Sunday, June 12, 2022

Sunday Surgery: I Spy In My Mind's Eye...


I so wish Soaps had enough money (like the old days) to use popular or old songs. Just watched the "Running Up That Hill" Stranger Things and realized how much it can add to anything. *sigh*. So!! This week was basically about the POOL and HORSE STALL convos and a big surprise on Friday. Well, I jumped!! Not sure about you?!! 

So, I did an EYE SPY today--- because GH was full of things that were either an eye-full , a flashback or just plain eye-popping. 

Most photos this week @Flutterby on Twitter; others are named! Thank you to all that screen cappy for us! 

I SPY A HORSE IN A HOUSE:  Welp!! My mouth was on the floor.  Not only was there a new full set for a HORSE but it had a fireplace, spiral staircase AND a dining table!! I mean... who doesn't want to eat lunch in front of an equine? IT was hysterical. I like the Leo Therapy angle but...but... pffffft. It's bigger than Maxie's entire apartment!  Animals are expensive and I wonder when we will see him again but maybe Cody moves into that place? Weird. 

I SPY FLASHBACK ZEX THIS WEEK: Nikolas thinking about Esme sex ..a LOT LOL!!! Esme had about 1 flashback, he had about 5!! Don't tell me it's just guilt. No sir... and I DO like how Esme is playing this. Just act like it was casual zex an let him stew a bit!! 

I SPY DNA THIS WEEK : Carly! Well, she's in every scene, even trying to buy up some ELQ shares AND she flashes back to her DNA envelope. That should be on our bingo card. We all know something is up with Willow health wise and it's only a matter of time before she needs something from Nina. Kinda ironic when Nina's other kid gave up a kidney for Carly's kid, no? 

I SPY MORE DNA THIS WEEK : Portia. Getting all angsty about the DNA of Marshall!! She's even meeting with a genetic specialist! Trina is so Curtis' kid. But we knew that when she said something to Jordan when they were trapped. Odds are even we get a flashback to that scene. OH! Wait.. NOPE! NuJordan!! Can't do it with old face in there! photo credit: 

I SPY FINN BEING A COMPLETE MORON THIS WEEK: Um.. first you go interrupt Elizabeth at her Shadybrook sanctuary and NOW you think it might be a good idea to CALL HER PARENTS? How old are you? 15? Because, DUDE--read the damn room. Thank goodness Greg is there to put some sense into that daft brain. 

I SPY NEW GUY:  I'm at a complete loss. And to think that Josh let it be known in an interview he got a job after texting Frank. Yes, he's fun. He and Britt? Doing the Chem-Banter stuff but.. but... WHY? 

I SPY THE OTHER NEW GUY: So.. this is supposed to be the tough guy Sonny hired for policing his business. Again.. Casting. PLEASE try to get people that don't look like each other. :eyeroll: Anyway, Michael is actually smart enough to have turned Dex into a double-agent against ol' Dad. Give the boy an ice cream! 

I SPY THE BEST SCENE INSPIRED BY A MOVIE: OH MY GOD!! The Ryan thing ?? Be still my heart. And it was DONE SO WELL. Sorry, but I loved it. MORE of that kind of thing please. I did figure out it had to be a dream/fantasy when he was eating Mac's face but.. hell.  Thank you to the writer that thought of it!! :clapping: 

I SPY GROSSNESS: Um, Ryan is all happy that Esme got Nikolas in bed. Personally, I find this SO SOAPY. MANY people however, are appalled. Sorry but.. my 2022 viewership mind is saying GROSS but my 70's mind is saying OH HELL YAAAAS! 

I SPY TYLENOL--ER...ASPRIRIN: So Gladys knocks aspirin out of Sasha's hand just as TempBrando walks in. What does he think? That she's back on the drugs. Gladys tries to cover but he still wants her to go to rehab. What sparked all this? Baby shoes that were delivered. Baby shoes size 12 that is. (they were GIANT!)  photo thx to @pmekame 

I SPY A DICHOTOMY: One the one hand, Ava figures out Spencer is playing Esme. On the other hand, WITH ALL THE HINTS IN THE WORLD this lady--this woman right here who's smarter than 1/2 the characters on the show DOESN'T KNOW Nik and Esmundo slept together? Come on, I do. NOT buy this!! 

KUDOS OF THE WEEK: Wardrobe!! Whatever you're doing, or wherever you're shopping I LOVE IT! Great summer looks!! (all except Genie..please give her some summer stuff!!)


(many convos between many people!!) 

Brad admits to his aunt Selina he kinda likes his job and wants to learn more

Britt is angry Brad took a video of her that went viral 

Valentin appeals to Ned for a partnership

Michael hired Dex out from under Sonny to destroy him from the inside out

Britt and Dex have friendly banter at the pool 

Carly and Sam talk about Esme 

Carly and Drew talk about ELQ and Jason

Leo gets a horse and the horse gets a house

Trina decides to find evidence against Esme on her own

Trina has to face the Dean's Board and maybe be expelled

Portia finds out that Marshall has schizophrenia and...worries about Trina (we think) 

Finn oversteps his boundaries and visits Liz at Shadybrook 

Greg, Violet, Cam, Finn and the boys all go on a camping trip 

Sasha is having a hard time with withdrawls; Gladys is sticking to her like glue

Dante and Brando are concerned about Sonny-Michael feud 

Ryan has a fantasy where he eats Mac in front of Felicia

Ryan is happy Esme slept with Nik; He's furious she didn't tell Ava 

SPOILERS FOR NEXT WEEK:  Joss and Tri buy a clue and finally phone Spinelli, Camping Trip brings an old friend and Austin together and watch for exciting Carly and Sonny and Carly and Drew convos!! 

So, GH was a bit boring in places for sure but the Michael reveal (hiring Dex) and Ryan fantasies were inspired. They made my week. I didn't mention how much I love Kelly and Parry together in scenes. They were GOLD in the hotel room the day after the pool-fall. So natural and dialog was just fun. Glad Dr. O was there as well! 

I'm wondering about the stories involving Kristina Wagner: Ryan and Victor's going to be so hard. I feel so badly. 

Where is NLG? Geesh!! Molly/TJ-- you know, the usuals that I get mad about being absent. I think Cam/Joss are around a lot more as college is out for the summer. Speaking of summer--when are the summer stories starting? Is this it??? 

Have a great Sunday. See you Monday! 

Ok...see ya!! In other news, yes, I'm in the middle of Stranger Things. BUT! Peaky Blinders dropped so I will on to that as fast as I can because My FAVE SHOW!! 


  1. I'm hoping that Cody Bell is somehow related to Katherine Bell.

    1. I didn't realize that was his last name. That connection might be the only thing to make his character worthwhile. Maybe he has a grudge against the Cassadines and the Qs?

    2. Dante introduced him to Sam as Cody Bell.

    3. Did not even HEAR the "Bell" part!

  2. Stranger Things has been fun. My whole family enjoys it and that is a VERY difficult feat as we don't usually like the same shows.

    I feel SO sad for Kristina Wagner and family. Not like I know them, but have been watching Kristina since the day she showed up on GH. :(

    Thanks for the SS Karen

    Happy Sunday. I need to find an apartment for my daughter in a very scarce and expensive housing crisis. Ouch

    1. I can NOT imagine!! My son is in a larger studio here and it's $900 a month which is doable but he probably won't see a 1 bedroom for a LONG time. It's madness. We've been looking to 'downsize' a bit and I swear our huge house is LESS than newbuilds that are 1/2 the size!!

  3. So many characters are being written as stupid or as forgetting their history right now, and it's irritating. As much as I like Ava and Roger Howarth, it's really only Britt keeping me watching at this point.

    I completely agree with the comments about the Dex reveal and Ryan's fantasies. For whatever reason, though, the writers can never sustain any creative momentum.

    1. So true. Britt is a ray of sunshine. Love her with Brad and Dr. O too. maybe she'll even help me tolerate the new clone.

  4. Thanks for another great SS!
    Love the Kevin fantasy!
    Hate what they are doing to Ava. Like they have with many characters.
    All the lookalikes are confusing.

  5. Just read about another rehire. Patrick Gibbons aka Wyatt will be back as a camp counselor. All grown up.

    1. wondering is Maxie sees something in the woods - the nurse IS dead, right???? She fell and they DID see a body?

    2. I don't mind this hire since he's an old GH character.. It will be nice to see our young scout grown up and working. I don't like the hires of people from other soaps who people keep comparing and even calling them by their old names and commenting on how much they're like their old characters. I want GH characters to be GH characters and to be recognized for them. It's confusing enough when they all look alike because someone has a type.

    3. "Di says It's confusing enough when they all look alike because someone has a type."

      It's just like back in the day when most of the women were blonde and looked alike. :) It's nice to have men look alike for a change! :) It's fun to make fun of them too. :) Brando and Dex look like brothers! :) Same papa but different mama? ROFL!

  6. I'm glad you said that Joss and Trina will contact Spinelli, I've been wondering for months why he hasn't been involved. And I don't understand what "Title 9" is, and why it means that Trina might be expelled from school. Aren't folks innocent until proven guilty?

    Esme is the grossest kisser I ever have seen. The last time she and Spencer kissed, it looked like she was eating his face. Now your photo of her kissing Nik looks like the same thing. Are they doing this on purpose because she is so gross, or is this just the way the actress kisses? Her and Nik are so ewwww, I hope there is no repeat, but, either way, Ava surely will find out.

    1. AGREE 100% about Esme kissing. Super awkward. It was gross with Spencer. Worse with Nik. And now they keep flashing back. I guess it proves that she is Ryan's daughter...because she looks like she is eating their faces the way he ate Macs!

    2. Y e s ....eating their faces....hmmmm Wonder if the same writer did the Mac and Kevin scene. Maybe they need to keep an eye on them...😏

    3. "Di says, Y e s ....eating their faces....hmmmm Wonder if the same writer did the Mac and Kevin scene. Maybe they need to keep an eye on them...😏"

      Hahahahahaha! Maybe they need to keep an eye on them! ROFL!

    4. lol yes. I'm very concerned about those writers. muyhaha

  7. "I SPY A HORSE IN A HOUSE: Welp!! My mouth was on the floor. Not only was there a new full set for a HORSE but it had a fireplace, spiral staircase AND a dining table!! I mean... who doesn't want to eat lunch in front of an equine?"

    The horse is beautiful!!! I don't mind if I eat near the horse! I can feed him/her too! :)

    "Nikolas thinking about Esme sex ..a LOT LOL!!! "

    ROFL! He can't stop thinking about it! :)

    "Esme had about 1 flashback, he had about 5!! Don't tell me it's just guilt. No sir..."


    "and I DO like how Esme is playing this. Just act like it was casual zex an let him stew a bit!!"

    Vampira knows what she is doing. *Evil smile*

    "Odds are even we get a flashback to that scene. OH! Wait.. NOPE! NuJordan!! Can't do it with old face in there!"

    Yeah they can do it with the old face. Just redo the scene! :)

    "And to think that Josh let it be known in an interview he got a job after texting Frank."

    He got a job after a text. That's the way to take initiative!! :)

    "Michael is actually smart enough to have turned Dex into a double-agent against ol' Dad. Give the boy an ice cream!"

    I love it!!! :) So soapy! :) Yes give him a double decker ice cream!

    "I SPY THE BEST SCENE INSPIRED BY A MOVIE: OH MY GOD!! The Ryan thing ?? Be still my heart. And it was DONE SO WELL. Sorry, but I loved it. MORE of that kind of thing please. I did figure out it had to be a dream/fantasy when he was eating Mac's face but.. hell. Thank you to the writer that thought of it!! :clapping:"

    It was the best best scene! YAY! :) I don't care that it was a daydream! :) I want more too!

    "Um, Ryan is all happy that Esme got Nikolas in bed. Personally, I find this SO SOAPY. MANY people however, are appalled. Sorry but.. my 2022 viewership mind is saying GROSS but my 70's mind is saying OH HELL YAAAAS!"


    "I'm wondering about the stories involving Kristina Wagner: Ryan and Victor's going to be so hard. I feel so badly."

    Yeah.. :( I want to give her a hug!


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...