Monday, October 9, 2023

Mixed Nutty


Plane to the wedding: Nina, Sonny then Michael, Willow and Krissy are on there. They are all going to Puerto Rico.  Kristina tells Nina and Willow all about the island; how fabulous it is. Willow says she'll help Nina with the wedding planning when they get there. 

Maxie and Lucy are talking to Scotty about the Deception case. Maxie leaves. Lucy thinks she should take the deal from Tracey for Maxie's sake. Then, Maxie comes back in and Scotty leaves. GEESH. Lucy wants a staff meeting. Scotty is invited back too. Everyone gathers. Lucy shows up in a SUIT..with a BLUE BLAZER. Says thank you to everyone. I GUESS there was a deal on the table to retain 49% of Deception if she gave Tracey 1% of her ELQ stock? I don't know. They really fk'd that up because it was just not done on any kind of a timeline. 

Cyrus meets with the lady warden. I think she's the warden?  Yes, she is. She wants a meeting with no cameras. Warden tells him she's "outta here" . She's going to Texas to oversee all the prisons. Cyrus wonders what will happen to him. She says "you'll get yours". She says he's like a cat and will land on his feet. She's done with him and has no idea who's taking over for her. WEIRD SCENES. Again, not enough follow-through with anything happening. 

Chase is home crying about this dad and Brook walks in. He tells her Greg is dying. She asks of what and he says ALS. Tells her he looked it up online then looked at photos of his healthy Dad and can't believe it. He remembers being in a wheelchair and how hard it was. Brook says she HAS TO GO DO SOMETHING AND LEAVES! ahahaha GEESH

Finn finds Greg in Alexis' office and wants to go to coffee with him.  They go to coffee..nope, they go to the park. He says "Chase knows".  Tells him how he found out via Tracey. Greg is upset. 

Carly comes in to talk to Alexis about Judge Kim. They talk about his ambitions and finding a connection between special interest groups and his rulings. Carly knows about a deep sea fishing trip he took with some guys. I don't care. It's basically Clarence Thomas gift type stuff. 


Greg comes to Chases' door

Scotty, Maxie and Lucy celebrate

Warden tells Cyrus that Drew Cain will be "taken care of for good" soon 


Lois' nails are show looking at her iPad, reading about Brook getting fired. 


  1. hmmm Anyone else think maybe that warden is not going to make it out of the building?

  2. ----Scotty nor Nina or anyone mentions Liesel anymore.....sigh.
    ----this whole warden thing is bizarre - she wanted to be a judge or higher somewhere, not a warden somewhere else (even if over all prisons?) but she had more potential and now she is gone -----------so funny that she says she erased everything related to Cyrus and that they are through
    ------even if I had not read previews, it is SO clear that Nina's about to be exposed - too much happiness abound..she looked gorgeous with pink dress and spray tan
    -----the thing about Judge Kim is weird too = he can't go on a fishing trip with a billionaire? confusing
    ----I thought CYRUS ordered Drew hurt but today his face was in shock when warden said next time he'll be done....
    ----Chase/Josh was great today...
    ----Lucy's plan ????
    -----odd day of short scenes that made no sense.

  3. I forgot yesterday to thank you for a great SS! And every other day too!
    Blazer, blazer.....what's with all the blazers anyway.
    What? Avery couldn't go to the wedding? Or Donna?
    The warden is leaving already? The conversation today was dribble. My guess is there really is no story here. NO mention of what the heck is going on there.

    1. Double-breasted blazers for women are super trendy right now and oversized blazers with shoulder pads are one of the biggest fashion trends of 2023. It beat the Salvation army look they've sported in the past.

    2. "Di says, oversized blazers with shoulder pads are one of the biggest fashion trends of 2023."

      It is?!?!! Wow shoulder pads are back!!! Haha!

    3. Di, shoulder pads are back in style? I remember wearing those back in the 80's. Is big hair next?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. What a confusing show today!

    Airport visiting area:

    Cyrus and Warden Garden: Wait I'm confused! I guess Warden Garden isn't the boss? Then who is? Did we miss a scene? Why is Warden Garden leaving? Is she being blackmailed by judge Kim?

    Alexis's office:

    Gregory and Alexis: Alexis wins the line of the day.

    Alexis: So researching papers, to sky diving. That's quite a LEAP!

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! I love puns. :D Oh hi Finchy!

    Carly and Alexis: Uh. Huh?! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    The park:

    Gregory and Finchy: Okay now that you know that Chase found out about your ALS Gregory, go see him! Stop talking and wasting time!!!

    Brase: Awwwwww Chase!!!! :'( He is breaking my heart. :( He made me cry! My poor Chase!!! You need some Tribbles! :(

    Gregory and Chase: :(

    Sonny's plane:

    Nina, Krissy, and Willow: Wow! This plane ride is so long!!! Zzzzzzzzzz.

    Sonny and Michael: Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Dececption office:

    Lucy, Maxie, Scotty, and the deception workers: SCOTTY! YAY! Lucy why did you change your clothes and put your hair up? ROFL! Wow so many deception workers that we have never seen before! That one lady with the long brown hair who is standing next to Scotty looks like Chrishell Stause! I want to get to know these workers!!! Give all of them a storyline!!! Do some of them have Tribbles? Do they have badger Bob?

    The woman with the long nails: I'm thinking, who the heck is that?!

    "Lois' nails are show looking at her iPad, reading about Brook getting fired."

    OH! I didn't even think it was Lois!!!! OF COURSE!!! :D

    1. And Ned is going to write again but SHE's his muse. hahahahaha

    2. "Di says, And Ned is going to write again but SHE's his muse. hahahahaha"

      Who's his muse? Olivia? Or Lois? :)


    1. The President was to speak at 12 EST, did he?? I'm at work

  7. I swear the way this show treats it's viewers it's like they want to be cancelled. What possible reason is there to show a rerun ?

  8. No repeat for GH here. Speech cut in after 22 minutes and I turned over to the Canadian channel. Sine they showed the beginning and the end of the show on my ABC channel it will probably be available on line for people to stream and that will mean no repeat tomorrow either.

  9. GH posted this on Facebook earlier, not much earlier:
    "Due to imminent breaking news coverage, today’s scheduled episode of #GeneralHospital will instead air tomorrow. #GH"
    IMO in this crazy world "imminent breaking news" can happen at any time. I think GH blew it this time.

  10. Will i get in troubl;e if I post a link?

  11. I didn't get a new GH on Hulu it said "new" for Tues but it was in fact a repeat of yesterday. Oh well. I can't watch til 26 hrs from now anyways cause I close tomorrow. 🙄


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