Tuesday, November 14, 2023



Oh man, I have to be at the Dentist at 2:30 and It's about 20 min away so... I'll be out of the blog for today. 

Please let me know the highlights and if I should watch right away or if I can save it to later in the week. 


  1. ---great show!!! they found the letter and read it!
    ----I even liked Cyrus and Mason convo which makes me think Cyrus IS an uncle or something to Austin since he is protecting him
    ----Nina's dress is gorgeous
    ----Carly KNOWS Nina is up to something.
    -----the dark horse of today is FInn and GH being sued----I remember the day that patient died but not sure why this storyline unless it has something to do with a storyline for FInn......I HOPE Liz isn't responsible for something
    ----Maura is gorgeous again today BUT It's beyond my comprehension that she is just at the gallery and doing nothing about Nik alive or trapping Austin.....
    ----I commented yesterday on the youtube last night between wally and Lisa ---- Michael Fairman site - interesting comments were made.
    ----ain't commenting on stupid Spencer

    1. I thought it was great too. Lots of movement and a new storyline emerging. I'm glad they didn't wait any longer for Val to find the letter. Now this story can also move ahead.

      That Cyrus and his smarmy grin and wink! Gotta love him.

    2. I agree good show today. I want Esme to get swept off her feet.

      Love Nina's dress too! She looked really good in that color.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. gotta say also since OBVIOUSLY Ned or others will ever expose Nina my money is on a drink Ava or an eaves-dropping Leo LOL

  4. Nison's home:

    Sonny and Carly: Now why the hell did Carly go see Sonny to talk about Nina's offer to give her back the Metrocourt? This scene with them is so dumb. Why does Sonny need to know about selling the Metrocourt to you Carly? It has nothing to do with him. The only thing I liked in the scene is that Carly talked about Bobbie at Amsterdam. Oh and I also like seeing the green beans there. :)

    V.C.'s home:

    V.C., Nina, and Laura: I'm glad V.C. found Victor's letter and I love that Laura read it out loud! Great scene.. Yes Victor weaponized Charlie and brainwashed her. Now you need to unbrainwash her!

    Alexis's office:

    Vampira and Spencer: He will not stop harassing her about Ace! Just tell him you have feelings for him and you need space from him Vampira! See what he says! Is he going to kidnap Ace and go hide somewhere? Is that how the actor is going to leave the show to do his show? Hmmmm.

    Ava's gallery:

    Ava and Trina: Ava gave great advice to Trina! Great scene! Oh THAT is who Spencer called. :) Trina!

    The hospital:

    Terry, Portia, and Finchy: Fincy and the hospital are being sued because a patient of his died, and the wife is the one suing. Very interesting! I remember when Finchy lost that patient! He was so upset and up on the roof! Liz was there for him. Finchy is getting a storyline all his own! YAY! :D

    Fiz: Finchy explained all about the patient which I found very interesting. The guy didn't make an appointment for 2 months! The guy should have!!! He could have gotten the cancer earlier. I'm interested in this storyline.

    Dante and Pawtucket Holtster: Dante wants the name of the boss!!! :) Oh Dante do you really think he is going to tell you anything? HA! Too easy! :)

    Mason Jar and Cyrus: Oh Cyrus wants Mason Jar to go to jail. Oh Mason Jar! Cyrus don't want Pawtucket Holtster in jail! Especially if he is his son or nephew! :) Why is Mason Jar calling Cyrus boss? I'm so confused. Cyrus wins the line of the day.

    Cyrus: Boy these heavy drugs they have you on must have addled your brain.


    Nurse and Pawtucket Holtster: Nurse gave him a note. Someone left a note for him. "Don't be foolish it could be deadly." OH MY! :D

    Pawtucket Holtster and Cyrus: After he reads the note Cyrus leaves Mason Jar's room, walks to the elevator and looks at Pawtucket Holtster! Cyrus smiles at him and winks!!!!! Delicious!!!! :D

  5. Di sent this to me!!! This is great! Thank you again Di!!!

    GENERAL HOSPITAL’s Nathanyael Grey (Mason) On Playing A Soap Troublemaker


    I didn't want Mason Jar to die before, now I REALLY REALLY don't want Mason Jar to die!!!!!!!!!!!


She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...