Yesterday's GH was good because of the characters in it!! So great with Tracey, Maxie and Lucy. Loved the 3 guys too : Scotty, Mac and Kevin!! Of course Brook Lyn and her mama. THE BEST SONNY AND WU!!
Austin pulls Cyrus into the storage closet at GH and holds a knife (scaple?) on him and says WHY did you try to kill Ava? Cyrus says "Wow, you grew up..." and mentions knowing him as a young boy. Says to let him go now and he'll visit Mason. They go in. Mason is surprised that Cyrus is out of jail. Cyrus makes him say that he told him to take Ava home. Then yells at him at if he disobeys again, he will have so much pain before death, it will be awful. Jeff K yells a lot and it's awesome.
Brook and Lois are going to go over Blaze's contract. Lois invited Chase over. I guess Yuri is the Q butler now! Yep, he's carrying a tray of lemonade! Lois wants Brook to play the piano while Chase sings a song to see if it's good for Blaze. He sings it. Slow song. Hallmark slow.
At the Metro, Lucy is about to sign the papers for 1% of ELQ to go to Tracey. Scott is there. Laura marches in yells: SCOTT! and they go to the hall. She's pissed he helped Cyrus get outta jail. Scotty says good money. Laura wonders where Cyrus got that from if he gave it all way. Scotty says he took it out of the prison fund. She's pissed. Stomps off.
Scotty goes back to Lucy who hasn't signed the contact. Then the next scene he's out in the hall with a call...THEN he goes back and Lucy is gone. Terrible edit.
Marty is in the Metro at the bar now and Scotty tells him to tell Lucy to give him back his pen. Then Nina is there and on the phone. She asks Marty: What have you done? Oh it's about him not filing some contracts for Crimson NOT the Drew thing.
Portia goes home and stares at Curtis. They look at photos Trina posted of NYC. Portia is surprisingly ok with it. They eat lunch. Portia leaves but she had texted Laura to come and talk to Curtis. She tells Laura not to mention that Cyrus is out. Cyrus is glad to see Laura. She tells him Nikolas is alive but doesn't want to be found. They say they have a special bond. Awww.
Sonny and Nina look at photos of Wiley and Donna at the wedding. Yada wub ...Kiss. Sonny is talking about Carly and Drew. Nina looks guilty. Kiss. Kiss.
Michael is at his office, about to call Sonny and Martin steps in and says "I'd think twice about that"... Marty says he researched Nina and "knows what she is capable of" and could do the same to MICHAEL ahahahaha. WHAT! I mean? OKAY??? Marty says she induced labor in Ava and kidnapped your sister. Owns a giant magazine and The Metro. "you better dig two for me, one for you". This is weird.
Michael then goes to Sonny's office to talk to him. They go on and on about the wedding. Sonny says he thinks Nina can use the magazine to get Drew out of jail early. He's going to call her. Michael says: NO! wait!
Lucy stomps into the Qs looking for Tracey. Tracey is in NYC for the day they all say.
TJ is still trying to figure out who Mason is. Talks to Porta at GH that there's something 'about that man'.
Lucy is yelling and signs the contract using Yuri's back. She throws the paper at Brook and leaves.
Michael leaves without telling Sonny about Nina. Says he'll take care of it himself.