Tuesday, October 3, 2023

In Case You Thought..


Who's on Valentin's PHONE? 

GH Was a new one (if you're on EST Time/2pm)... you thought wrong. It was a repeat of Nina telling Valentin she'd always be there for Charlotte and him. (I think they are going there btw). ANY HOO, if you are in another time slot or ZONE you know BASEBALL WAS ON....and it will be on tomorrow too. 

BASEBALL. Hope you enjoy if you watch. Because....... I do not! I did laundry. It does pile up after a trip, no? I had to buy more Tide!! 

So, I guess if some team wins or something we won't have GH Thursday either-- but if they lose, we will. See you then.



  1. few observations:
    ----things that were dropped including whoever Mason met behind GH - Nicholas? Selina?
    I just feel last week when that maintenance man at GH put the out of order sign on the elevator RIGHT beside where Jordan and the warden were talking....that couldn't have been random...Gregory told Tracy about ALS and then we saw nothing....
    -----no coincidence that today's episode was Harmony telling Carly that Nina was Willow's mother and then she died AND especially Valentin and Nina's conversation about Charlotte and loving her and they would both always be there for her ----just see Nina and Valentin coming together soon.
    ----wouldn't Carly realize Ava is missing since she calls or comes by daily to see Avery???? I read that JOSS figures out something is wrong...I just don't understand why Wyndemere wouldn't have cameras......
    -----lots of editing equals one scene and then days after the follow-up scene so the timing is always off for me

  2. We got a repeat too but I knew that was coming. It was 3 Atlantic Time here but that's 2 Eastern...it's usual time. Baseball stated right after. It's never made sense to me. They take off the shows that people who stay at home are watching every day and put on sports that are mainly watched by the male fans who can't watch live because they're working. I mean, do they put up screens at all the offices and work places...I think not. Just plain stupid. And since the game was moved I think they just decided to save the new ones and just show repeats anyway. I guess that was to give the little woman time to get her man's game snacks ready. *rolls eyes*

  3. Baseball....ugh! But my mother is thrilled, lol!
    I wanted to mention that I was surprised and happy about Harmony's little cameo. I liked the actress and it was good to see her.
    Who wants to take a $20 bet that we won't see who walked in on Sasha and nasty needle doc until next week? I agree with mufasa, so many things are dropped and it totally ruins the momentum.

  4. On Valentin's phone...Peter Burns? that was Jack Wagner aka Frisco's name on Melrose Place

  5. Did anybody get the national emergency alert system today? I got it! It was supposed to be at 2:20, but they did it 2 minutes before! :) It was supposed to be loud, but on my phone it was silent! I was disappointed. My mom and brother both got it loud on their phone.

    1. I got it loud and clear, Sonya.

    2. I had a county alert on TV before 2 pm, then phone around 2:15, then TV stuff again but National at 2:18, then another TV alert at 2:38. I had turned the volume down a bit on everything, but I still jumped a couple of times, lol!

    3. "Gary says, I got it loud and clear, Sonya."

      Great! :D

      "Julie H says, I had a county alert on TV before 2 pm, then phone around 2:15, then TV stuff again but National at 2:18, then another TV alert at 2:38. I had turned the volume down a bit on everything, but I still jumped a couple of times, lol!"

      Dang your tv and phone were busy! ROFL!

  6. today's episode was the one following yesterday's (which made sense) but it was again about how much Nina hated Willow and Scott was her lawyer and Nina told Diane if you want war, you got it (LOVE DIANE's calmness)........still think these episodes are reminders of the past with Willow and Nina and then it blows up next week
    ------HAVING SAID that - some people who saw Maurice in July and August commented and one person said when asked How did Sonny feel when he finds out Nina turned in Drew and Carly to the SEC, he replied 'he'll be disappointed'. which made NO sense to me and now that it's mid-October when it's revealed, I don't think they had even filmed those scenes since it's usually 6 weeks out? I think he didn't know

    1. Sonny will be disappointed? Like in throwing barware and yelling "faithless wh*re, you're dead to me?" or "it's ok Nina, I'm disappointed but you were just protecting you're family." Lol! :)

    2. "Julie H says, Sonny will be disappointed? Like in throwing barware and yelling "faithless wh*re, you're dead to me?"

      I hope so!!!!!!! :D

      "or "it's ok Nina, I'm disappointed but you were just protecting you're family." Lol! :)"

      ROFL! I hope not!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.


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