Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Pink Balloon

 Sonny won't let Eddie leave his PH. Eddie did some research online about Sonny. Knows he and Olivia have a son. Also, that Sonny's a mobster. Sonny says he's going to make him an offer he can't refuse. Says if he stays in Port Charles, he'll help him get a gig and maybe signed to a record label. Sonny gets a call from Ava about Avery..he leaves. 

Ava frantically searches for Avery in the park. The PCPD shows up.  Chase thinks she just wandered off. Ava says she has every right to think she was taken. Ava flashes back to the time Mason said he'd do anything. But she tells Chase it could be because of Sonny's business. Sonny shows up. Questions Pilar. Ava tells Sonny there's something he needs to know...and then AUSTIN shows up with Avery and she has a balloon. Ava looks at Austin like she wants to kill him. Pilar tells Sonny that she got a call from her grandmother but it was really a telemarketing firm. Sonny takes Avery home. 

Joss talks to Carly about Drew's sentence. Then they talk about how Joss has sort of forgiven Sonny. Diane walks in and says Carly's assets are unfrozen but she has to pay the feds a fine. Hands her the paper. FIVE MILLION DOLLARS?????? She says...that's all her savings!! LOL. Joss says she can use her trust fund. Carly says no. Joss asks about Drew/Sonny... Diane says you can't do that. Forensics would come down on their accounts. So she has to pay it alone. Diane leaves. Carly freaks out then realizes she's "Carly Spencer" and can do things like get a jOB!! 

Drew is seeing Carly at the Q house. Sam and Dante bring her over. Tracey is there too. Tracey asks about Drew's sentence and says that's outrageous! She says he should change his plea and throw Carly under the bus. They argue. Sam's angry. Scout hears them and asks why they are fighting. Drew explains he's going to jail. She's like: OH MOMMY WENT THERE TOO lol! ahahhaa "We visited her"!! Everyone then leaves and Drew goes to see Carly. AGAIN. 

Brook goes to Maxie's office, brings her lunch but she's really looking for information for Tracey. They talk about the Deceptor and how fast it's selling. Maxie also talks about moving and finding a house. She hasn't wanted to leave hers because of Nathan memories. They talk awhile longer and Maxie leaves to check distribution. Brook has a zip drive and gets all the information about Deceptor from the computer. 

Lucy and Marty eat lunch. She's still upset he never wants to marry again. Aw, she ate some Hummingbird Cake. Felicia and Mac come in... Marty and Mac go get drinks. OH! Lucy asked Felicia to come and bring Mac LOL. Mac and Martin talk. Mac warns him about Lucy (based on her and Kevin). 


Ned takes Sonny's offer. Nina wanted him to leave

Ava slaps Austin "You set this up you son of a bitch" 

Drew goes to say goodbye to Carly 

Avery lost her balloon between the park and Sonny's PH. Sad LOL 


  1. ----I just can't get past Eddie not knowing anyone from his past (sorry Karen)-----if he would just ask about a specific band member or venue or Lois or SOMEONE so it seems more real.
    ------5 million dollars and Carly said "that's my whole savings" ------made me laugh - who has 5 million in savings????????? plus after she pays the fine, Sonny or Jax or Drew could reimburse her??? LOL
    -------My hatred for Nina must match Karen's hatred for Carly..........giggle......but she is a horrible person and I just don't think she can stay through all of this.
    --------as someone commented on Twitter Ava is a freakin Jerome and she should tell Sonny and those two could obliterate Mason...........feel sorry for Pilar...especially since the phone call was a hoax.
    -------Lynn Herring and Kristina Wagner are so gorgeous I can't even....
    ------I am so excited about Marty's ex and his secret...............and Tracy's partner....that's about it for me...if it's Erica Kane I will go NUTSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!
    -------WHY wouldn't Brook Lynn also have access to the Deceptor?????

    1. It would be very cool if Erica Kane and Tracy Quartermaine were working together to take over Deception.

    2. I think the reason he doesn't remember the "Eddie Maine" of the past, was back then he was "pretending" to be Eddie Maine. He lived a double life. This time he thinks he IS Eddie Maine. Since there never was a real Eddie Maine, there aren't any memories. Ned has those memories, not Eddie.

    3. ooo Pat - that is fantastic - I needed that explanation!

    4. Perfect explanation! But did that even occur to the writers?

    5. "Pat..... Sun..... says, I think the reason he doesn't remember the "Eddie Maine" of the past, was back then he was "pretending" to be Eddie Maine. He lived a double life. This time he thinks he IS Eddie Maine. Since there never was a real Eddie Maine, there aren't any memories. Ned has those memories, not Eddie."

      WOW!!! Great explanation!!! :) I want to tell people on the soap central website about this. :)

  2. This story they have gotten Ava into is stupid. I agree, she is Ava Jerome with Sonny on the side. Masonjar is a nothing piece of sand. I don't care enough to wonder who the boss is. But I do wonder when it will end.
    How long has it been since we watched Willow recover?
    It is nice with no Ashford repeat conversations. Guess they're back on tomorrow. Oh well.
    Nixon Falls redux....almost.

  3. Maxie's office:

    Brooky and Maxie: Awwww Maxie. :( Her reason that she never moved was heartbreaking! :( Maxie wins the line of the day.

    Maxie: My assistant just quit so she could find herself.


    Brooky and the file: Oh boy! I thought for sure that Maxie was going to come back because she forgot something and ask what are you doing! :)

    The REAL park: Oh boy. Will Pilar get fired?! Sonny hasn't fired her yet! Oh there IS Avery! With a pretty balloon. :) Oh hi Pawtucket Holtster. Were you the one who took her?

    Ava and Pawtucket Holtster: Oh yeah you don't want to mess with Ava Pawtucket Holtster! Especially when it comes to her daughter. That slap is nothing! Queen Ava can dig deep! Especially with a knife. Just ask Ryan. I'm sure he is alive somewhere.

    Sonny's home:

    Nison and Vampire Eddie Maine: Oooo I like Sonny's plan.. :) Yes Vampire Eddie Maine stay.. :)

    Nina and Vampire Eddie Maine: Wow! She is manipulating him to leave! BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    "Karen says Avery lost her balloon between the park and Sonny's PH. Sad LOL"

    ROFL! Oh I didn't even notice that. What happened to the poor Balloon? Is the Balloon friends with The Tribbles, and Badger Bob? Did they go out to get something to eat? Awwww and without the green beans? Oh that's right the green beans already ate. ROFL!

    Sonny and Vampire Eddie Maine: Oooooo Vampire Eddie Maine decided to stay in Port Chuckles! That means Nina's plan didn't work! Hahahahahaha. The look on he face! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You can just hear what Nina is thinking!

    Nina: Oh crap!!!!

    Q breakfast nook:

    Drew, Sante, and Tracy: You all gotta say goodbye to Drew! Waste of time to argue. He won't throw Carly under the bus!

    Drew, Sante, Tracy, and Scout: Scout is used to her family going in jail! ROFL! Oh yes Scout can go visit her daddy every Saturday. She is tough as nails! :) And maybe one day when she is older she will go to jail too! :)

    Carly's kitchen: Whoa! The Tribbles are tiny! New Tribbles! ROFL!

    Carly, Joss, and Diane: 5 million dollars! Hahahahahahaha.

    Carly and Joss: Carly is made of tough stuff Joss. She will be just fine.

    Crew: Awww they gotta have sex to say goodbye. Bye bye! Arrivederci! Ciao! By the time 3 years comes around she will probably already be remarried to Sonny! ROFL!

    Metrocourt pool:

    Mucy: Come on Lucy! Talk to Marty. He knows something is wrong. He can't read your mind. He isn't psychic!

    Mucy and MacLecia: Oooooo! Mac has time off! No wonder he isn't at work! Missed you Mac!!!

    Lucy and Felicia: I love their scenes. Felicia will have to put her PI hat on. :)

    Marty and Mac: Shirtless Mac. ;) Your turn Marty? No? Awww don't be jelly! Take your shirt off! :) Oh yes warn him about Lucy! Hahahaha.

    1. Oh and,

      Brooky and Tracy: WE Tracy?! Who are you working with? :)

    2. I can't believe brook betrayed maxie, stole her invention, and handed it over to Gawd knows who because she doesn't want Chase to do Tracy helped get his job back. Suck it up buttercup and tell him the truth. It's not the end of the world if he gets mad at you for a while. But it's he end of Maxie's company if you don't.......stupid writers.

      I loved the slap at the end. Ava should tell Sonny what happened and bid that pair adieu.

    3. That should be she didn't want Chase to know Tracy helped her.

    4. "Di says, I can't believe brook betrayed maxie, stole her invention, and handed it over to Gawd knows who because she doesn't want Chase to do Tracy helped get his job back."

      I know!!! And I really want to know who Tracy is working with! :) Who is it on the phone?!!?! :)

      "Suck it up buttercup"


      "and tell him the truth. It's not the end of the world if he gets mad at you for a while."

      She is afraid that he will break up with her!!!! 00

      "But it's he end of Maxie's company if you don't.......stupid writers."

      Oh I hope not! :(

      "I loved the slap at the end."

      Me too! :)

      "Ava should tell Sonny what happened and bid that pair adieu."

      She should tell Sonny!!!!!! It looked like she was about to, until Avery and Pawtucket Holtster showed up. :)

    5. Karen put a pink balloon on FB, I died! HAHAHAHAHAH!
      The real Ava freaking Jerome would absolutely tell Sonny and they would squish MasonJar and Pawtucket like the bugs they are. Come on writers, get it together!
      5 million dollars. Again, hahahhaahah! Is Carly going to bus tables at Kelly's? Take Cam's old job? HAHAHAHAHHA!
      Scout is something else. You go girl! She made me laugh out loud!

  4. Just read Hayley Pulos was charged with two DUI felonies today. She pleaded not guilty

    1. I do feel bad, but weird when obviously guilty people plead not guilty. Hope she gets help. I like her

    2. The show is so weird. Ava has killed people; hellooooooooooo. All the stories are so so lame these days. I didn't mind them lame back in the day because they were at least a "good" lame storyline.

    3. Lindie, I agree with your assessment of the show right now. It's like the writers and producers aren't even trying.

    4. "lindie says, I do feel bad, but weird when obviously guilty people plead not guilty."

      Maybe she thinks since she wasn't in her right mind, she is not guilty, but really she is guilty.

  5. also wouldn't Avery have a BODYGUARD???? Pilar would never be alone.

    1. Maybe that's who ran off with her balloon. lol

    2. "Di says, Maybe that's who ran off with her balloon. lol"

      BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That big tough bodyguard with that teeny tiny balloon! Hahahahaha!



  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...