they never gave Austin anything to work with. Roger does something few people past Anthony Geary and Jonathan Jackson, Tyler Christopher and Steven Nichols have done on this show. He dominates scenes with spontaneity and honesty in each performance. Todd was his best fit. And I am hoping that with a little time, they work him back in. Resolve the storyline of Starr and Cole and Hope. Let Todd's Port Charles Sun take on Alexis at the Intruder. Figure out how Tea's brother relates to the Alcazar family tree. He shined in terrible material...see what he does with the good stuff.

    3. You should pitch this to TPTB.

    4. Sonya (love your recaps by the way) there is very little I can see right now as to why he would. It would have to be what Don Belasario called PCR (post creative rationalization). Maybe Todd was paying him to get dirt on Cyrus so he could leverage Martin over Blair...maybe they crossed paths in the past. Austin could have been part of that cult that Todd turned himself over to in the OLTL reboot, maybe (like Nikolas) he nursed Cole and Hope back to health in Pawtuck but kept it a secret so Todd was seeking vengeance. I just want Todd back, damnit.

    5. Also, the fact that my favorite daytime characters are Luke and Todd (reformed rapists) I hope no one holds against me. I swear I'm a nice guy.

    6. "Russ says, Sonya (love your recaps by the way)"

      Oh thank you! :) Do you like the throwback Thursday and Flashback Friday? :) Welcome to the blog! How long have you been lurking? :)

      "there is very little I can see right now as to why he would. It would have to be what Don Belasario called PCR (post creative rationalization). Maybe Todd was paying him to get dirt on Cyrus so he could leverage Martin over Blair...maybe they crossed paths in the past. Austin could have been part of that cult that Todd turned himself over to in the OLTL reboot, maybe (like Nikolas) he nursed Cole and Hope back to health in Pawtuck but kept it a secret so Todd was seeking vengeance."

      Oooooo! I like it! Great theory!

      "I just want Todd back, damnit."

      ROFL! Yeah I love Todd and miss him. Maybe Todd could have finally had surgery to get rid of the scar.

    7. "Russ says, Also, the fact that my favorite daytime characters are Luke and Todd (reformed rapists) I hope no one holds against me. I swear I'm a nice guy."

      ROFL! I love Luke and Todd! Yes they are reformed and not who they used to be.

    8. Welcome Russ! Definitely not holding it against you for liking the reformed rapists, lol! Me too!

    9. Who cares why he did it (Todd) it would bring some much needed humor

    10. Ok so...I have been lurking for a long time. Like...PORT CHARLES ONLINE message boards long. The ABC Soaps have always been a part of my life since I was a kid. I watch AMC with my Grandmother when I was home sick from school or visiting on holidays. Years later when I arrived home early from high school I slipped on the television and saw this man with a scar and long hair get shot in the back on these cliffs overlooking the Irish coast (his first death). That man was Todd Manning. And I was hooked. That show bled into another...where a very pretty blonde woman and her husband with a ridiculous perm were worried about their sick baby...and a jump cut to a dark haired man who apparently had the means to save her. The introduction of Nikolas Cassadine.

      I watched through college, interned and worked for SOAPS IN DEPTH magazine early in my career...and now track through recaps and watch only if something really interests me. I admit, nothing lately has.

      AS for the scar...Todd kept it after Luna hit him with the pipe as a reminder of what he was. I don't think he would ever take it off.

      I also love the theories that Blaze might be Skye and Lorenzo's daughter Lila. We need to rebuild the Q's and core families at the hospital again. Anyways, I appreciate this site and all of the comments on it. With GH holding on to all of the ABC catalog of characters and locations...they can do more.

  6. Anyone think that Blaze might be Skye's daughter? I really like Roger, maybe they should take about 6 months off and bring him back as Todd. He could rescue Elizabeth from the boring Finn romance. I think the makeup director should take over as the costumer. The makeup is wonderful, costumes awful. Maxie is often looking horrible, Laura wears shapeless outfits, Sasha's orange dress at Home Show, ugh! Trina was wearing an orange suit this week to go to class? I actually will miss Ned as Eddie if we have to have another ELQ takeover by Michael and Drew. There is nothing mysterious about Drew played by Cameron Mathison. Done with my complaining. Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. yes! I said this a while back - Luke called Skye Blaze - I think Blaze is after Sonny somehow.....
      Maxie used to be into fashion ------ she dresses horrible like you said....and wardrobe is getting worse

    2. Love the idea and reference to Blaze being Skye's daughter. That's a good one! I swear about all of us that comment here could come up with better storylines than what we're seeing now! :)

  7. I forgot one thing - I laughed out loud that Jordan who has not solved ONE CASE and WAS the Commish when Curtis was shot and found NOTHING! that she said 'the two of us can figure this out quicker'........

  8. The thought of Sonny killing Austin is troublesome as we really, in all these years, never saw Sonny be physically responsible for a death but he has the best motive. Austin forced Ava to hire the fake nanny, which was totally unneeded anyway, putting Avery in danger. Another thing...someone on MB's FB page posted that they wished that he would retire already and that they were sick of him. His response was "Be careful what you wish for".

    1. I agree but who knows. It could be anyone. How many different 'looks' did the "hook killer" have.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...