Wednesday, June 29, 2022



I'm so here for this today!! WOOOOHOOO! 

Drew is going to tell Carly about the stocks!! Shes' mad at Ned AND Lucy LOL . She tells Drew she sold her half of the Metro Court!! 

Willow faints, Dr. O is at the pool and gets her laying down and elevates her legs. Willow goes to GH

Nina and Liesl talk about their romantic lives. 

TJ and Epiphany talk about her becoming a Dr. Aw, TJ gives her his old MCAT books and notes to help her out. 

Anna and Felicia in Kelly's..Victor overhears Fe asking Anna about her date with Valentin. Ut Oh, they didn't want Victor to know. Victor leaves.. and Valentin stays. Anna wants to know why Valentin is meeting Victor. 

Olivia wants the facts from Nedly about why he did what he did. He says it was for the best. She yells at him. 

Michael gets called to GH after talking to Leo. He's on his way to GH .
At GH, Willow gets brought in and TJ and Epiphany are there to help her. TJ reminds her she passed out 3 months ago. They order tests. 


Carly's broker basically says that the investment corp doesn't have to wait 30 days if they have a buyer. 

Willow is pregnant.

Sonny and Nina kiss by the pool. 


  1. Willow fainted 3 months ago - which they brought up today - so pregnancy cannot be ALL that's wrong (and seriously - if she's not dying this is a dumb storyline!!!).

    1. I was thinking low sugar. That would make her get dizzy or faint if she skipped meals...whether she was pregnant or not.

  2. EXACTLY-----when she said she hadn't fainted in FOUR months but been a little tired- that cannot be FIVE months pregnant and she A NURSE didn't know more is going on....
    -----I am sorry but I hate rich people who say, "I've been under alot of stress"----no, you have a nanny and cook and money, etc......and never once have we seen you crack a book or study----you don't have to wonder where your next meal is coming from---sorryu I hate Willow-------------but it's gonna tie in the Nina and Carly
    -----I hope Leo tells Sonny cause I can't stand Michael either...
    -----the actor who played Reggie------we know him from somewhere - maybe DAYS? anyone? PLUS if he was the financial advisor to Carly, did he not TELL HER the company can call the loan before 30 days ? Something is off there...
    -----but it was foreshadowing "once word gets out that it's up for sale, then the company can sell that day."
    ----now thinking Nina is gonna buy the Metro Court ------ maybe Drew but I don't think so---- I could listen to Valentin say 'darlin'

    1. I'm still thinking that Sonny will either buy it or pay off the debt. I mean she is "the mother of his children." lol" And sanctimonious Michael helped get her in this mess trying to get something over on Sonny. But he'll blame it ll on Ned even though he was trying to unseat him .

    2. OMG, when Val says "darling" I could melt! I guess Willow is so stressed she didn't notice no period for five or six months. Drew is getting on my nerves, too. The original Drew was not Carly's friend. Olivia is wrong her because Michael and Drew were trying to screw Ned. Drew is a newfound Q and Michael spent most of his life ignoring them. Leo is so cute!

  3. by the way, Karen, WHO would like to see Carly with?

  4. Metrocourt lounge:

    Drew, Carly, and Carly's broker: Yup! Carly is going to lose!!! :) Yes Carly is right it's too late!

    Metrocourt pool:

    Nina and Dr. O: Oh come on Dr. O!!!! Scotty is the best thing that's ever happened to you! Marry him! :)

    Dr. O and Victor: Sorry Victor! Dr. O is in WUV with Scotty!!!! But don't worry. Once you make the wuv with Ava, you will forget Dr. O! :D


    Anna, Felicia, Victor and V.C.: Felicia wins the line of the day.

    Felicia: Well you know the old saying. Three's company and four's a nightmare.


    Vanna and Felicia:

    V.C.: I'll always make time for you darling.

    GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! *Sigh* V.C. is so damn charming! :) Yes yes make a 2nd date!!! :)

    Anna and Felicia: Great scene! I want more!!! I'm greedy! :)

    Q mansion:

    Michael and Little uncle Leo: Awwww. Michael is so good with him! Yes help cut those apples for Mr. Ed! :)

    Mom and dad: MOM! STOP IT! Drew and Michael wasn't treating dad right!!! You should be yelling at them instead of nagging dad!!! You should be on HIS side!!!

    Little uncle Leo, mom and dad: Poor little uncle Leo! Yes they need help for the horse!! Parachute man to the rescue? :)

    The hospital:

    Sasha and Sonny: Bad things happen here? Oh dear! Sasha still suffering from PTSD?

    Mildew: First Michael treats Willow like a child. Go to the metrocourt pool and swim. Let the adults handle this. Yeah little Willow go to the pool and don't forget to grab a cookie on your way out. Now Michael is treating her like a wonderful lova!

    TJ and Piffy: Awwww TJ is so sweet. :)

    TJ and Willow: Willow got the preggers?!?! HUH?! I heard rumors about it, but I thought it was going to be something serious. This is so stupid. Why didn't they figure out she got the preggers 3 months ago when she passed out?! Dumb.

  5. So stupid about Willow is pregnant. Why is she looking like death and fainting?

    1. And why did the zombie makeup under her eyes disappear as soon as she reached the hospital?

    2. "Di says, And why did the zombie makeup under her eyes disappear as soon as she reached the hospital?"

      Because the make up department got lazy? :) Or is on strike? :)

    3. Lol Di about the zombie eyes! Hahahah! And agreed, stupid that Willow is pregnant. Bah! Sonya, totally loved line of the day. Flea made me snicker!

    4. Well admit it,Julie. If a family member walked into the room looking like that would you send them off to the pool, or call an ambulance, after carefully checking them out ( making sure you didn't get bitten.)

      And judging by the previews, her energy level when saying to Michael that she had news for him would not happen if she was happily pregnant. (unless she suspected that it might be the spawn of Satan.)

    5. LOL again Di! Mikey/Spawn of Satan (Cujo) you decide! :)


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...