Wednesday, June 8, 2022

My Aching Back

Oh damn, I sat in a preschool chair for 25 min and leaned forward and I KNOW BETTER!! DAMN IT! OUCH.. SO I hope I last doing this. I'm reclining but who knows. 

Brook Lynn tells Brad he was a bad friend for taping Britt dancing.  Cody is also at the pool and watches the video.

Britt tries to call the GH lawyer to get rid of the video. Then she goes to the pool. Finds Brad talking to Cody. Brook left for work. She asks Brad if he's trying to chat up Cody. Brad says no 'it's not like that".. then they spar over the video again.  They are really hanging heavy on the sparring... 

Brando is concerned that Dex went to see Michael. He doesn't like the 'looks of Dex".. 

Ms Wu comes to see Sonny about the trouble at the docks. Sonny assures her he has it under control. 

Dex goes to see Michael and has a gun with him. Sonny doesn't know he's there. OMG Dante and Brando walk in to save widdle Michael. heh.  Brando takes Dex back to the office. He tattles on him to Sonny. Sonny yells at Dex. 

Dante talks to Michael about Sonny and sounds JUST LIKE AJ. OMG I didn't realize how MUCH. 

Sasha and Gladys are trying to live together. Sasha can't take it. They talk about her drug use. Sasha gets a package that was forwarded from her old place. Oh, baby slippers. She freaks. Brook Lyn comes in says there's a make up selling show on Shopping Network and Sasha will be doing it. Sasha gets shaky and 'goes to the bathroom'. 


Ms Wu is happy with Brad's job performance. Brad likes the job. 



  1. "Oh damn, I sat in a preschool chair for 25 min and leaned forward and I KNOW BETTER!! DAMN IT! OUCH.."

    OW OW OW OW! :(

    Metrocourt hotel/Britch's room: Love Britch's dress! Love that it's blue too! I like that Britch said jif and not a hard G. :)

    Metrocourt pool:

    Brooky and Brad: Oooo. They are never in a scene together! :) I like it! :) Wait Brad gave the Britch video to his influencer friend?! WHAT?!?!?!?! COME ON! Brad is not stupid!!!

    Cody and Brad:

    Brad: Oh. Brad. Or Bradly. Whatever.

    ROFL! Brad would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it!

    Brad and Britch: The writers are making Brad look really bad. It's one thing to make a video for Britch, to give to her, fine, but then give it to his influencer friend?!?!!? Come on Brad what did you think your friend was going to do with it? This is not like Brad at all! Come on writers you are making him look really really bad!

    Brad, Britch, and Cody: Britch really really hates Cody! Hahahahahaha! Wait you don't need a license to go parachuting! ROFL! Or do you?

    Ms Wu and Brad: I love that she is so impressed by him! Oh he wants more responsibility! Like what Brad? Ms Wu was burned by a family member? WHO?!!?!?!

    Brasha home: OH I LOVE THEIR PLACE! :)

    Gladys and Sasha: Gladys is so sweet to Sasha, and Sasha looks like she is going through withdrawal symptoms. Oh look! A package. A huge baby sneaker! Sure Sasha said that Liam could have grow into them, but still! :) It's huge! :)

    Gladys, Sasha, and Brooky: I never heard of that tv show before. Sasha will be on it? Oh boy. That will be too much pressure for her!

    Gladys and Brooky: Hmmm should Gladys tell Brooky about Sasha being on drugs again? Hmmmm. Maybe not. I like how Gladys is protecting Sasha. :)

    Brasha and Gladys: I bet those pills were for a headache! I bet Sasha has a headache! I don't blame Gladys though. Hi Recast Brando! How are you going to explain what you did Gladys? Yikes!

    Horse home: I am in love with that beautiful horse!

    Dex and Michael: Ooooo. Are we going to get into a fight here?! :) Is Dex going to point a gun at Michael?

    Dex, Michael, Dante, and Brando: OH COME ON! Dante and Brando go away! You didn't even let Dex and Michael get into it! Michael is a tough guy! Michael can handle this! He is not a weak 12 year old boy!

    Dante and Michael: Stay out of it Dante! Let Michael get his revenge on Sonny!!! Now both of you take your shirts off.

    Sonny's office:

    Ms. Wu and Sonny: LOVE IT! :)

    Brando, Dex, and Sonny: Ohhhhh boy. Dex is a bad boy! He needs some spanking. :) Dex, you need to obey Sonny! Or you will be swimming with the teeny tiny fishies.

    Brando and Sonny: Bromance is still alive and kicking.

    Dante and Sonny:

    Sonny: I had a conversation with Dex. I put him on notice. I swatted him.

    ROFL! I swatted him! Hahahahahaha. Sonny would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it.

    Horse home part 2:

    Dex and Michael: OHHHHHH! Here we go! Let's get a fight going! :)

    Dex: Considering you hired me to take down your father.

    WHOA! That was a twist I didn't see coming! Dex wins the line of the day! :) Mmmmmm I like that Dex is working for Michael! :) NOICE!!! ALRIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!! :) WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :) Take Sonny down Michael! TAKE HIM DOWN YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

    1. Sonya said "Michael can handle this! He is not a weak 12 year old boy!"
      Yes, he is.

    2. "Gary says, Yes, he is."

      Hahahahaha. No no no! Michael is strong! When he gets angry, watch out! He can fight really well!!! :) I love angry Michael! :D

    3. Totally agree about Brad...he would never, ever betray Britta like that. For shame writers! As you say...squeeeeeeeee! Dex is working for Michael! Didn't see that coming and I loved, loved, loved it!
      Kind of like temp Brando and parachute man. :)

    4. lol Sonya You're funny. Dex would have floored 12 year old Michael before he finished hitching up his pants. ROFL

    5. "Julie H says, Totally agree about Brad...he would never, ever betray Britta like that. For shame writers!"

      NO! That was so stupid!

      "As you say...squeeeeeeeee! Dex is working for Michael! Didn't see that coming and I loved, loved, loved it!"

      YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!! :)

      "Kind of like temp Brando and parachute man. :)"

      Hahaha yeah. :) Temp Brando and Dexy look like brothers. :)

      "Di says lol Sonya You're funny. Dex would have floored 12 year old Michael before he finished hitching up his pants. ROFL"

      ROFL! Yeah probably, but when angry Michael shows up, you don't know WHAT he is going to do! Remember when he attacked King Mufasa aka Shiloh? :) Then he hit Poptart Smalls! Michael can hold his own. :) Although Dex has a gun. Well Angry Michael can find something to attack him with. :)

  2. What's with the wallpaper in Sasha's house????

    1. Wallpaper is in right now. Especially busy prints. On ceilings too.

  3. Check this out. Anybody seen this?! Sonny begging Michael! ROFL! It's a joke.

  4. So Britt goes back to the pool the next day? And yes, I agree about Brad. He is mischievous and loyal to Britt...not evil.
    I like the temp Brando.
    Are they trying to make Michael seem powerful? Hahahaha.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. No offense to the actors, but the casting department is getting very lazy. We now have Dex and Cody, who look like Michael and Franco. It's not as bad as the Guza's years, but I had a few confused who-are-they moments? It doesn't help that Brando has a temp actor.

    Sonny makes threats while Dante the Cop is in the same room. Classic Sonny Move.

    I still think Marshall and Valentin are connected. Marshall's timeline/Leaving town lines up with the Ice Princess Saga.

    The Esme storyline has gotten kinky with Esme and Nick hooking up. I nearly barfed at the sight. And it outranks Sonny & Nina, Sonny & Emily, Dillon & Lulu as most nauseated couple.

    1. They obviously have a type they like to perve on so they just keep cloning them. The heck with what the fans may like. And this ...OMG...My fav actor from another soap is looking for a job now...hiring has got to stop.

    2. "Di says, They obviously have a type they like to perve on so they just keep cloning them."

      HAHAHAHAHA! Perve on! Cloning! ROFL! You win! :)

    3. Sonny and Emily were TOTALLY barfworthy, but Nik and Esme, there are no words . . .

    4. "AntJoan says, Sonny and Emily were TOTALLY barfworthy"

      They were barfworthy AND no words!! Blech!

  7. I want Britt to tell Terry about her Huntington's (I don't think she has)....Britt needs a friend!!

  8. Metrocourt pool:

    Parachute man and Britch: Parachute man wants Britch to sue? Ohhh not him.. Sue the Metrocourt hahahaha. Britch you are smart. You figured him out! Yes he wants money from that suing even though he won't admit it. Parachute man talking about a woman named Zelda? When Britch stood up, I had a feeling she was going to push him into the pool hahahaha. Now he is all wet! Hahahahaha! OH LOOK! There is Zelda! :)

    Britch and Zelda: Zelda wants to help Britch find a good match. Hmmm Zelda needs to have a fling with a younger man! :) Have to think of who.. Hmmmm.

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Carly and Sam: Great summer dresses!!!! :) Oh geez. Spinny is getting into a heated argument with this guy. Carly and Sam are concerned.. I think Sam is worried.

    Carly, Sam and Spinny: Come on Spinny! SPILL IT!!!!! What is going on?! Carly wins the line of the day.

    Spinny: I'm seeing a therapist.

    Carly: Huh?!

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA! The way Carly said that and the look on her face, was hysterical! :) Spinny your nose is growing Pinocchio! Spinny just ran out of there so fast! Leaving Carly and Sam in the dust!

    Outside the building of Metrocourt:

    Zelda and Spinny: WHAT IN THE HELL?!!?!?! Spinny has tons of money and gives it to Zelda!!! Hmmm.. Maybe they can have a fling? :D


    Vampira, Spence, and Nava: Oh Vampira. Don't be poking the queen! She will bite! Now behave!!! Oh Vampira leaves quick as a whip!

    Vampira and Nik: She was hoping she would follow her?!?!! Oh Vampira you are playing with fire. Is she going to start stalking Nik and being obsessed with him?! Did she tell her daddy that she seduced Nik into submission?! :)

    Spencer and Ava: Ava is figuring things out! That he isn't in wuv with Vampira anymore and his wuv for Trina is deeper!!!! :) That he is jelly over THAT GUY and Trina! :)

    Ava's art gallery:

    Joss and Trina: Joss is thinking of the future and where to go away from Port Chuckles! Trina can't think of what is going to happen in the future! Come on! She has to be found innocent of the Tommy and Pam zex tape!!!! Then she can start dating Rory! :)

    Brasha's home: Wow the background from the window with all the buildings!!! :) Is one of the buildings the hospital? Do they live next to the hospital?!

    Brasha and Gladys: I KNEW THOSE PILLS WERE ASPIRIN!!! :) Gladys and Sasha told Recast Brando everything except that Sasha is on pills again. Oh this isn't good you two! Tell him the rest of the truth!!!

    Brasha: Awwww! He meant it when he said those vows when they got married! Awwwwwwwwww! :)

    Tomorrow's previews: WHOA! Ryan screamed at Doc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to January 15th 2010* Lucky finds out that Liz has been cheating on him with Nik! Lucky walks in on them!!! I think it took 3 months before he found out. Lucky catching them is very soapy! Not like Nik and Vampira when he locked the door! What the hell? ROFL!

    1. Sonya said "Not like Nik and Vampira when he locked the door! What the hell? ROFL!"
      Nik learned from his mistake in not locking that door when Lucky found them. 😊

    2. "Garyetta says, Nik learned from his mistake in not locking that door when Lucky found them. 😊"

      Hahahahaha. Yeah that's true. :) Boy if Wyndemere living room could talk! ROFL!


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...