Sunday, November 26, 2023

Sunday Surgery: All the Whos down in WhoVille


Well, it was a 4 day week and I actually struggle to remember what happened!! I kept waiting for the Austin reveal that never happened and then it was Turkey Day! 

I have left overs, but not many!! How about you? Let's give it a go! 

A week ago Friday it was a "WHO SHOT AUSTIN" cliffhanger. Monday started out like it was an entirely different show with panic attacks, sleeping in hallways, Cyrus mopping the floor and just plain WTF moments. I honestly thought we'd skipped a show (again). This seems to be the norm lately! 

WHERE OF THE WEEK: So, WHERE did Spencer 'spend the night"? On the floor of the dorm hall. Why? To talk to Trina. Who stepped over him? Must have been Joss, probably Adam and 66 other kids going to class. What happened? They got back together and kissed. 

WHO OF THE WEEK: Who's threatening Cyrus? Why Sonny Big-Pants Corinthos, that's who. If he hadn't had the same lines over and over again in the past decade, it may have made some impact. Now? Meh.. don't care. 

WHAT OF THE WEEK:  Speed, that's what. Or anxiety meds. Or.. just a plain ol' panic attack. Anyway, Joss brought Adam to GH when he freaked out during an exam. Since no follow up was really done on this... another miss in my book. Either you have to go for it, integrate it and not show it 2x every 3 weeks or give it up. 

WHO THE FK WHAT OF THE WEEK: Yes, we all thought it was going to be Austin layin' on that slab but WHO WAS IT? Why it was Forsythe. Yeah, you know, the guy that Anna was afraid was doing stuff to her --the one we never saw. Only heard about a few episodes ago. Wow. Again, I don't care!! I do care that the guy playing the morgue tech was Ernie from My Three Sons but that's about it. 

CLUE OF THE WEEK: Anna finally finds out about Victor's control over Charlotte and we get to hear his letter for the 65th time. 

BOO BOO OF THE WEEK: Anna just going in to see Charlotte on her own? Stupid. Stupid scene and I'm not even going to comment on it other than I hated the entire thing. 

WHOO HOO OF THE WEEK: EMMA!! The joy she brought was just unmatched. I don't even care what she says or does. Anna smiled for the first time in weeks. She needs to do her graduate work at PCU. 

HOO WHOO OF THE WEEK: Although I think we have enough characters, I think having Gloria on was fun. Since they don't seen to even WANT to mention Monica anymore and Tracey's gone, she can be the older matron at the Q house. I mean, I'm not mad. I'd rather see her than Cody, Sasha and the alpaca. 

SUE OF THE WEEK: Finn goes to Alexis for advice on his malpractice suit. Diane can't do it because she's the family's lawyer on retainer. Yada yada and  awhile later Greg decides Marty will be his son's attorney. I guess the 57 year old can't be trusted to get his own? 

DREW OF THE WEEK: No comment necessary 


Anna finds out Victor was mind-gaming Charlotte 

Anna freaks Charlotte out by going into her hospital room

Anna and Valentin basically break up

Dead guy is former WSB person named  "Forsythe"

Ned gets angry at Michael, doesn't tell about Nina and SEC 

Sprina make up

Adam goes to GH after a panic attack

Emma visits Anna

Gloria (Lois' mama) visits the Q house; turkey burns

Marty agrees to be Finn's lawyer. Finn doesn't know about it

Cyrus is mopping up at The Port Charles Grille 

Carly turns down Nina

People gather at The Davis house, Dante and the boys are watching football. 

Jordan tells Laura she wants to help Curtis investigate his shooting

SO many weird missteps this week. The Thanksgiving show was just inserted into things. Not one person even mentioned it beforehand. Wardrobe was drunk AF with everything people had on!! When you notice the clothes and they stand out like a sore thumb, something is wrong. Sam was dressed for a cocktail party and Krissy looked like a quaker and Molly had on a summer dress. Laura, the MAYOR who was going to go to the parade had some kind of blue-neoprene tent on top. Lord help me. 

Yea, this week really got to me in many ways. I couldn't stand the way Monday just opened up like it was a whole other show than we saw Friday. Having Austin just rot at that cottage is dumb and I have no clue who will even miss him other than work. Why is Finn getting sued? Much better to be new doc TJ--that would be major drama. And--hey, with a patient we've seen maybe? 
I'm hoping more characters show up Monday for Thanksgiving because right now it's so hollow, it's sad. Compared to other years? Again, just sad. 


  1. Ernie from my three sons! Didn't even notice. Good job Wubsie. And the clothes are 99% awful. Thanks again, hope your holiday was good.

    1. For some reason I recognize him and also Ron Howard's brother in things LOL I guess it's childhood stuff. Great holiday! YOU!?

    2. Barry Livingston was also on a few episodes of "Mad Men." He still has a nice little acting career going on. There is a great interview with him on YouTube.

  2. The writing and editing on "GH" are atrocious. I have watched off and on since 1981 and I think it's the worst I have ever seen. It's like the people behind the cameras don't even care, they are just going through the motions. It would be great to have a new set of writers, at the bare minimum, but it may also be time for a new producer. Frank Valentini has been in charge since 2012, that's a long time.

    I do not enjoy watching Cody, Sasha, Drew and Jordan AT ALL. The fact that these actors are soaking up valuable screen time while it appears Roger Howarth was let go is a crime. (There is still a little part of me hoping Roger will be brought back as someone else in a few months, like the time he transitioned from Todd to Franco.)

    Regardless, the choices being made on this show are bad. Really bad. Long-running shows go through ups and downs, though, and I am hoping this part of the cycle will turn around in 2024.

    1. I agree Kevin. I have been watching since 1977 and it is the worst it's ever been. 😞

    2. I hear ya and totally agree!!!!!!!!

  3. This Alpaca thing is neither cute nor funny. Just ridiculous. Poor Laura looks like old lady from the 50s or 60s. Costume department has lost its mind too . Finola must refuse to wear the weird stuff. She's usually normal.

  4. Is a Friday show really a cliffhanger if it's not mentioned again for days/weeks?
    GH is a mess. Wardrobe, make up, editing, no continuity and no consideration of time. The only thing they have going for them is an outstanding cast of actors. Minus one now. But in so many cases they have changed their characters for the worse.
    I'm not so sure the "real" writers can fix this because it goes so far beyond the writing. Why can't TPTB see what we see?

  5. I'll toot my own horn (so to speak LOL) in that last Sunday I said Austin wouldn't be found until Friday or Monday after Thanksgiving---------cause he's gotta 'not show for work' and I STILL don't know if that house is in Pawtucket????
    ------I think Forsythe killed Austin and there is a higher boss that had Forsythe killed and now it continues to go back "WSB and Anna crap"..
    -----I read that Gloria has problems with a Russian Mob and while it is funny, it WOULD explain Yuri being around a great deal.
    -----I hate hate wardrobe too--------------no continuity and we have no idea WHAT DAY IT IS ever!!!!
    ------I would clean house with Molly/Jordan/Sasha/Cody/Drew---------gotta keep TJ cause he's a doctor and only keeping Chase cause he is a detective.
    -------worst November sweeps ever.....
    -------Missed important conversations between people........and including does NINA know NED is back? I hated Ned's scenes too and wow Drew is changing and trying to be 'all bad' but he isn't....and stupid what Curtis is about to do.....
    ------there is no chance in the world will the writers ever go back to Britt died cause of Joss LOL ------------------they can't even finish any storylines....

    1. "and only keeping Chase cause he is a detective."

      Yes!!! We better keep Chase!!!! :)

    2. Chase is too good looking to get rid of. 😁

  6. "WHERE OF THE WEEK: So, WHERE did Spencer 'spend the night"? On the floor of the dorm hall. Why? To talk to Trina. Who stepped over him? Must have been Joss, probably Adam and 66 other kids going to class."

    Yeah that was weird! Did Joss or the other 66 students not see him? Everyone was blind? Didn't Joss open the door and Spencer fell?

    "Yes, we all thought it was going to be Austin layin' on that slab but WHO WAS IT? Why it was Forsythe."

    Yeah another weird one. It should have been Pawtucket Holtster not Forsythe!!! Ugh!

    "I'd rather see her than Cody, Sasha and the alpaca."

    Awwww! But but the baby Alpaca is adorable!!!! :)

    "I guess the 57 year old can't be trusted to get his own?"

    You mean 70 year old. *Snicker*

    "DREW OF THE WEEK: No comment necessary"

    That's Ryan Lavery from AMC!!!! :D ROFL!

  7. Forgot to say thanks for today's 'better than the show' SS!
    I will add that I just saw a beautiful sequin blazer on sale. It's a Joan Rivers, $79.95. Nicer than any I've seen on GH. lol


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...