Monday, October 16, 2023



So it's... MONDAY and gloomy here. SUCH a great combo!! I hope GH perks me up!! 


Sam visits Carly at Kellys and asks her how she is since Sonny and Nina eloped. Carly says "It stinks". Then they talk about Sasha and her doing better and Gladys being banned from PC by Sonny. 

Krissy, Nina and Sonny are eating and talking about Willow et al leaving the island because Michael had work. Meaningless chit chat. 

Michael and Willow go home. Michael looks concerned. Willow is sad they had to leave PR so soon but missed Amelia. I TOTALLY forgot about Amelia LOL!! Michael goes to a meeting. Wiley eats pudding. 

Lucy and Maxie want Blaze to be the new Face of Deception. She says maybe and says she'll have her manager call them. When she leaves, Maxie is like: shouldn't we have warned Sasha about this? Then Maxie gets a text from Felicia and Marty sits down when she leaves. Then he gets a phone call from Michael saying to come to his office NOW. 

Marty meets him in the office and is pissed. Michael says he made a big mistake turning in his mother and Drew to the SEC. He says he can save himself. 

AND SASHA IS MOVING!! Um, ok ?? Cody comes to the door. He's surprised too. She says PC is too painful to live in anymore. She's moving to Austin Texas. They talk about mistakes. Cody tells her his biological father lives in PC and he lied to him and told him he's not his father. Um, OK? He tells her about Leopold Taub and the Ice Princess and money and... yada yada. Maxie comes in...Cody leaves. Maxie is stunned that Sasha is leaving. 

OMG!! GET THIS!! Blaze left the meeting at The Metro and THEN SHE SHOWS UP IN PUERTO RICO in SONNY'S GARDEN!!!!!!!!!! i MEAN wtf!!!!!!1 AHAHAHAHHAA. 


Marty confirms that Nina Reeves told him to call the SEC. Michael records it

Blaze was visiting her grandma at the island and went to light a candle and OMG Krissy was there!

Looks like Sasha IS going to leave? 

This show is driving me insane. That is all. 


  1. ----it's driving me crazy - Blaze there in 5 minutes was I hav a horrible thought that I will get used to this kind of timing/editing and when if it goes back slow, I won't get it!!!!!
    -----I am thinking Sophia IS leaving the show - maybe that is why Cody and Sasha never kissed - truly she has been through so much I don't blame her - never has Sasha been happy.....and Cody telling Sasha about Mac and then Maxie not telling about Blaze must mean she is leaving.
    -----I actually screamed aloud when Michael 'I already know it's her' and then Martin told the truth --------------------but NOW I am wondering if he blackmails Nina like give the Metro back to my mother????? The recording makes me think he's not gonna tell Sonny?
    -----so NO ONE is alerted about Cyrus? not even Alexis/Intruder knows? I guess since Drew is still in the hospital, Cyrus just pops up at GH and Portia, Carly, TJ, etc see him????
    ----So Lucy still doesn't know about Blair/ex wife and that is what started this with Tracy???
    -------no Ava/Lois again today....sigh

    1. You described my reactions fairly well. LOL So, is Blaze out for revenge against Sonny or something? She sure got to the island quickly.

    2. I know - something is up for sure - it's gonna be about Sonny/not Kristina but Kristina wiill get her - can't just say your granny works for Sonny and nothing happen.

  2. Metocourt restaurant:

    Blaze, Lucy, and Maxie: At first I thought Blaze was Audra from Y&R! :) Face of Deception? Huh?! Okayyyyyyyyyy. Anyway SIGMUND!!!! :D Lucy needs to have another duck. Maxie wins the line of the day.

    Maxie: Anyway.

    ROFL! Hey! Sigmund was the best!!!!! :D

    Lucy and Maxie: Uh yeah! You need to tell Sasha about Blaze!!!!

    Mucy: Oh yes! Get that karma to Tracy! Would love to see that! *Evil smile* Awww they can't have a nice hotel room romp because of that phone call. Rats!


    Carly and Sam: They hugged!!!! ROFL! Them hugging is just so strange. Oh yes Nison getting married is just so stinky, but she wuvs Drew! She is devoted to him. Is she going to start to sing? That she is hopelessly devoted to him? :)

    Mildew home:

    Mildew, Ohsaka walnut, and Wiley: Awwwwww Ohsaka walnut is just so adorable! :) Wow why are they all home already? Yes Wiley! Grandma Nina IS double grandma!!!! :D

    Wiley and Willow: Awwwww Wiley just loved the wedding so much!!! Pudding time!!! Yum! I want one!

    Puerto Rico:

    Nison and Krissy: So Krissy stays, but the Mildew family leaves?!!? Uh okay. :)

    Nison: Awwww a nice scene with them. Enjoy it while you can Nina. The truth will come out very soon!!!

    Krissy and Blaze: Yeah at first I was thinking Krissy was daydreaming, then when it isn't, I'm all HUH!? So confused!!! Ohhhhhhhh Blaze's grandmother is there and she likes to visit her. Awwwwww. :) Blaze likes to light a candle okay! Well they ARE cute together. :)

    Back to Port Chuckles:

    Sasha's home:

    Sasha and Cowboy Cody: Uh he looks so different, and they have the same hair color. Twinsies!!!! :D After he saved her, there is no kissing or anything! If this was back in the day, they would have kissed and had sex by now. Soooooo, maybe they ARE twin siblings!! I'm glad he told her his mistake with Mac!!! Is Sasha REALLY moving to Austin Texas?!?!! Huh?! Oh hi Maxie!

    Sasha and Maxie: Maxie just tell her she is being replaced with Blaze! It's fine to tell her since she says she is moving!

    Michael's office:

    Michael and Marty: Yeah at first I was thinking if Michael doesn't know it was Nina and thinks it was Marty, then Michael giving Nina an evil look doesn't make any sense.

    Michael: I already know that she's the one. I just need you to confirm it.

    Oooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! :D

    Marty: Nina Reeves:


    MICHAEL TAPED THE CONVERSATION HAHAHAHHAHAHA! I was clapping. :) Soapy goodness!!!! *Evil smile*

  3. Can someone PLEASE explain this to me? Sonny always speaks about going "to the Island," like it is his island. But then they go to Puerto Rico. Is Puerto Rico supposed to belong to Sonny, or does he have an island in that area?

    1. THANK YOU - it was an island of HIS back in the day that I thought was an island off Puerto Rico and now today it's Puerto Rico but his island? SO confusing.

    2. There are a few private islands off the coast of puerto Rico. I just assume one is his. J

  4. The crazy timing on this show is frustrating. Blaze at a meeting in PC then poof, next scene Puerto Rico.
    After the excruciating Sasha torture saga she is leaving?? IF she does this is one of the most stupid things I've seen on GH, and there are way too many of those to count.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...