Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Eddie and Lois


Aw, Rena Sofer was on GMA3 right before GH!! She loves the show...it's great. LOVE HER. She certainly likes to play Lois.

EDDIE AND LOIS.. OMG, Lois has a TON of flashbacks!! TONS! Then Brook brings in Chase to meet him. Aw, GREAT SCENES. "Your heart led you to Chase" Lois says. Then Eddie says "Did you heart lead you to me"?? Chase wants to hear about their romance so they all sit down while she talks about the early days of Eddie and Lois. Eddie says not to pity him because he doesn't remember and storms out. 

Tracey is waiting for Finn to play backgammon but Greg walks in instead. He says thank you! He's glad she told Chase because he dragged his feet. Life is too short to be angry. They are going to play backgammon together. 

Greg leaves and Eddie comes in to play the organ. Tracey leaves. 

Spin and Dex are on the phone. Dex goes into the basement but Ava is gone. Spinelli is going to track and look at traffic cameras. 

Joss is in the PCPD with Avery and Pilar. They tell Dante to go look for Ava. She then texts him to go to Rt. 21 after Spinelli tells her that's where he is. 

Mason has Ava in a car in the dark..out in the middle of nowhere. She says don't kill her but he says he's waiting for orders. He yells at her about liking Austin and not him. Yada yada. Then Cyrus calls and tells him to take Ava home. Mason decides not to..and grabs Ava out of the backseat.  OH! Dex shows up in his car. Spinelli told him to go to route 21. 

Dex grabs a gun ...Mason shoots, Ava runs..then Dex and Mason are fighting on the ground. Mason has Dex over the cliff. Dante shoots him in the back. 

Carly is visiting Drew. He says he's well enough to go back to the jail. This is SO pointless. UGH. Cyrus walks in. They are stunned he's out on medical reasons. Cyrus says he saved Drew's life. Drew doesn't remember that part. He leaves. Carly's all pissed because Cy is out and Drew has to go back in LOL.


Tomorrow: Mason is in GH..not responsive but in there. 


  1. My thumb was on Snarly and Drews scenes. Could have played the same ones from the last 3 days they were on. I know it's typical of a soap but there is zero chemistry between these 2. Boring.

    Loved the Lois & Eddie flashbacks! They were adorable and one of my favs. They both looked great. I would love watching throw back eppys every Thursday for #TBT. I bet they would get a lot of attention.

    At least we had Spinelli on.

  2. Good show today. Really kept my interest. I won't bother mentioning the 2 or 3 minutes of stuff I didn't like. It just ruins the flow

    Whe Ava was kicking at Mason as he pulled her from the car I was yelling "HEELS, Ava HEELS!" lol And when he and Dex were fighing on the ground I was yelling at her to get the gun. Great scenes. It's been a while since I yelled at the screen in a good way. (I hope Dante's not in trouble for shooting him in the back.

    Time for me to take my blood thirsty self off to a counsellor. lol

    I wonder if Dr. Gaitlin -Holt can remember that stabbing old Mason with a syringe full of insulin could be a perfect crime. lol it's seldom checked for if you're not diabetic and they might think he had a heart attck since he's in such delicate condition. muyhaha

    1. Di, I don't mind that you are blood thirsty. I like that in a person 😊. And Mason does deserve a shot of insulin. My only problem with it is he wouldn't suffer enough.

  3. Rena Sofer looks like she hasn't aged a day - love Lois

  4. I love flashbacks too - you know though Lois had to grow on me back in the day---I didn't like her at first----and then I did....Rena looks so good!!
    ----COMPLETELY forgot when Dante asked Ava what Mason wanted with her that Sonny DOES know why Mason is after her ------------- yeah ------------and SURELY they will pick up Mason's phone and trace the calls????
    -----so either Cyrus kills Mason or has Austin do it and now it is beyond ridiculous if Ava JEROME doesn't light into Austin and demand he tell who is the boss - NO Mason anymore ------ this needs to be wrapping up after Mason dies.....I guess he didn't die so Cyrus/Austin can do it BUT in the real world Austin wouldn't be able to treat his cousin...
    -----I really try but I can't get past Olivia and Carly arrested cause of Mason and we dropped it and I don't know the point of that whole scene.......it coulda been any stranger/didn't have to be Mason
    ------love Dex, Joss and Spinelli working together. Ava will forever be grateful!
    -----I kinda got sad remembering Ava truly has no family but Avery.......

  5. Q mansion:

    Lois and Vampire Eddie Maine: FLASHBACKS!!! YAY!!!! :D I loved them together back then. Lois shirt today! Yikes my eyes!!!

    Brase, Lois, and Vampire Eddie Maine: YES! Lois and the story of Lois and Ned!!! :)

    Brooky: You can sell the story to 20/20.

    ROFL! Brooky would have won the line of the day, but Lois wins it.

    Lois: I tried. They didn't believe me.


    Lois and Brase: Awwww! Nice hug from mama Lois and Chase. :)

    Tracy and Lois: Oh Tracy! Hahahahaha. You did not get Brase back together! :)

    Tracy and Gregory: Great scene!!! :)

    Tracy and Vampire Eddie Maine: Geez Vampire Eddie Maine whining about Lois! ROFL!

    The hospital:

    Cyrus and Pawtucket Holtster: What is happening here? I thought Cyrus was going to tell him I'm your father. Is Cyrus the BOSS?! UGH I'm confused!

    Crew: Zzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Crew and Cyrus: Drew's eyes bugged out when Cyrus told him that he saved his life hahahahahaha. Hysterical! :)

    Kidnapped basement: What the heck did Dex find? A condom wrapper? ROFL!

    Police station:

    Joss, Pilar, and Avery: Huh?! Why is Pilar and Avery there? I'm so confused.

    The cliff:

    Mason Jar and Queen Ava: Mason Jar turned into Telly Savalas again! ROFL! Wait wait with all that drama, Cyrus says take her back home?!!?! HUH?!!?!!

    Mason Jar, Queen Ava, Dex, and Dante: I really wanted Queen Ava to shove Mason Jar over the cliff, but I didn't want him to die. Dante shooting Mason Jar in the back is boring!!!!

    1. Sonya, didn't Cyrus promise not to hurt Ava because Nik didn't want her hurt. I know that Nik doesn't know Cyrus is the boss but Pawtucket Bolster did. Or am I not remembering right?

    2. i thought the opposite. he told Mason to take care of Ava cause she told Sonny and Mason said Nik didn't want Ava hurt nd Cyrus screamed I AM THE BOSS

    3. "Gary says, Sonya, didn't Cyrus promise not to hurt Ava because Nik didn't want her hurt. I know that Nik doesn't know Cyrus is the boss but Pawtucket Bolster did. Or am I not remembering right?"

      I think so? Mason went rogue!!!! :O

  6. Was that the cliff that ended Nelle??

    1. Yes! I noticed the same thing!

    2. It was a terrible fake cliff! Oh well at least something happened

    3. That cliff is getting more action than Spoon Island's parapets!

  7. Who's the boss? Don't care just please revive Ava. And what did Nik's 15 minutes have to do with any of this?
    Rena has not changed. Lois is great. The whole mishmash is fun.

  8. So, some folks on Twitter (or X or whatever) are now calling Dex #TwinkJason and I am here for it. LOL

    1. I think some people need to grow up.

    2. My old butt had to look that up! I am not a fan of Dex, but I do like Joss.

    3. Same as Linda, had to look it up, lol!

    4. "Kevin says, So, some folks on Twitter (or X or whatever) are now calling Dex #TwinkJason"

      I haven't seen that. What the heck is a TwinkJason?

    5. It's a ** slur using a slang word. Take Jason off and look up the word with its slang meaning.

    6. "Di says, It's a ** slur using a slang word. Take Jason off and look up the word with its slang meaning."

      Okay I googled it. Oh geez!

  9. Lois/Rena is a breath of fresh air. Loved the flashbacks, and I really enjoyed her lighting into Eddie Maine. You go girl!
    I surely wish Ava would be the one to end Mason. They've made her soft. This is the woman who shot Connie/Kate for god's sake. I'm with Di, heels Ava HEELS!! I would have stomped his toes off!
    Cyrus/Drew/Carly.....couldn't have cared less. But I'm really enjoying Dex/Joss/Spin. They're like Scooby Gang Part Deux!

  10. I justrealized that Martin will tell Nina that Michael knows.....and still no word if Sophia has left GH

    1. I just read on soaps.com that she is staying. I was afraid Sophia was tired of all the heartache poor Sasha has been through and was leaving.


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