Sunday, October 29, 2023

Sunday Surgery: Sticky Mess


I'm just riffing today. GH was a long week of sogging nothing-ness. Other than the last minute of Friday's show, I was just trying to get through each episode. Michael and Nina's encounter was good for the 2 minutes she fought back and that's about it. 

Also, NO there's NO MAPLE SYRUP coming out of those fake trees in OCTOBER. :eyeroll: And the vampire jokes? Cute. but unless you're going to make Finn a real vampire--shut up. 

I'd say eat some pancakes but I refuse to eat maple syrup any longer. 

OH MY GOD! Trina, you got your blazer!! I'm so glad it's cropped. They seem to have found mine in a Wilson's Leather circa 1983. But..who's counting. 

Hey, Laura...good to see you. Can you help me? You've been gone for months and all I've done is sit behind this desk and talk to Gregory. Oh, some judge too. Also, what is that weird shape behind my head? You say Nikolas is alive? That's my nephew right? I seem to be forgetting. Oh, and love your blazer. You like mine? 

Is that an Owl behind our heads? 

Yes, yes it is. 

Ok. Just checking. You still hate Cyrus? 

Yes, yes I do.

Ok, just checking. 

Oh my god, I really messed up, didn't I? :giggle:

You sure did!! BUT!! Good news, we can use the patient in our experiments so you're off the hook!  Also, where Did you find that cute blazer!!? 

Hi, Horse-Boy... I decided not to leave. I also decided to go shop the Julian Jerome Vintage flannel collection at Goodwill. You like? 

Wait, don't I already have these pictures? 

Oh, you're so funny. 

No, really, they are behind my desk...

Sonny, are you losing it again? 

I mean.. I don't think so.. but ya never know...maybe I'll look for my cowboy hat 

Wait, you're going to do WHAT to my finger??? 

So, I just got back from a search for Nikolas in Europe, you? 

I ...uh... defended a crazed mobster killer in a parole hearing and got him released early. Mac?

I'm still thinking about Cody's blue eyes and the way he reminds me of my youth... 

And DAT is VHY I've been gone for months and months!! A Spa!! How are yous and my bone marrow? I also gots dis nice fall blazers on my trip! Like it? 


I'm just a girl, standing in front of a Cassadine, asking for my own Faberge Egg... 

If you want to study more about Organic Chemistry, I'm just down the hall. I'll be looking out for you. Like a LOT.  A LOT-A LOT.  


Are you sure I can't interest you two in an extended car warranty? 


                                  Um, yous ever'd heard dah song "Miss Lucy has Dah Tug Boat"?? 

--Yuri is now the Q's new butler

--Lucy signs her share of ELQ over to Tracey

--Felicia Fks up at work. Stella fixes it for her

--People find out Scotty was Cyrus' lawyer but not that Austin testified as his doctor

--Mouthy Mason is getting smothered by Austin while TJ looks through the blinds

--Mom and Dad think Trina needs to move home. Sushi anyone? 

--Michael tells Nina he knows, Nina fights back then immediately caves. 

--Tracey says get Sasha back as The Face 

--Sasha's Face decided to stay in Port Charles; at The Metro Court 

--Valentin told Laura about his suspicions regarding Charlotte 

--I think Carly yelled about something

--James ate a giant sundae at Kelly's, wants to have 2 Halloween costumes

--Cyrus tried to go on an apology tour and no one is buying it 

SNEAK PEAK : Sprina's Halloween Get Ups. 

That's it. I was too tired to write it all up. The highlights were: Austin trying to kill Mason and TJ watching, Michael and Nina fight, Mac/Scotty/Kevin conversation and... yeah. That's it. I'm so tired of so many stories just hanging out in the wind. The whole Joss and Adam thing? I don't want to learn about organic chemistry anymore now then I did back in college. I hope to hell Mason is dead. I still wonder where Taggert is...and why Portia's brother disappeared. I could give 2 fks about Drew. I like Lois being back and Tracey being her mean self. Felicia's story? Why? Cyrus can tone down the Bible thumping. WE GET IT --HE FOUND GOD. The Judge Kim thing is tiring. Show is messy in so many ways. The Vermont trip? CRINGE. No one is paying attention to timelines or editing. I honestly want the old writers back if only to organize things. 



  1. "Caleb" is close to her neck for a good bite!!!!!!!!! lol

    1. Also, Karen you are hired to write comedy. Are you sureeeeeeee you don't want to write for GH? Maybe I'd watch again if you did. Seriously.

      Thanks as always for your hard work. I LOVE this SS.

    2. PSS Why do Lois's nails look short in that picture? Hmmmm. I do love the color though

    3. "lindie says, "Caleb" is close to her neck for a good bite!!!!!!!!! lol"

      ROFL! He should!!!!! :)

  2. Hahaha Karen. This was a great SS!!! :) Of course it always is. :)

    "Also, NO there's NO MAPLE SYRUP coming out of those fake trees in OCTOBER. :eyeroll:"

    Yeah I had no idea, but of course I am not the writers, so they should have done some research!

    "And the vampire jokes? Cute. but unless you're going to make Finn a real vampire--shut up. "

    ROFL! Yeah Finchy should be a real vampire!!!!

    "Wait, you're going to do WHAT to my finger???"

    ROFL! YUCK! Oh and the Doc, Mac, and Scotty dialog, hey they are legends and should be left alone!

    "I'm still thinking about Cody's blue eyes and the way he reminds me of my youth..."

    ROFL! Okay that is funny! *Snicker*

    "I'm just a girl, standing in front of a Cassadine, asking for my own Faberge Egg..."


    "Are you sure I can't interest you two in an extended car warranty?"


    "I think Carly yelled about something"


    "SNEAK PEAK : Sprina's Halloween Get Ups."

    CUTE!!!!! :)

    "I honestly want the old writers back if only to organize things."

    Yeah I want the old writers back too!!! Yes to organize things, and for better dialog! Oh Trina you complete me. *Gag*

  3. Karen, LOVED today's blog - laughed out loud. Thank you! It was much needed. xxoo

    1. Glad you liked it!! I just didn't have it in me to recap LOL

  4. Karen...whatever you had this morning...I want some. Not only a great SS, one of THE very best. Spitting coffee best. Thank you!
    Maybe when "Fliz" has the zex his fangs emerge to bite again. It would be the only way it would be watchable.
    This is probably a jinx but there is one story that has been quiet for a thankfully long time which features TJ's life partner. Could it have been dropped? If only.

    1. Spoilers say Molly and kristina are going to be at odds again this week. oh goody goody can hardly wait.....*gag*

  5. I meant to also mention your ongoing blazer critiques! Love it.
    One more thing...what ever happened to a Jackie Zeman tribute? Writers strike maybe? Still too long in coming.

    1. I think the writer's strike and also so close to Sonya Eddy's.. they might keep "Bobbie" alive for awhile longer

  6. I've never watched The Bachelor, but I am loving The Golden Bachelor and it hit me this week- Drew IS the young Gerry: never gets mad, always nice, etc......
    ------love your recap------most episoes I think "oh here we go" and then BAM I am disappointed again! Nina/Michael conv is the epitome of that.........sigh..just beyond reason that Michael NOW wants to protect SONNY?
    ------hopefully Molly is not onscreen awhile but I feel when the surrogate returns, she is gonna take the money and run
    -----My wishes: I want Ava and Anna to be what their characters are supposed to be and not whiny women --------- I want Sonny to find out about Nina and what Michael did so we can have fireworks with all characters ------------I want Mason dead......and I want the writers to acknowledge Monica and Audra have moved from PC!!
    ---I feel Becky H and Michael are also not feeling their relationship......gotta be hard for them.

    1. If the Nina reveal is going to fizzle, then I would be fine with her hearing Carly and Joss talking (again) in public (again) about Michael's Dexception of Sonny and running to tell on Mikey before he can tell Sonny on her.

  7. I think I like when Karen is frustrated with the show because today's entry is DA BOMB! Better than what's on our screens, for sure.

    I *don't* want the old writers back. I want a whole new slate of writers, stat. This show needs a refresh desperately.

  8. You made me laugh out loud with Sasha and the Julian Jerome Collection. Liz's face with the "you're going to do what with my finger" ... LOLOLOL

  9. Loved the SS Karen! Didn't have much patience with the show last week but loved the finale!! And Lois is a joy!!


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...