Friday, October 13, 2023



Let's see what fresh hell of mix ups happen today for me!! I'm still reeling about yesterday's show. The Cyrus stuff is just-- CRAZY PANTS. And I SWEAR That Warden scene was out of order the other day. 

Ok, Stella goes to see Curtis at home where he's alone, doing weights. THEN SELINA WU comes to the door! YEAH! With a fruit basket LOL . Stella excuses herself. Selina says she still wants to buy the club. She'll pay twice as much. Stella comes back out, gets into the fruit basket and is all like: WHY would you do that!? Portia comes home. Selina leaves. Portia tells Curtis about her getting the job. He and Stella are happy. Stella wants them all to go to dinner. 

Laura visits Cyrus at Pentonville. She talks about his beard being gone, about his heart attack and wanting early parole. He tells her he gave away all his money. She thinks he probably gave away PART of it. He says no, all of it. Then he goes on a tirade about how Sonny has respect and he doesn't even tho they are in the same business. Laura says they've known each other for a long time. He says he envies Sonny. Then he has to go. 

Dex visits Austin at his office and wants to know where Ava is. Austin says maybe checking out an artist in NYC. Dex attacks him, punches him in the stomach and then says "SONNY wants her safe" or something like that. Leaves. Then Mason comes in. TJ is suspicious but leaves. *remember Mason kidnapped TJ long ago*  Austin tells Mason That "Sonny Corinthos knows". They talk about Ava and Austin tells Mason that Cyrus shouldn't hurt Ava because Sonny will come after them. 

Joss goes to Wyndemere and talks to the butler, Giles. He invites her in. He says Ava hasn't been home. Maybe she's with Nina? Or Austin? But he does point out a broken martini glass. Joss calls Dex and he goes to the island. Joss found a lollipop and Ava's cellphone. She knows it's not Avery's because Avery  hates grape lollipops. Dex wants to see the footage of the security cams. They see some of the footage but see the boat leave (not the launch). They go to Spinelli's house. Spin is going to find out where they docked the boat. It's on Pier 17 by warehouses. Then Mason takes his hood off and Dex recognizes him. 

WEDDING:  They say their vows, yada yada. Mushy vows about family and wub and junk. "You've given me a family".  Donna wants to call her "Mama Nina". They hug. Everyone is dancing and Michael gets a phone call about the SEC from his tipster. 


Michael finds out it's Nina's fault about the SEC (doesn't say anything)

Cyrus is out of jail. 

TWO DAYS SINCE Lois/Ned... stupid not to follow that up. No follow up Monday either 


  1. -----my frustration that today we find out Spinelli LIVES IN PC? and SAM never asked his help for Sasha's bank statements, Gladys and Doctor stuff, even helping Carly figure out who contacted the SEC??????????AND AND Maxie moved and HE WASN'T MENTIONED? THIS is ridiculous...
    -----great show today kinda cause Joss and Dex saw Mason took Nina and I hope they save her............and now we know WHY Cyrus hates Sonny - started with being jealous of his sister's love for Sonny - that makes sense - way to go writers.
    ------I think Selina picked him up cause Mason was with Austin (in our time frame - not GH time frame)
    ------they got married BOO but even in the previews Michael doesn't say anything.....his face towards Nina though was perfection! I wish he would tell Alexis and it be on the front page of the Intruder.......SURELY Michael won't keep quiet....and someone commented on social media about why Sonny would be angry at Nina: I think mostly cause he told her in confidence about Carly and she betrayed that trust and then lie of ommision.
    ------TJ + Mason = will remember he kidnapped TJ BUT also one minute after hours of visiting with Laura he doesn't know the verdict.....and then BAM he is released.....
    ------what if Selina had Curtis shot? writers twist it around.....and 2 weeks have passed and Selina and the town don't know about Sasha, Gladys, Dr. etc????

    1. mufasa, I like the idea of Selina having Curtis shot. I do find it ironic that it is Joss looking into what happened to Ava seeing how much she hates her.

    2. "Gary says, I do find it ironic that it is Joss looking into what happened to Ava seeing how much she hates her."

      Yeah Joss is not acting like herself. Just yesterday she was having a temper tantrum because she wasn't told about Sonny's wedding! Oy!

    3. I think Michael was told it was Martin Gray who told the SEC, but we shall see.

    4. it was confusing -I thought the first time he was told Martin Gray and then when Michael said I need a specific name he said NIna and then he stared in hatred at her - HOWEVER NOW the spoilers say it was Martin Gray's client and Michael first thinks Valentin -------------------and I am sick and tired of months of this for sure..

    5. "Kevin says, I think Michael was told it was Martin Gray who told the SEC, but we shall see."

      "mufasa says, it was confusing -I thought the first time he was told Martin Gray and then when Michael said I need a specific name he said NIna and then he stared in hatred at her - HOWEVER NOW the spoilers say it was Martin Gray's client and Michael first thinks Valentin -------------------and I am sick and tired of months of this for sure.."

      That doesn't make any sense. If Michael was told Marty or V.C. then why would he give Nina a murderous look?

  2. Nina did worse than this dumb SEC thing (which Carly broke the law for it to even happen). I would rather Sonny find out about Nina's crimes himself not miserable Michael.

  3. There were a lot of funny one liners today.

    The airport visiting area: WOW! Nice outside shot!

    Cyrus and Laura: I was confused again! I thought Cyrus was free! I guess not yet. So when Cyrus becomes free, will Cyrus and Laura be close? :) Will Cyrus get a love interest? Warden Garden won't be his love interest obviously! ROFL!

    Cyrus free: YAY! He is free!!!! I thought something was going to happen.

    The hospital:

    Dex and Pawtucket Holtster: Uhhhh okay. Not sure what that was all about.

    TJ and Pawtucket Holtster: Yeah Pawtucket Holtster! Which band did you see? ROFL! Are they called Mason and the rifters? ROFL!

    TJ, Mason Jar, and Pawtucket Holtster: TJ be cool!!! Don't let Mason Jar know you feel strange vibes and having deja vu! :)

    TJ alone: I don't remember Mason Jar kidnapping TJ. So I hope there is a flashback.

    Mason jar and Pawtucket Holtster:

    Mason Jar: Aww how sweet. Cousin is in love.

    ROFL! Wait Cyrus wanted to keep Nik alive?! Huh?! So is Cyrus the boss? I am so damn confused!!!! I can't wait until our writers come back!!!


    Joss and Giles: Geez how long has it been since she visited? I'm glad Giles remembers her.

    Jex and Giles: Lollypops! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm surprised nobody brought up Telly Savalas!!!! *Snicker*

    Purtis home:

    Stella, Ms. Wu, and Curtis: Stella is cracking me up! She would have won the lines of the day, but someone else wins it. Oh come on Curtis sell the Savoy to Ms. Wu! :D

    Stella and Purtis: Oh yes let's celebrate the new job by going out to dinner! Is Portia going to feed Curtis?

    Spinny's home: SPINNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wait do you live in Port Chuckles?! You gotta be shown more!

    Jex and Spinny: Whoa! Nice room!!!! Dex wins the line of the day.

    Dex: Whenever I was following him, he had a lollypop in his mouth.


    Puerto Rico: Donna is just adorable!!!!! With so many things! Including, she wants to call Nina mama Nina awwwwwwwwwww! Boy this does not feel like an elopement wedding! ROFL! OH! Hello Ms. and Mrs. Sonny Corinthos! :) I love that Michael finds out Nina is the one who called the SEC on his mom and Drew!!!! Love his face! He wants to murder her! The back and forth with Cyrus getting out of jail and the wedding, I thought something bad was going to happen.

    *Jumps into my time machine to go to November 15th 2007* Continuation of the black and white ball. Emily's death. 2 parts to it. Some fantastic acting!

    1. I loved that look on Michael's face. Glad he said nothing because it would have upset everyone, even the kiddies. I want him to tell Sonny on his own, not even in front of Nina, so he has time to build up to a great reply when he sees her. But i don't want it to take forever.

      I was waiting for something to happen when Cyrus got out too.

    2. "Di says, I loved that look on Michael's face."

      It was awesome!!! Hahahaha!

      "Glad he said nothing because it would have upset everyone, even the kiddies."

      Yeah. I'm glad too. Just the way he was looking was enough today! :)

      "I want him to tell Sonny on his own, not even in front of Nina, so he has time to build up to a great reply when he sees her."

      Ooooo yes! I want that too! And then he gets angry, throws barware, and says you faithless betrayer or whatever he wants to say. ROFL!

      "But i don't want it to take forever."

      Yeah me neither.

      "I was waiting for something to happen when Cyrus got out too."

      Yeah also too bad we didn't get to see who was the driver. Probably Ms. Wu. :) She couldn't stay for tea with Stella! BAHAHAHAHAHA!

    3. I love Stella. I hope they keep her around

    4. "Linda says, I love Stella. I hope they keep her around"

      I'm sure they will, but she is on that show Bob hearts Abashola. She is so great on it too!

  4. When Cyrus met up with Martin recently he did mention that he was paying him top dollar to get him out. Guess he didn't give all of his money away. I still don't get why Ava is being held. And now what does Nik even have to do with it if in fact this is all a 'teenage' angst thing that Cyrus has against Sonny.
    The Lois reunion should have been continued.

  5. I giggled a little with Dex and Dr. Holt. Roger is a lot stronger looking IMO.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...