Tuesday, June 14, 2022



Good gravy, my work is just A MESS this month!! I don't think I'll make it today due to kids, parents, work work work!! OY!! 

So, here's a place for you to make your observations. I know there's camping today.. what did you think? 
And..what is UP WITH THE AUSTIN CHARACTER? Geesh...he does minimal :) 


  1. I guess we now know why they brought Gregory in and put him on that camping trip.

    1. Why? To talk to Cam? To be a wonderful grandpa to little V? :)

    2. To talk to Cam about Title Nine. He's a university professor and is well versed on what that is and how it impacts Trina. He probably knows how to best defend against it too.

    3. "Di says, To talk to Cam about Title Nine. He's a university professor and is well versed on what that is and how it impacts Trina. He probably knows how to best defend against it too."

      Gregory is the perfect person to talk about all that! And yes how to defend it! :) I never heard of title 9 before.

    4. I don't know how it would pertain to Trina, especially since she hasn't been convicted of anything yet...just accused. Innocent until proven guilty obviously doesn't apply at that university.

  2. Somebody hold down Karen, cause she ain't gonna do well with Carly, Carly, Carly.......LOL

  3. Lots of funny one liners today! :)

    Pawtuck camping trip: CAMPING TIME! :) Cam is all sad. He calls Joss. Finchy looking for Cam. Jake says he is on the phone.

    Little V: With his girlfriend.

    Hahahaha little V is adorable. :)

    Finchy: I'm pretty sure you are not dating until you are 30.

    ROFL! He would have won the line of the day, but, little V wins it.

    Little V: Grandpa! Talk some sense into him.


    Pawtucket Holtster and Wyatt: SQUEEEEEEEEE! Sorry one life to live memories. :)

    Pawtucket Holtster, and Maxie: Oooo they are both PC pioneer counselors! I love the sweatshirt! :) Maxie talking about her sister Georgie! Awwwwwww. :)

    Wyatt and Finchy: Oooo singing! Finchy who do you have in mind to sing? :)

    Cam and Gregory: I like their scene. :) It was nice.

    Little V and Maxie:

    Little V: Goodie I'm not the only girl!

    Hahaha awwwww. :)

    Little V: Let's get this party started!


    Port Chuckles:

    Carly's office:

    Carly and Sonny: They are just rehashing every damn thing! UGH! Zzzzzzzzz.

    Sonny: That's one way to mourn.


    The Savoy:

    Parachute man, and Sante: He is staring at Britch and he wants to leave town. He wants to work on horses. Hey! You can work with Mr. Ed! :)

    Nina and Britch: Yeah I think Britch is a little on the depressed mode. She wants to go to her bed and go to sleep.

    Sona: OH MY! Sonny wants Nina to spend the night with him!!! HUBBA HUBBA! :)


    Joss, Trina, and Spinny: Joss and Trina have their thinking caps on. Spinny wants them to not do anything and to use common sense! Wow Spinny is so mature I love it!

    Joss: I'm my mother's daughter.

    Spinny: Precisely what I'm worried about.

    ROFL! Yeah Joss and Trina are NOT going to Scotty to talk about their theory. They are going to do this themselves! Joss calls her mother, so she won't worry.

    Carly: Oh fun I'll be right there.

    ROFL! Okay that was cute. :)

    The bar: OH MY!! That looks like the bar at Nixon falls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did Trina and Joss go to Nixon falls?!?!!

    Metrocourt pool:

    Zelda and Parachute man: Parachute man wants his money that he is owed. She won't budge. He wants his 500 dollars!

    Zelda, Parachute man, and Sante: If Parachute man just read the fine print, the amenities he wanted in his hotel room, isn't free!! Sante shows up and gets Parachute man out of there! :)

    Metrocourt hotel: Oh my my my! Parachute man went back to the pool and saw Zelda and he followed her. Wow where did he get that jean jacket from? ROFL! She went into the room and Spinny comes out to put the tray outside the door!!! Then he goes back into the room!!

    Sidenotes: I forgot to mention yesterday, that when Ryan saw Felicia at the nurses station, I thought he was going to wink at her. :) Oh and the other day when Sonny yelled at Dex about not hurting his children, too bad he couldn't threaten Michael like that. :)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Little Vi was too cute yesterday. :) But my line was Spin's with "that's what I'm worried about" to Joss. I hooted!

      They need to move along Parachute Man's story. I'm starting not to care, but he is pretty to look at.

      I love Gregory Harrison. I'll watch him any time. Same with Victor and Marty. Me thinks I'm starting to like the older men, lol!

      Sonny is just so clueless that I can't even be bothered to comment.

    3. Loved the quick comeback from Spin too.

    4. "Julie H says, Little Vi was too cute yesterday. :) But my line was Spin's with "that's what I'm worried about" to Joss. I hooted!"

      Haha yeah so funny. I'm glad Spinny was being protective of them awww. :)

      "They need to move along Parachute Man's story. I'm starting not to care, but he is pretty to look at."

      Yes very pretty to look at. :) I hope it's a slow burn with him and Britch, but not too slow like Chase and Brooky! UGH!

      "I love Gregory Harrison. I'll watch him any time. Same with Victor and Marty. Me thinks I'm starting to like the older men, lol!"

      ROFL! Men with gray hair are sexy. :)

      "Sonny is just so clueless that I can't even be bothered to comment."

      But he admitted he was wrong! :) He was just calling Carly out on HER lies! Someone had to! :) All she was doing was, YOU did this, YOU did that.. Blah blah blah. What about YOU Carly?! And you are not even telling Willow who her bio mama is! So shut it!

  4. And it seems they really don't know what to do with Austin in a group situation. Maxie had to go to the camp, even when Georgie couldn't be there, because she's a back up parent helper and they needed her. FOR WHAT? To go off alone with Austin and camp away from everyone else so that they can have their own little couple adventure. NO working with a group at all. Talk about minimal capabilites.

    1. I'm beginning to wonder if Roger has made the decision not to be on screen or even have a big storyline......maybe he wants outta there soon??

    2. It seems clear that they don't know what to do with Austin period. Such a waste.

    3. It's a HUGE waste of his talents.

    4. Truthfully, I didn't miss him while he was gone. And when he is on, everything seems to awkward.

    5. I feel the same way, Julie. He always seemed to play the same character and the comedic crap in the middle of the scene wasn't funny to me. It took the camera away fom the person who was talking, even when he was watching from the sidelines. At least when he''s on with Maxie he looks at her when he's slow talking to her. And she does get to do scenes with other people. She's not just his arm puppet.

  5. You have to wonder if Laura Wright goes into work going man I have to say this same $hit again at the same people 100 different ways all say, every day.

    I did read they will have an upcoming eppy about Laura Webber-Spencer-Collins

    1. Yay, Genie is my favorite. About time. She deserves it. She is the queen

    2. That way Laura Wright doesn't have to memorize any new lines.

    3. i think Wubqueen said it was June 20, the billionth episode episode

    4. "That way Laura Wright doesn't have to memorize any new lines." LOL..!

  6. as far as the nu-Michael there and then not there and out of order, Real' said on Instagram that yesterday they shot 5 shows and today they are shooting 5 more ----- said it's crazy and lots of work-----


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...