Thursday, October 19, 2023


I'm going to try this again! I was SO tired yesterday that live Tweeting and Blogging just wasn't working. Lord... I was struggling!! 


Spencer and Trina in the Gallery. Trina is excited that Nikolas is alive. THEN stupid Spencer says he's GLAD his father isn't there because he and Esme and Ace are a UNIT and have a routine and shit. OMG!! WOW.  Then he's like he doesn't need his father, he has me. She reminds him of the conversation they had about Nikolas and he wasn't ALL Bad. Spencer says he changed his mind. Then goes on about how good of a mom Esme is being. Trina goes OFF about Esme drugging her and framing her for the sex video. 'HE'S YOUR BROTHER NOT YOUR SON'!! She says they have to think about their future. He says that Trina makes him happy and so does Ace. Trina is giving him side eye on that. 

Laura goes to see Valentin. He's scared for Charlotte and needs her help. He tells her all about the fire and the hotel room and seeing her on the footage. So much for Marty telling him to shut up. He says it's worse than Laura realizes. He thinks she set the fire. She doesn't believe it. He says Charlotte is disturbed. We should have seen WAY more evidence of her being disturbed, btw. This is just.. um, ok. Laura listens and when Valentin says that Char could be jealous of the time he spent with Anna finding Victor she got jealous. Laura says: AH HA! VICTOR! She realizes he could have influenced her when she was at school for a year. Remembers that he was talking to her once in the Metro and she caught him. Val says that Victor always hated Anna and he could be weaponizing Char against her. GEESH that was fast. 

Anna talks to Jordan at the Metro but doesn't want to be out in the open. She's anxious and paranoid about what's happening. 

Maxie and Felicia are eating breakfast in Fe's new giant-ass'd office. They talk about the new house and grilling hotdogs and yada yada. Then they talk about Deception. Maxie tells her Sasha is moving. 

Alexis and GREG in her office AGAIN talking about the Judge/Drew stuff. OMG it's so.. boring. The Judge arrives to do the interview Alexis wants Greg to stay while she interviews him. 

Finn asks Liz to go away with him for the weekend. She says yes. GRAN WILL WATCH THE BOYS. God, she's like 90

TJ and Portia talk about her being new co-COS. Then he tells her Cyrus Renault got out of jail. She storms to The Metro to ask Jordan why she wasn't at least warned that he was released. Jordan didn't even know. She makes some calls, yells and tells Anna and Portia about Cy's parole hearing. 


Alexis gets Lee in a lie. Says that he does know some investment baker and he was on a plane with him. 

Laura says they have to figure out a way to get Charlotte out of Victor's influence


  1. wow - Portia is just always whiny - I get she's upset but she seems to only have one trembling voice for every conversation.
    ------SO interesting that Jordan doesn't know WHAT she wants to do???? What about the interim commissioner Mac? He was never mentioned.
    ------no way FInola is happy with her character who only drinks tea, coffee, and wine......
    ------Saying 90+ Audra is taking care of kids is just lazy writing - long ago there shoulda been an invisible baby sitter we never saw but knew so-and-so is with the boys.
    ---LOVE LAURA - in 5 minutes she figured out it was VICTOR - make her head of WSB!!!
    ---Alexis and Gregory thing MUST have a bigger agenda down the road - blackmail, violence, etc etc - this wouldn't all be for Drew right? Exposing a judge?
    -----Trina ROCKED today - Spencer doesn't have a purpose or a job....

    1. mufasa, they need to make Laura police commissioner so she can cleanup Port Charles. Of course that would mean putting Sonny in prison but I'm good with that.

  2. Felicia's office looks like Britt's office. Why would she have that????

    1. They are not really called "Patient Advocate" anymore, and she would get a small office with other people or a cubicle.

    2. I just figured that Felicia shared that space with the other Patient Advocates, not that it was hers alone.

  3. Metrocourt restaurant:

    Anna and Jordan: Oh come freakin on! She is Anna freakin Devaine!!! She is a strong woman! Now cut that out scab writers!!

    Anna, Jordan, and Portia: 3 strong women skeered of Cyrus! *Snicker*

    V.C.'s new house:

    Laura and V.C.: YES! Charlie has been weaponized by Victor!!! True, but also brainwashed. Why can't they say brainwashed?

    The hospital:

    Fiz: Oh goodie. Going on a long vacation just to have all the zex. Don't forget the binaca and the protection. I don't want a Fiz baby. By the time their child goes to college, Finchy would be in his 90's *Snicker*

    Maxie and Felicia: Awwww a mother and daughter bonding moment. :)

    Liz on the phone with Gram: Geez yeah Gram is like 90 or 100. Can she still keep up with the boys? Why can't the Tribbles babysit the boys and little V?

    Finchy on the phone with Chase: Chase gonna get his nails done by little V? *Snicker*

    Ava's gallery:


    Alexis's office:

    Gregory and Alexis: I miss you being a lawyer too Alexis!!! Other than that, Zzzzzzz.

    Gregory, Alexis, and the judge: Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    *Jumps into my time machine to go to a hotel* Sonny ends it with Sam to go back to Carly! *Snicker* There are 2 parts to it.

  4. I was saying, "You go girl!"when Trina lit into Spencer." He needs to grow up. He's still living in lala land.

    And I was so happy to see Laura clue in and figure that out so quickly. Nice change of pace after all the conversations in pairs yesterday.

    I hope Maxie talks Sasha into staying.

    I liked the conversation between Alexis and the judge. She corralled him ever so nicely. lol

    hmmmm Finn and Liz in a cabin in the woods. I'm expecting a visit from Cyrus or a Pawtuck brother.That would make it really exciting. Liz's life has been too bland of late.

    Granny is now 93 now. The boys will be looking after her. lol The actress will be 94 next month.

    1. More like the boys "babysitting" Granny.

    2. lindie, babysitting Gram maybe how Liz is selling it to the boys.


    3. "Di says, Granny is now 93 now. The boys will be looking after her. lol"


      "lindie says, More like the boys "babysitting" Granny."

      Hahaha. Yes!

      "Gary says, babysitting Gram maybe how Liz is selling it to the boys."

      I bet that is what she did! ROFL!

  5. Portia seems so uncomfortable with everyone. Never relaxed.
    Trina did say it all. And she looks great in that classic jacket.
    Anna...boohoohoo again.
    Laura is the mayor, police chief and WSB all rolled into one!
    WTH was Jordan wearing? A half sweater? Odd.

    1. 1000 percent on Portia----like she's changed....
      Jordan's outfit was - I have no words

  6. Laura shouldn't be mayor, she should be the Commissioner of police. The only one around who has a clue.

    Also, this Anna is AFRAID to eat in the MetroCourt. She's all scared and has a bodyguard WTF. She's a WSB agent and IS THE BODYGUARD. This is such stupid, stupid character assassination. Who is writing this crap?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I guess it's the next day since people have on different clothes but also I guess Trina doesn't know about Ava--------------I swear I thought Jordan was acting like police commissioner when she told Dante to go home especially since Dante never said "DEPUTY Mayor"
    totally think the scenes yesterday and today were filmed out of sequence. hard to tell with GH about days......LOL

  9. It's silly that "GH" keeps up the pretense that Audrey still lives in Port Charles. They should say she is retired in Arizona or something.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...