Wednesday, October 11, 2023



YESTERDAY was a crap shoot when it came to GH. Some saw part, some saw all, many saw a whole repeat. TODAY was yesterdays' GH:

Felicia and Stella talk about Felicia's new job at the hospital. Portia tells Stella that she was offered co-chief of staff. She's worried about Curtis. Stella tells her to say yes to the job. 

Felicia talks to Mac on the phone and says her new job is going well. She looks amazing. 

Ned has a dream where he's shirtless playing the guitar and sees Olivia there. He says another woman is with her but he can't tell who. She says he should see Kevin Collins. He says nope. 

Q house: Yuri tells Brook that Monica is "in her office". Tracey comes in. Brook yells at her for telling Chase about Greg's ALS. THEN knock on the door and it's LOIS!!!!!!!!!! Tracey asks her if those are 'laugh lines or just lines' LOL Lois says she's there because she read Brook got fired. Brook says it's Tracey's fault. Tracey runs out. Brook explains what Tracey did. She also says she wants to get back into music. Then Lois and Olivia see each other and scream. Olivia wants Lois to stay at The Qs. Lois calls Olivia "Vivvy" LOL Cute. Brook wants her to stay at the Q house too. Lois wonders if Ned still thinks he's Eddie. 

Finn tells Liz he's going to Chases. Asks her to dinner. Terry tells Liz she's trying to find out who was having zex in the locker room (it was Fizz).  Liz tells Terry it was her and Finn but all they did was kiss.  

Yuri comes to see Terry. They are all in her office when Portia comes in and wants to talk to her alone. Liz and Yuri leave. Portia says she wants the job that was offered. 

Finn goes to Chases' and finds him with Dad.. they have hugged it out and then they talk about the progression of the disease. 

Spencer drops Trina off at her house. They kiss. Trina walks in and Curtis asks about the trip. She says it was amazing. Gives him 2 basketball caps. He says thanks, I like BB even tho I can't play it anymore. Curtis is happy that Trina is happy. 

Laura and Kevin are home and Ace is in the living room alone. NO, Esme is behind the couch, exhausted because Ace is teething. She couldn't even go to work. Laura asks where Spencer is. Esme says away and complains about the laundry. Laura is playing with Ace when Spencer comes home. Spencer gives Ace a stuffed apple. Then Esme walks out. ugh. They go to put him to bed together. BLECH Kevin tells Laura he's worried about Esme having no friends. Only work and Ace. Then Laura and Kevin tell Spencer that Nikolas is alive. They didn't see him but he's around. The bank saw him. 


Lois is staying at the Q house 

Portia can start as co-chair Monday

Spencer hopes Nikolas just stays away

Ned sees Lois and says "I know you" 


  1. -----Seeing Lois and Olivia scream made the whole episode
    -----irritates me that Laura and Kevin left in July and only had 2 pieces of luggage........sigh...
    -----I TOTALLY do this all the time but I look for things cause I want surprises and reasons:
    Felicia has got to be soon to be involved in a heavy storyline at GH or she wouldn't be there ------------------------- WHAT job does Yuri have and WHY is he afraid to tell his current boss he is leaving?? WHY did Marshall ask Curtis if there are updates to his shooting and Curtis said, "I always thought I might get hurt while I was a cop" wouldn't be a twist if the shooter WAS after Curtis?
    ------Real' Andrews posted a great video this morning on Instagram (he does one every morning) about GH - he owns a car dealership by the way and works there daily but he clearly said he works everytime GH calls him and he is happy to do it and come by but no calls have come through....................pitiful.......great promise of Taggart and they are blowing it..
    -----just don't care about Portia, Terry, Chase, Finn, Gregory - sorry -

    1. They are missing out on a story for Terry. I think viewers out there would like to see a story (if done right) about the trials and tribulations she has been through.

  2. So many funny one liners today!

    The hospital:

    Stella and Felicia: Something is going to happen right? There will be a mystery right? Cus Felicia just helping people is going to be really boring.

    Fiz: UGH they are going to go on a date.. *Facepalm* They did show that HAWT flashback.. Damn!

    Terry and Liz: Oh come on! Amy really! Are you in high school? Where is she? Is she hiding? UGH!

    Portia and Stella: Yeah listen to Stella!!! Accept that job!!!!!!! :)

    Portia, Liz, Terry, and Yuri: YAY! YURI! Good to see him!!! :D We need to see Turi on dates!!!

    Portia and Terry: YAY!!!!! NEW JOB ON MONDAY! :D

    Q mansion:

    Vampire Eddie Maine and Olivia: Mmmmm a naked Vampire Eddie Maine!!! :D Oh that's the back of Lois's head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Tracy, Yuri, and Brooky: Wait. Monica is in her office? At her office at work? Or her office at home? Does she have an office at home?

    Tracy, Brooky, and Lois: LOIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT WOOT! Tracy and her insults! ROFL! Lois can handle Tracy very well. :) Tracy afraid of Lois and running away! BAHAHAHAHA! Hmmm Lois has on different nails than she did the other day when they just showed her nails.

    Brooky and Lois: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :) I love them together!!!

    Brooky, Lois, and Olivia: The screaming and the happiness when Lois and Olivia saw each other was gold! I loved it! Lois telling Brooky to go see her grandparents was gold too. :)

    Vampire Eddie Maine and Tracy: Tracy wins the lines of the day.

    Tracy: It's a Bensenhurst invasion. Olivia is bad enough, now there is 2 of them.


    Tracy: Why don't you see for yourself.

    Oh Tracy! You think that if he sees Lois, his memory will come back? :)

    Brooky, Lois, Olivia, and Vampire Eddie Maine: Yeah of course you saw Lois somewhere else!!! She was in your dream!!!! :)

    Purtis home:

    Sprina: Really Spencer? Experiments? First you complete me, and now experiments? Oy! *Facepalm* When are our writers work going to start? I can't take his lines!!!

    Curtis and Trina: Oh goodie. Hats. No Tribbles? Curtis not good enough for Tribbles?

    Mr. Hat man, Curtis, and Trina: Mr. Hat man is such a wonderful grandfather! :)

    Trina: Spencer is pretty unforgettable.

    Mmm hmmmm. She is talking about the zex! ROFL!

    Brase home:

    Chase and Gregory: Awwwwwwwwwwwww! :(

    Chase, Gregory, and Finchy: Awwwwwwwwww! :( #Family

    Kevlar home:

    Kevlar, baby Ace, Vampira, and a sprinkle of Spencer: Vampira is exhausted. ROFL! Awwww Ace!!!! :) Oh hi Spencer!!

    Kevlar: I love that he makes Laura laugh! :)

    Baby Ace and Spencer: A new song for baby Ace! Awwwwwwwww. :)

    Spencer and Laura: Spencer you miss your dad! Just stop it!

  3. So delightful to have Rena Sofer back!

    1. Me too!!! When they were squealing I loved it and Lois calling Liv, Vivvy ❤️❤️ wish she could stay! She made the whole show !

  4. Squealed like Lois and Vivvy when I saw Lois at the door. Rena looks fabulous and seemed so natural picking up the Lois persona. It's like she's never been gone! I need her and Kristina Wagner's beauty secrets, lol!
    Rolled my eyes at Doc when he said Esme didn't have any friends. Really? Ya think? Who would want to be friends with her? I'm waiting for her evil side to pop out again. You know it's going to happen.
    Gregory and his boys had great scenes. I thought they were very realistic.
    Seriously glad that Liz told Terry that there was only kissing in the shower. Because if it was sex, all I could think about was Sam birthing Scout thru her jeans. And that's just something I don't need to see or think about again!

    1. "Julie H says, Because if it was sex, all I could think about was Sam birthing Scout thru her jeans. And that's just something I don't need to see or think about again!"

      HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That was so ridiculous!!! Sam and her magical jeans!! Hahahahahahaha!

    2. Haha, that birth scene was so ridiculous. Poor Esme -who would be friends with her?

    3. I bet poor Avery is bored portraying Esme these days. I wish she could be half and half of her old and new self. Dood mom, but bitchy

  5. I definitely want to see Lois and Tracy tangle. Thursday looks like an Ava/Austin/Mason day finally, so I will be happy.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...