Sunday, October 15, 2023

Sunday Surgery: We Represent The Lollipop Kids



Oh boy oh boy... I hardly know where to start with this mess. Yes, MESS. The show was so off-kilter this week, I had a headache while tweeting. Stories coming out of nowhere, beats totally stopped and... I sometimes honestly wondered if I'd missed an episode . PLUS the fact that one day it was a repeat due to a news conference just didn't help. 

Grab something warm and delicious. Hunker down. Try to stay with me!! 

A LOT happened on the show in 4 days. I mean A SH-TON of stuff. I'm going to try to get it straight but again, it's so all over the place it's difficult. 

HONEY I'M HOME OF THE WEEK:  EESH, I almost forgot about Esme and Ace but here we are. Laura and Kevin are home from Europe and Spencer is home from NYC. What do we get? Not much. Laura actually came home to help with Charlotte but she goes to see Cyrus instead. My other huge pet peeve is Kevin's acceptance of Esme WITHOUT MENTIONING she's his niece. If you didn't know, you never would. It may go a long way if he'd say: She IS my niece and I want to help her. I mean, it would soothe my Esme-hating soul a touch. 

THE BEST OF THE WEEK: I've waited FOREVER for this!! The scenes were perfect! Jane, Rena and Amanda were just so awesome. Olivia and Lois? SQUEE!! I love that Lois calls her "Vivvi" Just great dialog and then Ned walks out. "Don't I know you"?? THEN WHAT. What???  YOU TELL ME!! We didn't see Lois the rest of the week. This is why I get angry with the show. COME ON NOW. I just do NOT understand. Nope. I think we will see her again Tuesday when she meets Chase. *sigh* 


THE WORST OF THE WEEK: What a muddled jumping all over freaking storyline THIS is. After not seeing Austin for about a decade (that's what it felt like) he's center stage at... (wait for it) CYRUS' parole hearing!!!!!! Um?? Parole hearing?? Oh yeah! He's asking for early release because of his frail state. Ok, we get that he needs to come out to be the villain we know he can be but WHERE WAS THIS STORY??!! Buried in 900 Bible verses they showed him spewing? THEN, after having a scene with the Warden saying she's leaving (that day) and is DONE WITH HIM--she's in the judge's chambers saying he's reformed. Scotty shows up as his lawyer all of a sudden and... then, that dovetails into the crazy pants Ava kidnapping. 

THE WTF OF THE WEEK:  Ok, Ava was last seen at Wyndemere with Mason on Sept 29th We've seen NOTHING since then. Now, she's in a basement, trying to get out. The real part that pissed me off was Sonny trying to call her, Pilar all of a sudden back on the job and going to JOSS of all people and Austin being blackmailed to testify on Cyrus' behalf at court. DID I MISS AN ENTIRE ARC ON THIS? Is Cyrus Pikeman? Who picked him up in the car? Guess what, this is such a mess I DON'T CARE ANYMORE!! AND PS. stop making Ava such a wilting flower. She should have beaten Mason by now and stomped on him with her heels. 

DECEPTION OF THE WEEK: Yes, this happened too. I guess there was one buried scene awhile ago where Tracey told Lucy she could have Deception if she gave her 1% of ELQ stock. I do remember it but I didn't remember that she would retain 48% of Deception. Oh well, Lucy told everyone the company was saved. No follow up with Tracey to see if the deal was on the table and certainly no mention of Valentin who, last I knew was a big part of the company. 

TEARS OF THE WEEK:  Chase finally finds out via Tracey that dad is dying of ALS. He sits and looks at photos and cries. Good stuff by Josh. Brook comes and consoles him then ... goes home to yell at Tracey! LOL Weird but that gave Greg the opportunity to come in and FINALLY speak to Chase himself. Then the Chase-Finns sat down and had a nice chat about the next stages of life. 

MAIN EVENT OF THE WEEK:  Well, they are finally wed. It really would have been perfect too but ... this is a soap!! Willow loves her mama now and even gave her a bracelet Harmony gave her. Michael even wishes her well and kisses her cheek!! Sonny's so happy that he talks to God about making his life complete. And.. well--we all know what's lurking!! That damn SEC secret that's about to pop out!! Michael takes a call AFTER the ceremony and finds out it was Nina that turned in his mama and Drew. Oh his face was so fierce!! (lol). BUT! He didn't blurt it out. Nope. I think that secret is going to simmer for awhile. 


LOOK WHO'S HERE OF THE WEEK: I mention Yuri being back because I love him with Terry (yes, they had a scene) and he also said Monica was "UPSTAIRS in her office". So.. she doesn't come down to see Lois? They have to do something about this. I have no idea why they don't temp recast until LC is ready to come back. It's maddening. 

ONE OF MY FAVES OF THE WEEK: Wu and Stella!! Oh my gosh, what a great set of fun scenes. Selina brings a gift basket, Stella scoffs but then helps herself to an apple. Selina wants to buy The Savoy for double what Curtis paid for it! GO FOR IT CURTIS!! In the end, Salina leaves with no deal and Stella tells Portia to take the basket to the hospital for the nurses. Oh yeah, Portia also told Curtis and Stella she's co-chief of staff now. No idea where Trina went. 

FACE OF THE WEEK: Tracey sees Lois. 

BUTLER OF THE WEEK; Giles, Ava's butler who tells Joss that she left her phone and grape sucker behind. 

DIMPLES OF THE WEEK: She's so Sonny's cutie daughter! 



Sonny and Nina tie the knot

Michael finds out that Nina was the one that turned in Drew and Carly to the SEC 

Harmony visits Willow with a silent warning :eyeroll: 

Cyrus is out of jail 

Laura and Kevin are home

Trina and Spencer are also home. Spencer missed Ace. 

Portia accepts co-chief of staff position

Selina Wu tries again to buy The Savoy

Chase finds out his father has ALS and they talk it out along with Finn

Dex strong-arms Austin 

Mason holds Ava in a basement

With the help of Spinelli, Jex finds out who took Ava to the warehouse district

TJ seems to remember Mason a bit? 

Lucy agrees to give Tracey her ELQ share to save Deception

Felicia starts her training as patient advocate at GH 

NOTE: Avery does NOT like grape suckers

PHEW!! I'm stopping now while I still have fingers left!! I did like the wedding-- thought it was light and fun. Under current of soapy danger/lies coming out. It's just that everything was SO SO chopped up and not the usual choppy. This was a WHOLE other level.  I am looking forward to the writers getting settled and returning. Yes, fi-core finished up a lot of things but they've also decided to just throw things at the wall. Editing is having a field day too. BTW, Molly? Recast number 3? Where are you? LOL.. the surrogacy story was 24-7 and now--nada. Thank you for getting the Greg information out there. If I had to see Alexis and him talking in her office about it one more time I'd lose my ish.  I enjoy LOIS SO MUCH but why wouldn't you show more of her after that first day?? UGHHHHHH. grrrrr. Grumble. I could have done without the Felicia hospital scenes and had more Lois. (that can be said for most stuff this week!) 

Ok, well... every time you see a grape sucker you'll probably think of this show now!! Sort of like Feta was for awhile!!  


Did you enjoy the wedding?

Are you angry Michael didn't find out in time to stop it? 

Were were thrown off with the Cyrus parole? 

What did you think of Pilar going to Joss? 

Who do you think picked up Cyrus from the prison when he got out??! 

Do you think Spinelli and Maxi should get back together? 


  1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who envisioned Ava stomping Mason with her heels.

    I'm not surprised that Pilar called Joss. Ava was missing. Sonny is incommunicato, and Joss often minds Avery. She would be a logical next choice that could be reached, I think. She'd at least know who else to call if she couldn't watch her.

    Michael definitely had the look of the week for me.

    1. I was baffled by it... certainly there are probably guards keeping their eye on Ava. Get ahold of Carly not a 19 year old. Finding her phone on the ground should have alerted them enough to call 911.

  2. Thanks for our SS! You have a way of making it all sound better.
    The wedding was okay. At least it was a happy event. That little Donna is a beautiful child. Did not like Sonny's attire.
    No, it's more soapy that he simmers.
    The Cyrus parole thing is stupid came from nowhere. How else to get him back to the mean streets of PC.
    Pilar going to Joss, who's been acting like a 10 year old anyway, was another move coming from nowhere.
    Don't know who picked him up. Don't care. Probably means nothing anyway.
    Spinelli and Maxi would always be good together.
    RoHo was out for a month due to covid and other medical stuff. Read that on Michael Fairman.
    Sept. 29th since we saw Ava? Wow. All that time in a cellar and she still looks fantastic. Amazing how she needs no food or bathroom. Why, again I ask, are they holding Ava? This is dumb beyond any reasoning.
    Great Lois reunion. Big fail to leave it at that.

  3. ---I know Frank doesn't care, but I have sent him messages about a few things that fans HATE------HOW LONG can they drag out Nina thing cause NOW they said Michael is STILL freakin pondering in two weeks what to do? RU kidding me????????? for a year he HATED his dad and Nina and he was protecting his mother.......and DREW.....Drew almost died and Michael has to PONDER what to do? I am borderline cra cra angry at this storyline
    ------and then the Cyrus thing - while I DID appreciate that we finally found out Cyrus is jealous of Sonny and Laura's love for him, it came outta the blue as well as his RELEASE!!! I still think Selina picked him up and I think she ha Curtis shot (not at the beginning but that the new writers changed it.)
    -----so excited about Lois return!!! still think Yuri's job means something.
    ----I totally thought Cyrus told Mason to get rid of Ava and Mason said Nicholas wouldn't be happy and Cyrus screamed I DON'T I thought he kidnapped Ava to save her....but for sure there are boxes down and Ava JEROME could push one on top of him plus Mason didn't even have a gun....
    ------I don't see Austin surviving this storyline - do ya'll? I think Mason dies soon..
    -----and to repeat - all we heard was Maxie moving single parent/by herself and at no time was SPINELLI mentioned helping HIS DAUGHTER MOVE?
    ------editing is the worst in 60 years - but I like writers' twist but not how they drag out some storylines..
    ----oooo LIESEL is back soon --- course Nina never even contacted her aunt when she got married..

  4. has anyone mentioned julian jerome as the possible higher up?


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...