Sunday, October 8, 2023

Sunday Surgery: PHEW!


I'm back!! Came into GH blind....didn't watch any of what I'd missed and got treated to a 3-day week!! Even caught the conclusion of a whole arc...can't do much better than that!! 
Hope you baseball fans got your fix. I had 2 days to get things done other than blog. 

Let's see how GH faired while I was away and this week...
Grab that Costa Coffee --yes, a nod to England AND The Bills London game today. I missed it by a week darn it! 

END OF AN ARC OF THE WEEK:  So stepping into this story wasn't that bad.  I'm glad I came in when I did! Seems there was a set up for ol Dr. M but then Gladys put Sasha back in Ferncliff. Cody comes to the rescue and together, they get her free. Dante was in on it--and Mac Daddy gave it the thumbs up when it was over. I'm still getting Sibling Vibes from Cody and Sasha...they are so Leia/Luke. 

END OF THE GLADYS OF THE WEEK: First Sam then Sonny go in on Gladys and she's sent out of town without her suitcases. While I was glad the story was over, it's too bad they painted Gladys into such an unnecessary corner. She's a good "fringe" character and could have been on now and again. She's Sonny's pain in the ass relative, a tie to a family for Sasha and she likes to gamble. BUT!! She's off now to Bridgeport and so much for Sonny being all mean and lean. He was basically like: Get outta my sight. 

SPRINA OF THE WEEK: Ok, I stole this from @r0bwatson on Twitter because it is just perfect. I didn't see the beginning of their trip but I caught the end. I hope it was worth the slow-burn to those Sprina fans!! It was done really well and I love the NYC backdrop. I guess Tabi is wearing bright colors now??! Here's hoping Esme fades into oblivion with Ace when they get home. They need some turmoil yes, but Esme? NOPE. 

CASSADINE LORE OF THE WEEK: Damn, draw me right BACK INTO IT!! Yes, I loved troubled Charlotte who brought the snake to a birthday party. I really couldn't stand her being all nice. Having an angsty teen is great. Throw tarot cards and some Cassadine loyalty stuff in there and SWOON. I'm finding it fascinating she's hanging with Jake who was once programmed by Helena! Squee!! Oh, she needs a cat. Then she can talk to it and we can hear ALL the stuff. 

SURPRISE OF THE WEEK:  So we have a whole Charlotte thing going now!! Anna's found Valentin's new house and... he seems shocked she's there. Hon, she's a SPY, you don't think she can track you down? I'm thinking this whole thing is weird and I'm chalking it up to the fi-core writers. It just seems "off". Valentin not telling Anna? Anna's lines are stilted and she's not acting herself at all. Cue: NINA who Charlotte LOVES and wants in her Dad's life. I have a feeling this is where it's all headed. Especially when Nina's secret comes out. Then again, the old writers will be back --sooo?? hmmmm.

BACKDOWN OF THE WEEK: I thought it was hilarious how Valentin promised Marty to tell NO ONE about Charlotte and in the next scene he calls Laura for help. I also found it hysterical that Laura spent like 3 scenes trying to convince Kevin to go find Nikolas with her because of his needs and was like: WELP!! NOPE!! Which is fine with me because Nikolas is a grown-ass man. 

BLOOP OF THE WEEK: For once, Tracey wasn't trying to cause trouble, she was just trying to be compassionate. Since Stupid Greg took an age to NOT tell Chase, everything was blown to hell when he found out. His collapse on the stairs was good...but then GH in it's editing wisdom decided NOT TO FOLLOW that up and put Greg/Alexis in some boring office scene again.


BIZARRE EDIT OF THE WEEK: Oh, if you saw the beginning of the show on Friday you know EXACTLY what I mean here. It was supposed to be a mini-montage of Sonny going around town asking people for favors and talking about his wedding. It was done so WEIRDLY that I felt like I was on mushrooms LOL.   I couldn't find the clip on YouTube, I hope this link works to Twitter. 

BLAZER OF THE WEEK: So, Alexis has a new burnt-orange satin blazer for fall! How many more autumn blazers will pop up! Start counting! 


Dr M is sent to jail and Sasha is rescued from Ferncliff

Sonny sends Gladys to Bridgeport FOREVER! 

Chase learns of his fathers ALS through Tracey

Greg has a bucket list. First up: Yoga and Alexis tags along

Charlotte flashes back to a letter she received from Victor about Cassadine loyalty

Anna finds Valentin's new house

Valentin consults Martin about Charlotte's behavior

Laura is on her way back to Port Charles

Charlotte wants Nina back in their lives 

Alexis is investigating the Judge in the Drew case 

Sprina make love many times before saying goodbye to NYC 

Blaze visits Krissy at Charlies 


Krissy is going to the wedding; Dante is not 

Michael and Willow are unsure about attending

Carly agrees to let Donna go to the Island, asks about Avery

Wants Anna to be careful 

and.. pressures Alexis to use her paper to get Drew's sentence converted 

SPOILER/WANT/CAN'T WAIT FOR THIS OF THE YEAR: Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!  I just can't wait to see Amanda and Rena act together!!!  She's back on TUESDAY! watch her first scene on TV LINE! 

THOUGHTS:  Well, I'm glad the Sasha thing is over. I missed Mason taking Ava and it just goes to show that on soaps, you might not know about things until WAY after they are over. There was not a mention of this in 3 days. Sonny did say he tried to call Ava and Carly said that he should get Avery so the girls can go to the wedding together. (Where is she anyway? I thought she was at Carly's?). I also missed Harmony coming as a ghostie to Willow. I'm fine with that!! Didn't see Portia/Curtis or Marshall this week, something else I'm ok with at the moment. Sprina is finally sealed and delivered. It will be interesting to see where this goes. And..what happened to Esme talking to Carly about a room over Kelly's? Was that followed up?? 

I also missed the ENTIRE Drew beat-up and hospitalization! Again... I'm just dandy lol. Sorry I missed Cyrus scenes tho!

Chris and Dan and the regular crew will be back in awhile. 5-6 weeks ?? They are back now but the scripts might take that long, I'm not sure. I personally am glad because while things got cleaned up here and there, I still feel a lot of GH is untethered. That's my opinion!! 

Hope you have a great Sunday. Go Bills. 


  1. I don't mind Charlotte being evil but we need a better reason than we have now - over a year has passed and we have never seen the letter or cards nor has any indication of her hatred shown up - and she knew how evil Victor was SO until there are better reasons, I am not liking it as much.
    -----YEAH LOIS - after 26 years - is Amanda Setton EVEN 26????????????
    ----to repeat, rinse, repeat - the writing is better but the timing/editing is horrible----I kinda don't want the old writers back!
    ----I SO am looking forward to Nina being exposed but I need a big pay-off of Sonny's anger (like Brenda Barrett drama)
    ----Laura back - and so what will Esme do now with Sprina totally committed?
    ----forgot to mention that Tracy was on the phone once again with Monica.....sigh...
    ----still waiting on legal things to happen so Sasha can get her money back - I guess Gladys didn't break the law using Sasha's money???
    -----gearing up for November sweeps which I guess is gonna be Ava, Cyrus, Mason, etc. etc????

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. mufasa, I would love for Sonny to make Selina to reimburse Sasha for Gladys' gambling losses.

    3. The writing is better and I definitely wish Chris and Dan would stay away.

  2. Still not sure about the Charlotte story. A good soapy "bad seed" would be fun if done right. I too liked bad Charlotte.
    Amanda Setton is 37.
    I hope that Gladys is not gone for good, or bad. I really do like the actress.
    Let's not forget about Ace's paternity. It's bound to come up someday. That would do it.
    Why did they even bring Mr. Snarly(Nik) back at all?
    Big sale on blazers! Yikes.

  3. gosh where is everyone this weekend?

    1. Long weekend. Maybe they went away or are at family gatherings.

  4. Oh the previews look good. I hope they don't drag it out because it looks like Nina is outed this week.

  5. I am guessing Nina won't be busted until November sweeps at least (maybe even Feb!!!)


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...