Thursday, October 5, 2023

And... WE'RE BACK!

 Mac finds out Dante signed Cody out of the PCPD... 

Cody rushes in to save Sasha...Dr holds her hostage with the needle. Then, Nurse Janice walks in. Yada yada and Cody rushes in and then Dante comes around the corner with a gun. Stuff happens and Mac arrives and Dr M is arrested. Cody and Sasha hug. 

Sonny tells Gladys he knows exactly what she's done and she's gonna PAY! Sam also tells him that the doctor drugged Sasha and Gladys knew him from the poker game. He lists her sins and says she never even loved Mike. Gladys cries. Sam leaves. Gladys says she has a gambling addiction and she's sick. Sonny's like: NICE TRY. She admits she locked Sasha in 'a hell" to pay off Selina Wu. Sonny calls for Frank. 

Chase saw Finn because he got pepper sprayed and needed his eyes washed out. 

Tracey tells Finn she got reinstated on the GH hospital board. Then Chase comes out and sits on the couch, dabbing his eyes. She think he's crying!!!! She asks if Brook Lyn is ok. He says yes. Then she asks if his FATHER HAS FALLEN AGAIN! DOH~ He says he got pepper spay in his eyes and she's like!! OH!! WELP! BYE! He won't let her go until she explains about his dad. She tells him Greg has ALS just as Finn walks back down the stairs. Chase is pissed he doesn't know. He leaves and collapsess in the hallway and cries. 

Charlotte sees Anna in their house and gets big eyeballs goin'. She runs out to go to the skate park with Jake. Valentin says he has to apologize to Anna. He says he bought the house with Martin's help and she says she's known the entire time. OH! CHARLOTTE snuck back in the house to listen in on their convo!! 

CHARLOTTE FLASHES back to Victor writing her a letter about Anna being horrible and ruining Valentin's life. It's a long letter about family loyalty and protection. He gives her the tarot cards. GOOD LETTER, find it on YouTube. Cassadine goodness. 

Greg leaves a story for Alexis to review but he also left his bucket list. ALEXIS HAS A NEW SATIN BLAZER ON! Greg finds out she read it. He wants to go sky diving with her next. She says no. Then they are shown going to YOGA together and sweating. Um, weird. 

Spencer and Trina are making out on the hotel bed. They say they love each other. They talk about art and stuff. More art talk. They decide to eat dinner in the room. They make love again, keep talking. 


Dr M is booked for murder

Spencer and Trina leave NYC

Sonny sends Gladys to Bridgeport, her old town. She's not to leave or make any trouble or he'll have her take A LAST RIDE! DUN DUN DUN


  1. We lost service for most of the day. Finally got to watch a bad copy of today's ep. Loved that last line from Sonny...Don't touch that luggage. Sasha paid for that. It's not yours...hehe I wish we could have had longer scenes with that storyline and less filler.

    Found the "love scenes" very boring today. All they did was talk. Just filling in time.

    And as soon as Greg showed that bucket list to Alexis I knew they'd pick skate show. lol

    1. That was funny when Alexis used that hotya comment (I forgot the exact comment). I didn't mind the Sprina scenes since they have waited so long their fans deserve it.

  2. Finally The Sasha Torture show is over! Until they can think up a new one. I'd like to see her step in with all of her money and save deception. Some major success would be nice.
    Sonny and Gladys. She won't stay in Bridgeport long. I wouldn't. I've been there. lol
    "Love scenes" are always boring to me. They are way too happy right now. It's actually nice to have someone be happy on GH. Even for a few days.
    Does Anna have a second sister because who the heck is the one we are watching.

    1. "Zazu says, She won't stay in Bridgeport long. I wouldn't. I've been there. lol"


      "Does Anna have a second sister because who the heck is the one we are watching."

      ROFL! I know!! I have no idea who we are watching!

    2. LMAO @ the bridgmont comment. 😂 Well hopefully she's gone for good. I love the idea of Sasha saving Deception with her money. ❤️❤️

  3. OH! There you are Karen!! :) Oh we got the delete button back! YAY! I'll just put my comments here and delete the other one, which I just did. :)

    V.C.'s home:

    Vanna: Anna! V.C. is making a home for you two! Enjoy it!! :) Oh oh hello Charlie! :)

    Vanna and Charlie: Man Charlie is so rude to Anna! ROFL!

    Charlie flashback: WOW! Great scene. It was a long letter and a long scene!!!!! :) That letter is full of lies! BAHAHAHAHA!

    Alexis's office:

    Alexis and Gregory: Oooooo Gregory has a bucket list!!! :) Very nice.

    The hospital:

    Exercise room:

    Gregory and Alexis: BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The look on Alexis's face! Hahahaha. She is a really good friend. :)

    Private room:

    Finchy and Chase: Chase got pepper sprayed?!!?!! By whom? My poor Chase. :(

    The nurses station:

    Finchy and Tracy: Oh I hope they show a scene with them playing their special game! Ooooo Tracy is on the board again! YAY! That means she is sticking around. :)

    Tracy on the phone with Monica: What the?!! Monica is at home?!!?!?!! :O

    Tracy and Chase: Oh boy! Well, I'm glad Chase knows now that his dad has ALS.

    Tracy, Chase, and Finchy: Awwww poor Chase. :( He has every right to be upset. :(

    Chase alone: GAHHHHHHHHHHHH! Made me cry! I want to hug him! :( *BEARHUGS* Chase

    Sasha's home:

    Gladys, Sonny, and Sam: Great scene!!!! The only thing I believe with Gladys, is she did love Mike.

    Gladys and Sonny: Great scene!!! Sonny wins the line of the day.

    Sonny: Stop whining!

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! Sonny go around town and tell people to stop whining! :)

    Gladys, Sonny, and Sonny's bodyguard: Ooooooo! Bravo Sonny! Bravo!!! Throwing her in exile!!! :) Will you do that with Nina when you learn the truth? :)

    Ferncliff: WOW! Great scene!!!! :) I'm glad Janice told Mac the truth! The actor who plays Dr. Underwear, is fantastic. Di and I were talking about how he would be great in a horror movie. He does evil very well with his eyes. :) Yes Cowboy Cody! It's over you are right! :) Now you and Sasha can start being a couple! Or find out your twins!!! :)

    NYC hotel room:

    Sprina: Making the wuv. :) Oh oh Spencer had to say she completes him. UGH! Now I am not interested in them anymore. You don't put that burden on her Spencer! Who the hell wrote that drivel?

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1990* Frisco sings weatherman says.*

    1. Sonny was great yesterday and I haven't written that in a real long time, lol!
      Crazy Doc DOES have evil eyes. He was pretty awesome playing nasty!
      Move over Sonya, I'm hugging Chase next! Boo-hooed right along with him.
      "Drivel". HAHAHAHAH! Yes indeedy, it was drivel. Sprina does nothing for me.
      Seriously, why is Anna acting like this? She needs to get all up in Val's face. And that letter from Uncle Victor was pretty cool. :)

    2. "Julie H says, Sonny was great yesterday"

      Yes he was!!!! :)

      "and I haven't written that in a real long time, lol!"


      "Crazy Doc DOES have evil eyes. He was pretty awesome playing nasty!"

      Yes!!! I hope I see him in something else!

      "Move over Sonya, I'm hugging Chase next! Boo-hooed right along with him."

      :'( Okay, but I'll give you 10 minutes and then it's my turn again!

      "Drivel". HAHAHAHAH! Yes indeedy, it was drivel."


      "Seriously, why is Anna acting like this? She needs to get all up in Val's face."


      "And that letter from Uncle Victor was pretty cool. :)"

      Yeah we need more of Uncle Victor's letters. :)

  4. agree with everyone - Sprina just no longer interesting......maybe it will pick up
    ----the scenes are short and timing is off - Mason kidnapped Ava - WHAT day in GH time? I continuity
    agree with everyone - so for MONTHS we endured the most painful storyline to watch and the ending was anticlimatic - it had no zing ---------------reminds me of teaching English and my students would start a story and then some would think "I'm bored and finish it in 20 minutes' least it's over but we deserved more drama
    ----and and so there was a plan or not? Sasha and Mac knew or not? I want Sonny to visit Montague in jail - he's gonna go after Selina and I actually think Gladys is gone.....
    ---I don't like Tracy anymore - she lies all the time so she coulda lied to Chase but then I know it's gotta be dramatic ---------------hysterical how quickly Gregory and Alexis changed clothes, got to GH and did yoga.
    -----I don't like the Charlotte storyline either (sorry Karen) but ONLY cause it's stupid and outta the blue - she was in boarding school a year ago - Laura TOLD her not to trust Victor as did others and NOW we are supposed to believe she hates Anna and trust Victor?
    -----finally - talking about payoffs - next week when Nina is caught I want crying and begging - I mean I want her falling down and Sonny walkng out the door - I want drama!
    ----(course people already pointed out Nina and Sonny are wearing wedding rings on their video this week promoting Graceland..............HOPE NOT)

    1. "Mufasa says, finally - talking about payoffs - next week when Nina is caught I want crying and begging - I mean I want her falling down and Sonny walkng out the door - I want drama!"

      SO DO I!!!! I want messy soapy drama!!! This better happen!!!!

      "Laura TOLD her not to trust Victor as did others and NOW we are supposed to believe she hates Anna and trust Victor?"

      Well, she has been brainwashed!!! Brainwashed by the tarot cards!!!! :)

    2. They made Anna say her lines in a bitchy tone, one she normally would not use. That would make a young girl act out even more sometimes.

  5. I want her (Neener) kissing his feet. I can't stand her

  6. Bonnie Burroughs is a good character actress. I had forgotten she was on OLTL briefly in the late 80s. Gladys was a much better character when she was first brought on to the show. She was a funny tone deaf grifter. I remember the scenes when she arrived at Jason and Carly's wedding on the arms of one of the Five Family goons who ended up blown to bits. When they glamourized her she wasn't as interesting, but the actress still gave it her all with what ended up being an unlikable character. I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of her.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...