Sunday, October 22, 2023

Sunday Surgery: Snap Out Of It!


Ok, here we are--Sunday Again! I was not really looking forward to this because it was one of those weeks that so much happened, yet so little happened I'm at a loss to writing it up! You know me though, I'll give it my good ol' college try! I also remembered we are still off a few days for interruptions, so Friday wasn't a Friday show. That never helps!! 

I'm not even sure there's enough coffee anywhere for us!! LOL... I don't like Pumpkin Spice --do you? I think I'm the only one around here that doesn't! 

: OH! BTW, SASHA IS MOVING! Yep.. she's all packed up and well.. there you go! First Cody goes to talk to her, then Maxie. She's off to Austin (not that I care) but this certainly was abrupt. Maybe it's to give Sofia some time off ?? She did have her baby then get right back to work. I don't think she's leaving the show so...???? Cody told her Mac is his biological father which was interesting. I'm still not getting Lovey Vibes, so I'm still hoping they are twins. 

LEFT FIELD NUMBER TWO OF THE WEEK:  OMG, in a move noteworthy of any hallucinogenic, we see BLAZE at The Metro discussing being the New Face Of Deception with Lucy and Maxie. In about 2 scenes later SHE'S IN PUERTO RICO in the chapel that Sonny and Nina got married in. WHAT!! I still have to laugh at this nonsense. You couldn't have waited 2 days when Krissy got home? Sonny's supposed to have a private island that now has a HOTEL on it where Blaze's abuela work(ed)? COME ON now!! Dead. Just........DEAD. I'm not feeling Blaze as a viable character yet either but we shall see. 

DUD OF THE WEEK: Michael finds out Monday that Nina was behind the whole "SEC" thing. He gets Marty to cave on that information really quickly by threatening him with his father. The same father Michael wanted to put away for being so dangerous. God, I hate the character of Michael. That's besides the point though because we still haven't seen any movement on this. First the momentum (a lot of people have been waiting a long time for this to happen) and .. nothing. He goes home to Willow and she starts talking about visiting the island as a big happy family. YAWN. YAWN YAWN. This was such a nothing burger. Spoilers say he'll 'make a deal with Nina' to keep quiet. :EYEROLL: 

DUD OF THE WEEK PART TWO: Um.. Curtis can't bring himself to do ANYTHING intimate with Portia.  Hon, your legs don't work but a lot of other things do!! 

Let's see.. Cyrus Renault is your brother and you work with Valentin Cassadine and you cave in 2.2 seconds to milk toast boy. Oh, Marty. I had high hopes for you. 

: OMG. Could this storyline have BEEN more maddening? The kidnapping that was done so poorly and languished for weeks until it picked up again to the lame "conclusion" which really wasn't a conclusion. Dex, Spin and Joss finally track down Ava on Route 21. Mason had been playing big-pants sucker mobster up to that point and was defying Cyrus' orders to let her go. Ava is just yelling in the backseat instead of using her feet to bash his head in. Anyway, Dex is over a cliff (kinda) and Dante shoots Mason 2x in the back. IS IT FINALLY OVER? HELL NO!!! Mason is IN THE HOSPITAL. Really? Good Grief, release me from this misery. 

On a brighter note, Trina finally got to tell Spencer just what she thinks of him playing house with Esme. "He's your brother, not your SON"!! A collective cheer went up on twitter with that line! A plus acting from both Nicholas and Tabi here-- Spencer is getting smug again. Couple that with his big meltdown at GH because Esme didn't tell him about the appointment and you've got yourself a big ol' angsty moment! 

IN A CORNER OF THE WEEK: Poor Anna, she was at The Metro for breakfast and lunch on the same day this week! She doesn't want to go to her room alone and ends up talking to Trey her Sonny-Guard. Valentin comes along and suggests she goes and stays with friends for awhile. Geesh, THANKS VAL!! And although he thinks Charlotte is being controlled by Victor he STILL doesn't tell her about all this. WHY? WHY? To "Protect" Charlotte? Wouldn't she be understanding of Cassadine-Control after all these years? I hate the way this is being written. 

SCENES OF THE WEEK: These were actually OLD scenes! I loved watching miles of Lois/Ned flashbacks! I could have watched them for the whole hour. Such fun back then. GH even popped for a NYC trip to Coney Island. Eddie says he doesn't remember this but I'm hoping it's one step closer. 

THINGS WE FOUND OUT OF THE WEEK: OH! Aidan is continuing to bake and he sells cupcakes online! Drew thinks Carly could sell them at Kelly's! Also, Liz loves his pies SO much so is in heaven,  Cameron isn't on the starting soccer team at Stanford but it getting there. Liz and Finn are going to "Dan's cabin" this weekend and Audrey will watch the boys. Dang, Jake is like 16 right? Poor Audrey. 

SUCKER MENTION OF THE WEEK: I think this might be the last we see of Grape Suckers. That makes me kinda sad. 


Cyrus is out and Portia is pissed 

Greg forgives Tracey for exposing his diagnosis to Chase 

Lois remembers the good times of Lois and Eddie but Ned still doesn't remember

Laura finally visits Charlotte and figures out it's Victor controlling her

Valentin doesn't tell Anna about this revelation

Anna sits in The Metro a bit paralyzed by fear of the unknown

Marty tells Michael it was Nina that called the SEC, Michael keeps mum for now 

Drew is stunned Cyrus is out on parole. 

Trina lays into Spencer about his relationship with Esme 

Ava is trapped in a car with Mason who plans on killing her even though Cyrus said let her go

Dante shoots Mason 2x in the back but Mason lives. 

Dante is placed on admin leave while the investigate the shooting of Mason

Sonny and Nina are SO IN LOVE... SO SO IN WUB 

Lucy wants Blaze as the new face of Deception 

Blaze meets Krissy in Puerto Rico by chance while lighting a candle in the chapel

Cody and Maxie find Sasha ready to leave for Austin Tx. 

Alexis and Greg interview Judge Kim and he calls their bluff and storms off. 

That's it! I'm ending here because that's all my brain can handle. I think the stupid Nina secret will simmer for longer than we'd hoped for now. I like Nina and Sonny but with this hanging over them, just pull that band-aid right off. I would have told the entire Charlotte story differently so I'm not really enjoying the whole thing. Maybe Chris/Dan will smooth it all out? Maybe? Applauding Trina but hating the whole Spencer domestic look. Come on. He's a Cassadine in his 20s. I want danger, mystery and lust--not diapers. Where is this all going with Drew? Don't care. Gregory? I like the actor and I think he would have been someone for Tracey but he's dying for gosh sakes. I'm also hoping like HELL Ava and Anna start behaving like the strong women we know and love soon because this is just not working. NOPE. 


  1. Thanks for another great SS! I too do not like anything pumpkin spice or any other thing that makes my coffee and/or anything else taste like it's something else. Got that?
    Trina was so good but like the Spencer we all know and love her words will enter one ear and go right out the other. NC plays a grown up Spence just like he would be. Sadly the character is stuck in diaper care.
    GH has a bad habit of making a big thing about a returning character and then when they do appear they barely feature them. Lois is a perfect example.
    Clearly Curtis is not in love with Portia.
    Boohoo Devane and Addled Ava just have to go. No excuse for destroying these two strong characters no matter who the writers are. The temps did a good job with some stuff but the show is still all over the place like it was before the strike. That doesn't say much for the return of the permanent writers. We shall see.

  2. I wrote on social media that obviously Frank hates the fans: after a year of this Carly/Drew/Nina crap, Michael finds out and only tells Nina???He JUST now kinda accepted his dad and he is taking SONNY'S side and/or Willow but who cares? Carly should never forgive him for not telling her and same for Sonny------------there is SO much more potential with Michael telling Sonny and how all that plays out........I don't care that Nina will now walk on eggshells - I hate Michael.
    -----the other character - Karen is right - HOW IS MASON NOT DEAD???
    ------the 28th starts November sweeps so I am wondering WHAT happens? can Valentin (another character ruined) not tell Anna it's Charlotte? Can Ava AND Anna be bad-ass women again? There's not much going on - unless Cyrus takes a big place in sweeps----
    -----Sprina ruined too...
    ----I truly would love to be in the room where the writers and Frank do the storyboard - there is so much potential but no continuation.....I want action like the day Ava told Sonny everything.....

  3. I thank you for your time in writing your blogs Karen. I love your blogs. But, this show has gotten unwatchable. My favorite couples are Chase/Brooke, Trina/Spencer and VAnna. And, I just adore Genie/ Laura, and Ava now, but I still think TPTB want this show off the air because it has been destroyed. I stopped watching once during the Guza years and I really don't watch anymore now :) I read this blog and catch some of the scenes but it's been so, so sad.

    IRL, I hope that all of you have a good week this week.

  4. I still need for someone to explain when Valentin gave up/stopped/whatever the word is - anything Deception....he was the major shareholder??

  5. I'm another pumpkin spice hater.

    Michael reminds me of a kid who is trying to be a tough guy - and failing. He has and always will be a wimp.

    Please give Anna and Ava back their brains and their mojo. Ava would have wiped the floor with ole lollipop and Anna needs to be the top notch spy again.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...