Monday, October 30, 2023

Snap your head day


Laura goes to The Gallery to tell Ava that Nikolas is alive. Ava doesn't believe it. Laura offers proof. Ava is stunned. Laura apologizes for Nikolas for how he treated her. Laura leaves. 

TJ and Austin at the bar in Charlie's. TJ wants to talk about Mason. Oh, he stopped Austin from killing him with the pillow. NOTHING BURGER. TJ tells Austin what Mason did to him (kidnapping)...then leaves. Ava calls and tells him to get to her GALLERY NOW! 

Austin goes to the Gallery. He's tipsy. Ava says "I know Nikolas is very much alive"/ Austin plays dumb: Oh that's great! Ava wants to know if he knew about it. 

Tracey wants to talk to Brook about her future but Brook has to go sign someone for her label (Blaze). Tracey tells her 'WE WILL TALK later about Deception". Brook leaves. Ned tells Tracey to leave her alone. Then Olivia walks in... Tracey wants O to commit him to a psyche ward and get shock treatments LOL Olivia says she'll accept Eddie just the way he is. Tracey doesn't like that answer. Leaves. Eddie thanks Olivia. She says she still misses her husband. Walks out. 

Blaze walks into Charlie's, sees Krissy. All smiles. She's there to meet with Book about her contract. Says Lucy is calling her all the time about being "the FACE". Then Sasha walks in. They talk, then Blaze has to go do 'something'. Sasha is with Sam. Then Cody and Dante walk in. They all get a table. They talk about a DIY project that Sam and Dante are doing. 

Blaze goes to see Lucy and it's in a NEW SET "Cafe Cherie"?? And tells her she doesn't want to be the face and they should keep Sasha as The Face. Then Laura goes into the Cafe and sees Martin. They talk about Cyrus getting out. 

Brook and Blaze meet at Charlie's finally. Today is like a ping pong day. Brook gives her the contract to go over. 

Lois goes to visit Sonny at his office. She tells him why she came to PC. And then asks about the wedding and how Carly's taking it. They talk about Bensonhurst. Then about Eddie. Then about Sonny's grandkids. 

Liz and Finn--giant love scene. Nope. NO thank you. 

Lucy goes to confront Tracey at the Qs. 

TJ goes to see Mason and says he didn't let Austin kill him because he wants him to spend the rest of his life in jail. 


  1. ---I just do not want the foursome DIYing to turn into Fred, Ethel, Lucy and Ricky.
    ---I wanted Ava to kiss Austin on the cheek and say, "Of course I believe you my dear" and then do everything to destroy Austin - THAT is what AVA JEROME would do......I still think Mason is gonna be killed but maybe he tells Ava the truth.........
    -----Maura West is perfection
    -----whatever - goodbye Austin - I don't see that he can stay in PC now.....
    -----SO Finn and LIz are a couple and the only logical reason is that maybe Hayden is coming back? We don't need them as a couple....
    -------LOVE Lois and Sonny -
    -----Did I miss this new cafe? Help me with its location, etc
    ------I wonder what favor Cyrus will do for Trina? Cause he must have said it for a reason i.e. Curtis can walk again?

    1. "Mufasa says SO Finn and LIz are a couple and the only logical reason is that maybe Hayden is coming back?"

      Yes please!!!!!

      "We don't need them as a couple...."

      No we don't!

    2. Why not Fred, Ethel, Lucy and Ricky? I happened to binge watch I Love Lucy this weekend and was still amazed at how good that comedy was. Their timing was impeccable. GH should be so good.

    3. I Love Lucy is one of my favs - I can quote most every episode - but I don't wanna see those four with or two episodes is fine but I feel like the writers don't know what to do with them!

    4. Or with anything else right now! lol

  2. Charlie's pub and restaurant: Where is Phyllis?!!!

    Blaze and Krissy: When is one of them going to ask the other out?

    Sante, Cowboy Cody, and Sasha: Double date?

    Pawtucket Holtster and TJ: You can't just leave a person hanging writers!!! And the flashback was so stupid!!!


    Blaze and Lucy: Blaze don't need to be the face of deception. She can work with Brooky!!!

    Mucy: Yeah!!! Lucy isn't going to just let things go! FIGHT LUCY FIGHT YEAHHHHH! That's my Lucy!

    Laura and Marty: I wonder if Cyrus's ears are burning since Laura and Marty are talking about him. :)

    The hospital:

    TJ and Mason Jar: YEAHHHHHHHHH! Great scene! GO TJ GO! :D

    Sonny's fake restaurant:

    Sonny and Lois: I love the scene! So glad Lois is back! I hope she stays!!!!!!

    Q home:

    Vampire Eddie Maine, Tracy, and Olivia: Tracy no! No shock treatments! That's not going to help anything! He might think he is someone else. Maybe he will think he is Elvis! :)

    Ava's art gallery:

    Laura and Ava: Oh oh! Yes Ava! Nik is ALIVE!!!! DUN DUN DUNNN! Tell Laura that you thought you killed him!

    Ava and Pawtucket Holtster: Oh oh queen Ava!! RUN PAWTUCKET HOLTSTER! RUN!!!!


    Liz on the phone: Oh with Gram! I think the boys are babysitting Gram! :)

    Fiz: Oooooo Cam has got a new girlfriend in college! YAY! Lemme guess. Emma? :) Love Liz's blue sweater. ME really knows how to do a love scene. I imagined Finchy and I going at it. :) *Sigh*


    Sprina and Cyrus: HUH?!?!!?!?!?!?!?! WHAT THE??!!?! Is this a dream?!

  3. Becky is much more the romantic kisser and Michael is all I'm going to eat your face kisser. Don't get me wrong, I would mind him kissing me just not on tv. I would also need some face wash after.

    1. Sorry but it looked like kissy face was eating Liz's face today. It looked gross.

  4. Ava looked gorgeous today!
    If they are going to do a Friday show they should follow it up with something. Not a feeble explanation.

  5. I enjoyed the show today. I think Ava is going to rain down holy hell on Austin before forgiving him. He will then be her lap dog.

    The Laura/Ava scenes and the Lois/Sonny scenes were great. So *not* interested in Liz and Finn. Put Liz with Drew and put Finn with Hayden.

    Y'know, event though they have altered the sets over the years, the penthouses of Sonny/Nina and Sam/Dante are supposed to be across the hall from each other. Have Sam and Dante move instead of renovating.

    1. I was disappointed with Roger's acting today. It just seemed so "off'

    2. The weird thing here is that you can't "Buy" them usually, they are rentals. (unlike NYC or other cities). I was thinking HOW ARE they going to be able to do that LOL


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...