Thursday, October 26, 2023


 You know it's been 6 weeks so I need that hair trim!!! Sorry. Enjoy the Dairy by my house


  1. -----good news: you missed Finn getting a hair cut and Sasha/Cody talk and Portia and Curtis chat and Sonny/Dante yapping and Felicia's mistake (which by the way no hospital would do an MRI just cause the patient said the insurance would cover it)
    ------I'm still not sure why we went through days of Sasha is leaving and then boom she is back....
    -----Willow/Michael/Nina--------I'm wondering if when Drew is released soon, Michael will change his mind and drop blackmailing Nina........and someone else finds out and tells all (like Joss or Dex??) cause it ain't gonna be Michael-too wimpy
    ------I DID find it interesting that Portia and Curtis not knowing which doctor testified for Cyrus - especially since Portia said 'he should lose his license and she IS co chief of staff
    -----nothing changed for me though - still can't stand Nina......
    -----the scream you hear is when Sonny said, "It's our first night back as husband and wife"...HOWWW is that possible? Conversations have happened/people have changed clothes, etc......

    1. The timeline is SO OFF... SO OFF. She already GOT PHOTOS BACK and Framed LOL --Finn and I got a haircut the same day LOL

    2. Me the haircut. lol I couldn't stand it any more. I laughed when it was haircut day.

  2. I actually enjoyed the show. I worry that they ended with a collage of happy couples though. I'm afraid the sky is about to fall.

    1. I thought the same thing!! It felt like the end of a Chirstmas episode!

  3. The hospital:

    Fiz: Between Liz walking around and around and around and Finchy getting a haircut in his office, it's just all UGH! Isn't getting a haircut in a doctor's office so unsanitary? Well, ME looks really good in the haircut. :) They are going to Vermont and she asks him what she should pack. Finchy wins the line of the day.

    Finchy: A toothbrush and a sweater?


    Felicia and Stella: Oh what fresh hell is this?! Felicia screwed up on someone's paperwork and the guy has to pay for his MRI! Felicia needs to be back as a PI!!!!

    Felicia and Jordan: Jordan's sweater looks like it shrunk in the dryer. Jordan is being all positive to Felicia! UGH!

    Felicia, Jordan, and Stella: Oh okay. Stella fixed it! Felicia was going to help the guy by paying herself. Zzzzzzzz.

    Purtis home:

    Purtis: Portia took off her coat, and I'm thinking she should show her boobies to Curtis to help him get revved up, and then maybe he will be ready to make the wuv to her. :) They are talking about the doctor that helped Cyrus out of jail and that he should lose his license. They are going out to dinner and she changed her shirt. Why?! OH! Curtis did a wheelie!!! YEAH! :D

    Cowboy Cody's horse home:

    Cowboy Cody and Trigger: TRIGGER!!!! :D

    Cowboy Cody and Sasha: She is not leaving!!!! She is going to stay at the Metrocourt for a little while. They talk about Mac. Just tell him the truth!!!!

    Nina and Mildew: Oh make it stop!!!! Willow wants to go back to Sonny's island with the kids. Wylie wants to go back so bad. Michael wants Nina to make an excuse why they can't go! STOP IT MICHAEL! Michael wants Nina to give Willow the gift she has for her now instead of later. Willow wants to talk to Nina alone. Michael don't like it but he don't have a choice hahaha!

    Nina and Willow: It was a nice scene. They are bonding. Willow tells her you won't lose me. Uh huh. Just wait. Willow talks about Harmony and the dream.


    Carly and Joss: Joss is working there to help Katrina out! Zzzzzzzz.

    Carly, Joss, and Michael: Joss is talking about the Q signal. Get it? Instead of the bat signal. That he can help Drew.

    Carly, Joss, and Mildew: Mildew drinking the same drink with straws! Like teenagers!!! Michael even takes his french fry and dips it in Joss's drink! Yuck.

    Sonny's office:

    Sonny and Dante: Oh they had a nice scene. Giving his dad a wedding gift! They hug awwwwwwwwwww! :) Badger Bob wants a hug too! :)

    Throwback Thursday:

    *Jumped into my time machine to go to May 12th 2010* Sonny and Carly's pity sex, Sonny and Olivia talking, and more. There are two parts to it.

    1. Oops forgot something.

      Nison: Sonny and Nina all sweet and flowers. Literally flowers. ROFL! Once he finds out, the flowers will be shredded and barware a flyin! :)

  4. That was a weird show. Something too 'melodic'. Not bad, just weird. Writers back maybe.

  5. Elizabeth and Finn have no chemistry. The writers and producers can keep trying ad nauseum, but it ain't gonna work.

    1. I love them separately and I am fine with close friends... but I agree with you.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...