Ava pushes Austin away after he kisses her THEN SHE JUMPS ON HIM and they go into the bedroom! HOLY TOLEDO! After Ava's like making the bed, wanting him to leave. "Are you neurotic?" he asks. She's like NO! Get out, it's a mistake. OMG he says "Um the scratches down my back say otherwise" .
Esme brings Spencer an ice pack and he's leaving a message to Trina at the same time. He says "Get out of here ESME" ... Then Esme charges in throws the ice pack at him and she's angry about him not thinking of the baby when he got in a fight. What if you got arrested? She comes BACK in after googling "fractured ribs" and tries to get him to go to the doctor. Then they sit and talk about their past. UGH. NO WOW, all about a snowglobe he gave her. Nostalgia. WHY would the writers do this? I mean, Sprina is GOLD. WHY WHY WHY
Trina listens to the message from Spencer. She's at her mom's office. Wants to talk about The Curtis/Jordan kiss. They talk about it and it's clear Trina is upset about Spencer, not Curtis. They talk some more and Trina brings up that Spencer got in a fight. She isn't sure he's changed.
Zeke calls Jordan to go to dinner. She says NOPE. While she's on the phone, Curtis comes into her office.Curtis asks why she told Portia about it. She's like: Um, I DIDN'T!! He thinks N'neka must have because she saw them. Finally Jordan says it was his brother in law. Then Curtis shows up at Jordan's door. Curtis tells him to watch it. He's got his eye on him.
Violet tries to get Liz to stay over at Finn's apartment. :Eyeroll: She's annouying. Liz makes her "magic milk" to get her to sleep. zzzzzzzzzzz
Sonny talks to Sonya about her guardianship and still grieving for her husband and son. He listens and tells her he thinks she's ready even if Gladys doesn't.
Not much. Austin leaves Spoon Island but Ava's smile says she loved her time with him!