Thursday, October 12, 2023

Puerto Rico


A LOT of Nina/ Sonny wedding stuff and flashbacks. Nixon Falls and their love story. Yada yada but you know what's COMIN!!!!!!! You know what's COMIN!!!!!! boom BOOM. TONS Of flashbacks. Then Donna asks if Nina will be her "Second mother". Nina says yes and Donna is happy because Avery has 2 moms. 

Harmony visits Willow at her bedside "I'm here to protect you". Willow can't hear what she's saying. Wiley wakes her up.  She goes to get ready for the wedding. 

Everyone gets ready for the wedding. Donna is in charge of Nina not seeing Sonny before the ceremony. Kristina and Willow come in to see Nina to giver her something blue, borrowed and all that jazz. A shall, earrings and Willow gives her a turquoise necklace her mother/Harmony gave her. 

Dex tells Joss about Sonny getting married. She's pissed she didn't know and Michael went. AHAHHAA. WHY? WHO KNOWS. She feels left out and alone in her 'grudge" . THEN PILAR comes and asks her if she's seen AVA?????/ WHAT? Um, ok??  I mean.. this writing. PILAR says Ava didn't pick up Avery YESTERDAY at 5pm. YESTERDAY. So, Ava's been gone not even 24 hours?? Even for GH time that's a long one. Then Pilar says Avery can stay with her and 'her mother' longer. They don't want to involve Carly because..she's busy with Drew in the hospital? Um, 'kay. 

Mason has Ava in the basement.  They spar.  Not sure how long she's been down there. 

Austin shows up for Cyrus' court date (which I didn't even KNOW he was having but ok). Austin has to testify that Cyrus is too fragile to hurt anyone on the outside due to age and-- maybe he'll get early parole. Even the warden is there. The one that told him "he's on his own" and she was leaving that second for Texas. I must be totally on drugs today. Scotty tries to say Cyrus is a 'reformed' prisoner and Austin says he's too fragile to hurt anyone on the outside. 


Austin tells Mason to let Ava Go. Mason says he doesn't call the shots

Michael ignores his text about the Drew/Carly SEC thing

Wedding starts. 

TODAY'S SHOW really highlights how the writing is just all over the place. WOW.  It's like the stories are ALL out of order, BIG TIME. 


  1. Harmony said "I am doing what I always do protect you" um, no you didn't. Ridiculous.
    Little Donna is a doll and did a great job today. Not showing Nina saying she would have wanted Ava there is a big miss. Avery had a tummy bug, but still those 2 are tight.

    1. Yeah, that Harmony line was hard to swallow. Hello, you served your daughter up to a cult leader on a silver platter.

  2. ----I like the new writers but my gosh the editing is atrocious!!! Things missed/days missed up - I just didn't do well today...
    -----so I guess the warden is responsible for Cyrus hearing? But it is RIDICULOUS that Martina and sister Mayor weren't told---------that Portia didn't know - and Cyrus still has lotsa of money even though he gave it away? I truly didn't do well......horrible editing and continuity
    ------I had noticed in the previews that Nina and Sonny were together so when Nina told Donna that they couldn't see each other until the wedding, I realized that they DO marry (BOOOOOO!) and Michael finds out afterwards......which I guess IS my soapy that they are married but it makes me mad..................wonder if they signed a pre-nup?
    ------another day no mention of Liesel.....Nina's aunt....
    ------IS Cyrus the boss? I thought he told Mason to get rid of Ava? I thought he kidnapped her so he wouldn't have to kill her??? YET AUSTIN KNEW AVA was kidnapped?????
    -----and yes when we saw Ava, she was alone and she stated Avery was with Carly.....
    scream scream scream.....
    -----I REALLY need drama for the reveal which I guess is next week since we are a day behind........

    1. I forgot about Aunt Liesl she most definitely was not mentioned and should have been!

    2. My hope is that Liesel rushes in just after the wedding starts and creates a pause - and that leaves time for Michael to get the message and stop this wedding madness!! LOL

  3. I so enjoyed yesterday's episode with Lois' return and all the Q drama and the storyline with Gregory/Chase/Finn. But after reading today's recap I won't bother watching. Right now all things about the SEC story I can't stand. They are all going to go medieval on Nina when it was Carly who broke the law and started the whole thing. Carly will come out the poor victim - again.

    1. I agree 100%, although I do not excuse Nina's actions. I know I am in the minority, but I liked the beginning of Sonny & Nina. Maurice was really having fun and his smile lit up the screen. Those flashbacks reminded me... Just my opinion.

    2. "Linda although I do not excuse Nina's actions."

      I don't either.

      "I know I am in the minority, but I liked the beginning of Sonny & Nina."

      Me too!!!! It was fun and soapy!

      "Maurice was really having fun and his smile lit up the screen"

      Yes!!!!! :D

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Yeah today's show was really confusing.

    Joss and Trina's dorm room:

    Jex: Geez they were gonna have zex then poof they don't. How can any young people get all hot and heavy, then stop and talk and talk and talk. Yeah I don't think so.

    Pilar and Jex: Huh?! Why didn't Pilar just go see Carly? Why Joss? Makes no sense. WAIT! Avery is with Pilar's mother?!?!! HUH?! Does Avery know Pilar's mother?!?!!?!

    Jex: HUH?! 12 year old Joss is all sad and feeling left out because Sonny, the person she hates went to elope! Yeahhhhhh no. That makes no sense. Now she wuvs Sonny?! UGH! Make it stop!!!!

    Courtroom: HUH?! Why is the Warden there?!?! She left!!! She was mad at Cyrus!!! Yeah I think this is out of order too!!! Jeff Kober looked so thin in the face.

    Puerto Rico: In the beginning with Krissy, Michael, and Sonny, I thought Krissy was Willow. :) Wait Nina hasn't talked to Ava in days?!?!! DAYS?!?!!?! So Ava has been kidnapped for days?! How many days? Oh oh flashbacks of Nison! That means the truth will blow up soon! Donna is so adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sonny wins the line of the day.

    Sonny: Sweetie. If I just run into her it doesn't count.

    ROFL! Yes it does Sonny! :) Gee I guess isn't allowed to tell Willow the truth! :) Ooooo Krissy got that text from Blaze!!! Nice!! :D Michael and Sonny scene awwwww! #Family. :) Ooooo Michael got that text!!! Michael call!!!! Pretty wedding dress Nina! I just wish it was 2 straps. Sonny saying that Nina makes him whole! UGH! When are we going to get our writers work back?!! It can't be soon enough!

    Kidnapped Basement:

    Ava and Mason Jar: WAIT! Pawtucket Holtster knows Ava is kidnapped?!?!! :0

    *Jumped into my time machine to go to November 7th 2007* Black and white ball. 3 parts to it.

    1. "Di says, Who's"

      ROFL! Now you!!! Stop it! :) You know very well it's Harmony!!! :D

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I'm having whiplash symptoms watching Michael make doe eyes at Sonny, even Chad Duell seems to be having trouble with it.

  8. I got no new GH 😡 my Hulu goes from Mon to wed then shows and upcoming Fri. If I remember correctly Tues was a repeat of Monday? Or was Weds a repeat of Tues? Regardless Hulu has mine f'd up and they show a repeat for Wed but it says NEW! So now I'm off by 2 damn days! 🤦

  9. It was a messy day. Cyrus' hearing? I always felt they would find a way to get him out of prison. But this was out of nowhere. And why is Ava being held?
    I can't remember if Nina has been married and to whom? Anyone?
    Love Willow's dress.

    1. I think Nina's only marriage has been to Silas Clay and that was offscreen before Nina's mother poisoned her and put her in the decades long coma. She had a wedding ceremony with Valentin but left him at the alter for lying that Sasha was her daughter.

    2. Thanks. Yes, Silas offscreen.

  10. I cannot BELIEVE Michael is just gonna find out Martin Grey turned them in and we STILL gotta go through WEEKS of Nina not being exposed......maybe November sweeps? SURELY we can't go through MONTHS of this - I hate hate hate this storyline.

    1. WHAT?! Martin Grey?!!?!? Where did you get that from?! :0

    2. soap hub I think it was - I am JUST NOT HAPPY! and now Michael is gonna try to figure out who told Martin

  11. Last time we saw Taggert he was drowning his sorrows over Trina. Just read that he's not sure of his status on GH or if he even has one. Shame. We all kind of think that story will come back to haunt them.


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