Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Morning After



THE HORSE HAS A HOUSE!!!!!!!!! A GIANT FURNISHED HOUSE!!!!!!! OMG ahahahahaaha. Who's going to eat with a horse in the house?!!!! 

Marshall is home. Stella was thinking Curtis should propose..but she forgets she didn't file the divorce papers. OMG Marshall has Schizophrenia. Scary diagnosis, especially years ago. 

Liz is at Shadybrook ....stupid Finn comes to visit. She's not happy. 

Pool --Cam and Drew.  Willow is FREAKING GRADUATING NURSING SCHOOL? ahahhaa. 


Sad news in case you haven't heard. Kristina and Jack Wagner's son, Harrison passed away yesterday at 27. So sad. 

Michael comes to talk to Ned. At least the tack room looks good, not like a mansion. Michael wants Ned to compromise. Ned says ok, we split power 3 ways and then take votes for the big stuff. 

Marshall talks about Schizophrenia ..having to take his meds daily. How he grounds himself on the daily.  Makes sure he knows reality vs. delusions. Explains about homeless people and mentally ill. He goes to take a nap but Curtis asks about why he waited so long to come back if his meds were working well. 

Temp Recast Brando and Sonny talk about Michael and the trial. NuBrando looks like Valentin's brother. Rex comes by and says someone is trying to take their market share (you know it's Michael). Sonny gives Michael some credit for being 'smart' AHAHAHAHAA. 

Britt gets an "intervention" from her mama and Brad. Said she was sloppy at the party and Terry will have to defend her at the board meeting if they have one. She's drinking too much yada. OMG YOU HAVE TO WATCH this part!! They are so hysterical. Britt is sad she's single. She mentions Huntingtons' 

Carly says she'll just buy Aurora on the public market if Drew won't sell her any. She's all excited.  He says he doesn't need her help. She says EVERYONE NEEDS HELP. Oh brother. She is going to help Drew whether he wants it or not. 


DEX is in the "barn" to confront Michael

Dr. O Leaves in tears thinking Britt may die before her

Ned Tells Michael: "I USED TO CHANGE YOUR DIAPERS" lol 


  1. lol So many fun one liners in those scenes with Dr. O, Brad and Britt.

    I was thinking that Michael was causing the problems till I saw the scene with Dex at the end and in the previews.. Made him look like a real gangsta wannabee. Maybe he's causing more problems than he's supposed too.

    Temp. Brando did a good job today. Didn't mind him at all.

  2. So many funny one liners today!!!! :)

    Metrocourt hotel/Britch's room:

    Britch, Brad and Mama O: I'm dying! I'm dying! Hahahahahahahaha! Especially when she is telling her mutter, nein nein hahahahaha!

    Britch and Mama O: Dammit! Britch needs to find out she doesn't have Huntington's disease, like ASAP! Mama O wins the line of the day.

    Mama O: A gruff sturdy ethically flexible man who worships me, it's a nice change of pace.



    Sonny and TempRecast Brando: Whoa! TempRecast Brando looks like OG Brando. Is this actor Australian and hiding an accent? :) Man this scene is boring! Zzzzzzzz. Oh look it's Dex/Dax. He looks like Brando! BROTHERS! :) That consumer cellular commercial with Ted Danson, they showed it and that guy behind the counter, looks like Brando and Dex/Dax!!! 3 brothers! :) Sorry. Told you the scene was boring! ROFL!

    Sonny and Dex/Dax: Zzzzzzz. I don't care about Dex/Dax! Or whatever the hell his name is. They can get rid of him. We have Brick! Brick can help Sonny!

    Q horse stables: BEAUTIFUL HORSE!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Michael and Ned: 3 CEO'S! Great idea! :)

    Ned: I used to change your diaper.


    Michael and Dex/Dax: Oh oh.

    Purtis's home:

    Mr. Hat man, Curtis, and Stella: Mr. Hat man made me cry! Great scene. Now Mr. Hat Man just needs to explain who he was on the phone with when he was in his hotel room! Hmmm Mr. Hat man, Curtis, and Stella all hugging! :) Dad, mom, and son? :)

    Metrocourt pool:

    Drew and Carly: Zzzzzzzzzzz. So boring, that I ended up looking at the back of her hair. Short hair in the back but long in the front. Then they showed that flashback of Drew and Carly and I noticed that the back of her hair was longer.. :) Sorry that I'm blabbing on and on about the back of Carly's hair. I told you it was a boring scene. :)

    Sidenote: Oh forgot to mention yesterday the scene with Laura and Finchy. She brought up HER mental illness from 20 years ago. When she was catatonic. I'm glad she didn't go into detail, because that was a horrible storyline.

    1. I'm also still holdingout hope that someone switched Brett's results and she doesn't actually have Huntington's.

    2. "Di says, I'm also still holdingout hope that someone switched Brett's results and she doesn't actually have Huntington's."

      Yeah this needs to be a lie and the truth has to come out like NOW! I mean she thinks she is going to die!!! Enough is enough writers come on!

    3. Thoroughly enjoyed Brad, Britt and Mutter. The German being tossed around was hilarious, I loved it! And yes, the writers can "undo" the Huntingtons anytime now. Just a horrible disease that actually runs in my family. End it now.

      I hooted after the "diaper" line when Michael said, "now Ned, let's not get personal". HAHAHAHHA!

      The hypocrisy that spews out of Sonny's mouth (in regards to Michael) is stunning. I'm so in the minority, but sign me up for Team Mikey when it comes to taking Sonny down. (like he'll be successful, lol!)

      Hatman's story was ok, but let's finish it now. And all that boring nonsense between Carly and Drew was a waste of film. Snore.......

    4. "Julie H says, Thoroughly enjoyed Brad, Britt and Mutter. The German being tossed around was hilarious,"

      Hahahaha it was hysterical! :)

      "And yes, the writers can "undo" the Huntingtons anytime now. Just a horrible disease that actually runs in my family. End it now."

      Oh no I'm so sorry. Do you have it? Yes end it now!

      "I hooted after the "diaper" line when Michael said, "now Ned, let's not get personal". HAHAHAHHA!"


      "The hypocrisy that spews out of Sonny's mouth (in regards to Michael) is stunning. I'm so in the minority, but sign me up for Team Mikey when it comes to taking Sonny down. (like he'll be successful, lol!)"

      Hahaha he probably won't be successful, but I want Michael to at least try. :)

      "Hatman's story was ok, but let's finish it now."

      Yes time to finish it.

      "And all that boring nonsense between Carly and Drew was a waste of film. Snore...."

      Yeah tell me about it.

    5. Sonya, no Huntingtons for me. Thanks for asking! I was adopted at the ripe old age of 5 days. :)
      My grandfather, aunt, and other relatives suffered from it though.

    6. "Julie H says, Sonya, no Huntingtons for me. Thanks for asking! I was adopted at the ripe old age of 5 days. :)"

      Ooooo. Did you ever meet your bio parents? Or ever want to? :D Ripe old age of 5 days haha. Awwww. :)

      "My grandfather, aunt, and other relatives suffered from it though."

      I'm so sorry. :(

  3. "Sad news in case you haven't heard. Kristina and Jack Wagner's son, Harrison passed away yesterday at 27. So sad."

    WHAT?! I haven't heard that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW AWFUL! What happened?! :(

    1. Found dead in a parking lot in L.A. after long battle with drugs and alcohol.

    2. "Di says, Found dead in a parking lot in L.A. after long battle with drugs and alcohol."

      Oh no! How sad! :(

    3. "Di says, 😢"

      :'( So heartbreaking. *BEARHUGS*

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. That is such sad sad news. I love Kristina and Jack Wagner.

    7. That is awfully sad news, I feel for them.

  4. I love britt, brad and obrecht. hat man still boring. story was dragged out too long. I now have a character I dislike more than parking lot Pete, and the winner is Carly. terrible about kristina and jack's son.

    1. I agree on all accounts 100% Witch. Prayers for the Wagners.

  5. raising my hand to ask permission to comment on something from last week - LOL - I forgot to say.....
    category: changing personalities of characters---------i.e. Sam
    SO we are supposed to believe that the P I in Sam offered a job to someone she JUST met and her chemistry is SO bad with Dante that SHE couldn't tell he doesn't like Cody? Even Violet woulda seen it......it was beyond ridiculous-----she NEVER trusts people....and yet she offered him a job at the Quartermaine's (which ain't her house)

    anyway - I still think Dex was hired before Josh Kelly wanted a job/he is a bad guy/he is working with Cyrus (?) and that he is already about to be gone......YEAH!!!!

  6. "Mufasa says, anyway - I still think Dex was hired before Josh Kelly wanted a job/he is a bad guy/he is working with Cyrus (?) and that he is already about to be gone......YEAH!!!!"

    Wait what? Who is already about to be gone? Dax/Dex or Parachute man?

  7. I think Dex ---- Dante figures out he is working for someone else?
    Cody/Parachute man is here to stay -----------for Britt

    1. "mufasa says, I think Dex ---- Dante figures out he is working for someone else?"

      Oh good! Because Dex needs to leave!

      "Cody/Parachute man is here to stay -----------for Britt"

      Oh forgot his name hahaha. Yeah of course he is for Britch! I mean he literally swept her off her feet! Hahahaha!

  8. Hat man has a non story. Illness or not.
    The new hires all resemble each other.
    Time to recast Jason.
    I was just thinking how bad it is to have a major topic in a story line and let it dissolve away, like Britt's illness. And poof, she mentions it. It's been months.

  9. I think Hat Man is a really good actor but this storyline is so ZZZZZ and really a dud. Love anything with Britt, Dr. O and Brad! I wish Michael had been permanently recast.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...