Monday, October 2, 2023

And.. Just Like That...


I'm back! Jumping right into the show "blind"...didn't watch any back episodes. Too many to go through. I think I got the idea of what happened from Twitter. It will be fun to wonder what's up after 8 days off the show. That's all it was because of the weekends LOL 

Laura wants to keep searching for Nik. Kevin is like: Um, he wants to stay gone! Laura thinks she can offer Nikolas redemption. He keeps arguing and she's like: NOPE I'm still going to look. They talk more about Nikolas and her abandoning him and yada yada. Kevin supports Laura and decides to go to London to look for Nikolas. THEN Valentin calls her to say Charlotte's in trouble. WHY?????? Marty JUST SAID NOT TO TELL ANYONE

Anna thanks Sonny for giving her extra protection. She meets with Jordan for lunch. Jordan asks about the guard and Anna says it's thanks to Sonny. Jordan is like: Um, you're WSB why you need that. Anna says that her life is being dismantled and she is losing her mind. 

Valentin invites Marty to talk about Charlotte. That's the new house? VERY Gray. What are those things hanging from HOOKS? Um... ??? Valentin tells Marty about the hotel room. Marty says courts would probably just think it was a cry for help with her mom in a coma and all. Then Valentin asks "well, what if she set Anna's house on fire"? LOL Marty is like SHE'S A TEEN how could she know how to do such a professional job? Valentin: THE INTERNET !! ahahha. Martin says he'll defend Charlotte on the arson charge if it comes to that. He also tells him not to tell Anna or anyone what's going on. 

Sasha has a plan while in Ferncliff. She dreams that Dr. Mean is there but she wakes up.  The nurse tries to get her to take some meds. She says no. 

Dr. M tells Nurse Janice it's his last day at Ferncliff.  Then he sneaks ack in later. He goes into Sasha's room with a needle. 

Gladys is preparing to flee the country and Sam breaks into her apartment. Gladys is like: WHAT THE HELLO? Sam says, Call the POLICE, let's talk about where you're going! They talk some more and Gladys goes to throw her out of the apartment and opens the door. Sonny is standing there. He walks in; Where you goin"??  She accuses Sam of having an affair with Cody Bell LOL... that's why Sam is against her. Sonny just stares LOL

Sonny says he knows Gladys stole Sasha's money to pay off Selina Wu

Dr M is going to inject Sasha and someone walks into the room

Anna walks into Valentin's house "So this is where you've been hiding"...

BASED ON Previews: I think Tracey tells Chase about Gregory. 

NO GH TOMORROW-or Wed  due to stupid Baseball. Sorry baseball fans but, it's the middle of the damn day on weekdays .. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 


  1. ----Karen is home!!!! WOOHOO!
    ----Laura doesn't deserve to be mayor - she left Mid-July --- lots happening in PC -----she needs to get home and stop trying to find her grown son who is a jerk..
    -----I really want new nurse that we have NEVER seen to work for Sonny
    -----still angry that Dante, Sam, Mac, Cody weren't in on a better plan - STUPID
    ------I love me some Sonny - his calmness and demeanor is the best!
    ------I'm rethinking Charlotte burning the house - it's a little too obvious that Valentin assumes she did - I'm back as Nina/Val team..
    -----yes Tracy gonna open her big mouth to Chase- and previews show Sonny asking Michael for a favor which must be Michael and Willow flying to the island for the wedding and after Michael said last week he was close to finding out who turned in Drew and Carly it MUST be revealed at the wedding which SOD says is next week.
    -----good show again today except we gotta wrap up Sasha/Gladys/Doc storyline

  2. I will always love Sonny. Nothing to do with it was my dad's name.
    Anna doesn't have much dialogue to remember because she has the same darn conversation with everyone. SO tired of her.
    The end seemed like a Friday show. Here's....????

    1. yep - Anna drinks tea or coffee and just laments word-for-word....I want her to be a tough ex-agent!

  3. Loved the ending today and the previews for...whenever. Sports is no longer scheduled in GH time for the next 3 days on my tv guide.. It's scheduled for an hour later. But given the fact that life comes to a screeching halt when sports is on in your country, I'm thinking they'll probably put a pre game discussion.on.
    Any guess as to who walks in on Sasha and the psycho tomorrow? Drew maybe? or that nurse.

    1. Rangers-Rays Game 1 FAQ (Tues., 3 ET, ABC)

    2. I want it to be the new nurse that Sonny placed (In my dreams) but it's either she interrupts or Janet interrupts and realizes her crush doctor is bad - it's not gonna be Cody or Dante I don't think...

    3. I'm praying it's Dante cause I'm hoping they have this damn doctor tailed and have a plan in motion to get her OUT OF THERE! But it's probably Cody or the nurse.

  4. So we all know...the baseball is scheduled for Tues/Wed/Thurs at 3:00 ET. For whatever reason. Do they expect huge ratings? Crazy.

    1. Guess you missed my post or does it have to be verified by someone who's reliable.

    2. Guess I missed it. Thank you.

  5. Switzerland hotel room:

    Kevlar: Oh come on Laura listen to Doc!!! He is right! Nik is a grown man and can make his own decisions. Stop blaming yourself and feeling guilty. Doc is right when he says there comes a point where you have to stop blaming the parents.

    Port Chuckles:

    Sasha's home:

    Sam and Gladys: Sam you did NOT knock on the door. ROFL! Sam's blue jeans and belt. Did she borrow those jeans and belt from Jessica Simpsons? :)

    Sam, Gladys, and Sonny: Gladys your nose is growing. Sonny doesn't believe a word you are saying. Give it up!

    Central perk:

    Jordan and Anna: YES ANNA! Jordan asked a very good question! Why would you a former WSB agent need a bodyguard for? Yes have been wanting to know that myself!! Anna's explanation was lame!!!!

    V.C.'s new home:

    V.C. and Marty: V.C. just confront Charlie and ask her. Are you afraid she will lie and deny it? Or you just don't want to hear the truth that she DID do it? Or maybe she didn't really do it and it's just angst cus it's a soap opera! ROFL!

    V.C. on the phone with Laura: V.C. wins the line of the day.

    V.C.: I can't get into it over the phone right now for legal reasons.


    V.C. and Anna: What are you going to tell her V.C.?! :0


    Dr. Underwear and nurse Janice: Does nurse Janice have a crush on Dr. Underwear? :) Well he IS handsome.. ;)

    Sasha and nurse: Geez nurse lighten up! Oh and Sasha doesn't need any drugs!!

    Dr. Underwear on the phone with Janice: Oh come on Janice! Can't you tell that he sounds very close? Idiot.

    Sasha and Dr. Underwear: Did Sasha miss hitting him with a chair on accident? Or did she just throw the chair because she is upset? Well the smile on his face when the chair didn't hit him, ROFL! OH MY WHO IS THAT PERSON WHO CAME IN?! The Tribbles? :)

  6. at LEAST GH isn't as stupid as DOOL - so first BEN left and came back as ALEX (same actor/different character) and now GWEN leaves and comes back as Theresa when Jen Lilley said she would stay and reading her story as to how she was told she would be replaced after 2 weeks, she was gracious enough to say she was shocked with the new Theresa and never mentioned it was GWEN -

  7. watched State of Mind with Gregory Harrison---- so I guess Gregory is not misdiagnosed.....he's looking forward to 3-5 years of this quick demising storyline.....hmm....

    1. "mufasa says, watched State of Mind with Gregory Harrison---- so I guess Gregory is not misdiagnosed....."

      Oh crap!!!! :(

      "he's looking forward to 3-5 years of this quick demising storyline.....hmm...."

      What?! He will be suffering for 3 to 5 years?!?!! UGH!

    2. He said the average lifespan of ALS patient is 3-5 years and he is willing to do whatever it takes.

  8. Welcome home, Karen!

    I had to giggle a little bit watching the actress that plays Gladys since she is a couple inches taller than Sonny/Maurice.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...