Friday, October 20, 2023

Bodyguard Ahoy


Esme and Kevin bring ACE To GH where Spencer just happens to be hanging out. He's like why didn't you tell me?? I got a text from the doctor about this appointment and you didn't tell me. Esme says it was a cancellation...and Kevin took them there. Esme says she's taking Ace in to the doctor's alone. Spencer asks Kevin what's happening and he says: Esme is exerting her parental rights which you do not have. BOOM! 

Charlotte is home early, she sees Laura and hugs her. Valentin says he has to go and leaves them to talk. Charlotte is glad Laura's home. 

Anna's still at The Metro, asks her handsome bodyguard if he saw anything suspicious. HE says nope. Then Valentin comes in and DOESN'T TELL HER ABOUT Charlotte. Tells her to stay with Friends for now. Not at this house tho. 

Judge Kim is questioned by ALexis and Greg and lies about knowing that investment banker guy. He's angry he was ambushed. Alexis says if he commutes Drew's sentence they won't print any of that info. He says she's blackmailing him and belongs in jail. He leaves. 

Liz goes in to check on Drew. He's afraid he's doing well and will have to leave for prison again. They talk about Cam and Aidan. Aidan has a cupcake business online. Drew is going to ask Carly to sell them at Kelly's. 

Diane and Robert are at the yoga studio. Not much going on there. Banter. 

Dante and Cody are drinking coffee at the coffee corner. Dante has to put in for paid leave for shooting Mason. Cody is talking about Sasha leaving. He says that he made it about him telling her that Mac is his bio-dad, not being sad she was leaving. 

NOTE: WE HAD A NEWS INTERRUPTION ABOUT the release of American hostages. I AM going to WATCH THE FULL SHOW in the MORNING ON HULU. 


  1. ----Laura's conversation with Charlotte about HER teenage years was excellent but we knew Charlotte wouldn't tell.....yet..
    ------love Diane and Robert
    ------I thought Alexis was stupid but it looks like it worked!!!
    -----I am beyond disappointed in the way Valentin is behaving - we all LOVED Vanna and now they are destorying them - all he had to do was tell Anna about Charlotte and they work together--------------but nope, Valentin is stupid and Anna has become a shell of a agent who just sits and has pity parties...
    ------my ah-ha moment would be for a DNA test where Nicholas is NOT the father and Spence is NOT a brother - I wish Kevin would acknowledge his great-nephew.......
    ------I think Laura is the only character that every other character loves......right?????
    ------Sasha in prevews so I guess Sophia is not leaving???? I don't want Cody and Sasha to be siblings - I want them as a couple.....

    1. "mufasa says, I thought Alexis was stupid but it looks like it worked!!!"

      Her lawyering worked! YAY! :D She needs to go back to being a lawyer ASAP!

    2. mufasa, I read somewhere that Sophia isn't leaving. I was afraid she got tired of all of Sasha's heartache and leave but she is staying put.

  2. V.C.'s home:

    V.C. and Charlie: He picked her up early after school? Why?! Ohhhh Grandma Laura!!! :D

    Laura and Charlie: Great scene!!! Yes being a teenager is very difficult. I hated being a teenager. I'm glad Laura is there for Charlie. Awwwwwww. :) You can be honest with her grandmother Charlie! You are safe with her!

    The hospital:

    Liz and Drew: Great scene! Love the update on Aidan!!! Cooking school! Paying for his own way to college. Has his own business selling cupcakes!!! YAY!!!! :D Does he have a girlfriend? Or boyfriend? Does he have his own Tribbles?

    Vampira, Ace, Spencer and Doc: Oh give it a rest Spencer! YOU! ARE! NOT! HIS! FATHER!

    Doc and Spencer: Listen to him Spencer! He is right!!! GAH!

    Hospital exercise room:

    Robert and Diane: Great scene. Robert wins the line of the day.

    Robert: Ha! Tis killer miller!

    ROFL! Love the banter between them, and love that she wants to wipe the slate clean!!! :) Love her conditions and warnings! :) *Team Riane!!! :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Anna and Bodyguard: She looks like she is on the verge of tears! UGH! It's like she is a wallflower!!! UGH!

    Vanna: Stop it Anna just stop it! Robert was just telling Diane that he is a spy and accepts the challenge. You are freakin Anna freakin Devane! Be like Robert!!! Be the strong spy you once was!

    Alexis's office:

    Alexis, Gregory, and the judge: Zzzzzzzzz.

    Alexis and Gregory:

    Alexis: I had to go for the jugular. I had to grand stand and you know why I did that? Because that's what lawyers do. I'm a lawyer! Or I want to be one!

    Yeah!!! That got my attention! That's who you are Alexis! A LAWYER!!!! :) Time to be a lawyer again!

    Central Perk coffee place:

    Dante and Cowboy Cody: Oh just stop it Cowboy Cody and tell Mac the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    *Jumps into my time machine to go to July 6th 2007* Sonny and Sam at his house. He confronts her about lying and watching Jake get kidnapped.

  3. Spencer is acting like the a-hole he always was, even when he looked a lot different. But we love him anyway.
    Can no longer watch Boohoo Devane and her 'pitiful faced' soon to be ex-lover. Two characters ruined. The list is growing.
    Laura was so good with Charlotte.

  4. Just putting this out there, does it seem like they are going to put Anna and Sonny together and Nina with Valentin? Spencer needs a life. What 21 year old hangs out and doesn't go to school, have a job, etc? It seems like GH often forgets all the connected family members. Dante and Sam are both Leo's siblings. Sam and Avery are cousins. Nina is Willow's mom and Michael's stepmom and mother in law, as is Sonny with Nina. There is so much overlap. And Maxie keeps mentioning that Georgie and James have their own rooms. Where is Bailey? Is she sleeping in the kitchen?

    1. "Jenny60 says, Where is Bailey? Is she sleeping in the kitchen?"

      BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Good one. :) She probably has her own room too. :)

  5. It seems to me that Friday's episode of "GH" wasn't meant to be a Friday episode given the absence of cliffhangers. That said, it was good.

    I loved Laura's chat with Charlotte. Extremely well done. I also liked Esme and Kevin telling off Spencer, the interaction between Diane and Robert, and even the scenes between Gregory and Alexis. It looks like they may be setting it up for Alexis to somehow regain her law license.

    So, I am not a fan of Cameron Mathison's portrayal of Drew. However, if the producers are going to keep him around, I say pair him with Elizabeth. I thought the pair had some chemistry on Friday's show and it would make sense given their history. Maybe it can happen when Carly inevitably makes her way back to Sonny.

  6. I like Robert and Diane. She is laying down the law with him.

    Bring back VAnna please. This is SO stupid. Why ruin a good thing? Helloooooo


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...