Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Hump Day Snooze

 OMG I swear it feels like FRIDAY!! OY!

Austin goes into a hospital room to treat the patient and it's Mason. He says he can't treat him. Deanna the nurse leaves. Austin wakes Mason up, asks where Ava is. Jordan comes by later and tells Dante he can't go in there. I guess she's back on the PCPD since Laura is bck. 

Carly comes home and Joss goes to talk to her. Right on her heels are Dex, Ava and Dante. Ava wants to see Avery. She runs upstairs. Dante tells Carly Ava was abducted a 'few nights ago" LOL! OKAY. They basically give a summary of yesterday. Ava changes her clothes and is going to spend the night at Carly's. 

Nina is SO HAPPY.. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY in bed with Sonny. SO HAPPY. They listen to the wind... yada yada. 

Blaze and Krissy are going to drink Margaritas. Blaze tells Krissy she's the new face of Deception. 

Tracey and Lois bicker about Brook and what Tracey did to her. Like Lois would be surprised Tracey blackmailed her LOL NOT. They argue. Tracey says she 'got Deception for Book Lyn". 

Curtis gets himself into bed. Portia knocks and is in a zexy nightie. They talk about the dinner Stella took them out to (off camera). He doesn't want sex. Even if he COULD he's 'not ready'. 

Sam brings Drew a plaque that Scout won for swimming. 

I had to go at 2:30 for reasons of falling asleep. Seriously. I am so tired. 


  1. ---Tracy lied about her reason/I am tired of her
    ---I wanted Carly and Ava to hug---and DID NO ONE get Mason's phone to check messages? and beyond stupid that the PAWKUT police are upset at Dante and he is on leave?
    ----loved Carly calling Sonny finally
    -----Blake - calling it - something is up and even though it's clear she and Kristina are gonna get together, I think she is bad news......showing up at the island was too weird.
    ----FINALLY Sonny figured out it was/is CYRUS!!! Let the games begin. I don't think NIna is mad they are flying back cause her BFF was kidnapped...
    ----no comment on Sam, Drew, Curtis or Portia.....

  2. Carly's home:

    Carly, Dante, Jex, and Ava: Carly doesn't know anything! ROFL! Glad Ava is okay. Oh is she wearing Carly's clothes? It's nice that Carly offered Ava to sleep over. I want Ava and Carly to hug! Too bad they didn't.

    Ava alone: Ava are you mad at Pawtucket Holtster? Answer the phone Ava!! He is worried about you!

    Jex: Are they going to have I almost died sex?

    The hospital:

    Deanna and Pawtucket Holtster: A 41 year old man?!?!! Ooooo so Mason Jar is 41!!! :D

    Dante and Jordan: Oh this scene was absolutely stupid. I'm not going to dignify it with a comment. Where are the Tribbles, Badger Bob, and the green beans?

    Pawtucket Holtster and Mason Jar: Yeah Mason Jar don't know where Ava is! It's okay Ava is safe though!!! :)

    Pawtucket Holtster and Jordan: Jordan he doesn't want the whole run down! He just wants to know if Ava is safe and where she is!

    Sam and Drew: I thought Scout was going to be with Sam. Oh! Scout is 7 or 8 years old! Gee who else are we going to find out how old they are?! :)

    Crew: Zzzzzzzz.

    Purtis home:

    Purtis: Great scene!!!! Curtis CAN have sex, he is just not ready and that's okay!!! When he IS ready he can use his fingers, he can use his tongue, AND Portia can be on top! :) So it's all good Curtis.. :)

    Q mansion:

    Tracy and Lois: Lois please change your shirt!!! Lois became a mama bear!!! :) Of course Lois is going to protect her daughter. :)

    Sante bedroom:

    Sante: Awwww. She is asleeeeeep! Oh she wears glasses! :) Will Dante be affected by having to shoot Mason Jar? :(

    Puerto Rico:

    Nison: Sonny wins the line of the day.

    Sonny: I already gave you what you wanted.

    ROFL! Sonny you so naughty! :D OH! Carly calls that means honeymoon is over!!!

    Blaze and Krissy: Hmmm are they going to get drunk and kiss?

    Blaze, Krissy, and Sonny: Yup honeymoon is over! Get back to Port Chuckles in the morning!


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...