Wednesday, June 1, 2022


 Wyndemere: Nik and Esme still making out. EW OMG IT'S A SEMI-PORN MUSIC FEST! I can NOT BREATHE!! 

Spencer is in the livingroom having a sandwich, cant' find Esme. AHAHHAA. OMG Then Ava comes in looking for Nikolas. They are like where are they? Spencer wants his money-- Ava says not  until they are ALL THE WAY OUT!! 

Nikolas and Esme are naked under a blanket in the study LOL!! They make out again. 

Courthouse: Ready for Verdict OMG NEW Temp recast MICHAEL !!  I guess he was Noah on YR. HOW BIZARRE--I mean in the middle of the damn scene too!! LOL Anyway, Nina lost. She can't see Wiley. Diane is so happy. Judge yells at Scotty about being mean to Michael. OH wah wah. 

Carly sits there with the DNA results. Willow tells Nina off ..Nina and Scotty leave. 

Social: Everyone is still talking. Maxie shows up. I swear Austin said she was sick and she says she was at the office. ????? Britt is getting loaded. She's HYSTERICAL.  Chase tells Brook he will help with the Linc situation. Terry tells Britt she and Chet aren't seeing each other because he's going to Chicago. More fun banter around. Britt gets really loud and starts ranting about love and not finding it and Port Charles has NO love. Then we hear a chopper? I don't know and something falls on Britt. 

Gun Range: Laura is gone but Val is talking to Ava, then Anna comes in. Ava leaves. They have a shooting contest. They are all flirty. 


Spencer finds Esme's jacket outside the door he and Ava go to go into the room and....commercial

Britt was hit by some guy and ends up in the pool. He landed in a parachute. He's the OLTL guy (Josh Kelly)  that's going to play a new character. Tomorrow Dante talks to him and seems to know him. 

Carly is almost going to tell Willow about the DNA test (Drew walks in) ends. 

WATCH THE SHOW, I couldn't keep up LOL 


  1. Austin did say that Maxie was tied up at work. Can't wait to watch!

  2. I'm hoping that he is a Lucky recast. Lucky has been gone for to long and it's possible that Jake or Aiden called him.

  3. I think he's an old partner of Dante's????
    Well, disgusting with Esme and Nicholas however we DID find out he 'ain't playing Esme'----LOL----can't stand either of them but it's just creepy
    ---------but Spence and Ava won't find them just yet---it'll be MONTHS cause she will fake pregnant next.....the other thing is in the preview when Nicholas says he needs to tell Ava something......but it ain't gonna be that....
    AMAZING Willow has character and nu-Michael is TONS better....

    1. I was thinking can we keep this new Michael PLEASE. He has presence and he didn't hitch his pants up or huff and blow even once. And he and his gorgeous eyes totally stayed in the scene and Drew you in. I want him....

    2. "Di says, I was thinking can we keep this new Michael PLEASE. He has presence and he didn't hitch his pants up or huff and blow even once. And he and his gorgeous eyes totally stayed in the scene and Drew you in. I want him...."

      I wouldn't be mad if he stayed as Michael! He does have presence!!! :) He was really good one Y&R too.

    3. Never watched any other soaps but I agree that he can definitely act.

    4. mufasa, Nik may not have been playing Esme, but he sure did play with her. 😘

  4. new michael needs to stay he was noah on ynr he is good

  5. Man so many funny one liners today!

    Gun range:

    Ava and V.C.:

    V.C.: Why am I not surprise to see you at a shooting range?

    ROFL! Does Ava REALLY need to be refreshed on how to shoot a gun? :)

    Vanna: Oooooo foreplay! :)

    Anna: We get to spend the evening together.

    Ooooooo! :)

    V.C.: Doing what?

    Me: Oh making whoopee? :)

    Courthouse: WHOA! This was jarring! Michael is being temporary recast? WHY?!!?!? What's going on?! Is Chad Duell okay?! Well glad to see Noah Newman! :) Robert Adamson is a really good actor. I like that we had the announcer this time. The judge yelling at Scotty because he was mean to Michael was ridiculous! What is she going to do? Take Scotty's car away and put him in the corner to think about what he did?! COME ON! Too bad Nina lost. :( That was really stupid of Carly to hold on to that results and to keep looking at it! ROFL!

    Nelle's grave: Poor Nina. :(


    Vampira and Nik: This was so hysterical! I was laughing. Nik whipping out his belt like he was going to hit her with it hahahahaha. She whips off her shirt! ROFL! Well, I'm glad Nik locked the door! :) Zex on the floor! Vampira aka praying mantis all grinning! :) Soapy goodness! :) Oh they are done. Daddy Ryan will be so happy! :)

    Nik: Are you okay?

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! It's not like she was a virgin Nik! :) That blanket with an H on it.. People on twitter think it means Hermes. Is there a Hermes Cassadine? I never heard of a Hermes in that family. Hmmmm. Well anyway, Vampira kisses him again and THIS time it was a good one. I saw her tongue! :) Oh please let Vampira be pregnant!!! It doesn't have to be for long! Just a couple of months!!! But her being pregnant is soapy messy goodness. :)

    Spencer: Spencer texting Vampira hahahaha. Thinking she is in her room hahahaha. Wondering where she is! Hahahaha. Spencer your ex girlfriend is humping your father on the floor! :)

    Spencer and Ava: I doubt they would even see Vampira and Nik on the floor nekked.. The door is locked. :) Spencer trying to text Vampira, and Ava trying to text Nik was funny. :)

    Metrocourt pool: Oh boy! Britch is so smashed! :) She wins the line of the day!

    Britch: I'm going to just take this whole tray of drinks. WE NEED THEM! Look what you did?

    BAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA! *DEAD* And when she talked about all the guys she sees, how does she know that one guy lives at home?! ROFL! Brad taping her hahahahahahaha. Something fell on her and I'm like, what the hell just happened?!?! BAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh it's THAT guy! :) Well, he swept her off her feet! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    1. Oops forgot to mention that Willow was losing breath while she was all yelly at Nina.. I thought maybe Willow was going to pass out. Geez her health problem whatever it is, is very slow going.

    2. "Di says, Probably prenant."

      NO! I don't want Willow to get the preggers!

    3. I love Anna and Valentin. Please have them on screen more. So frustrating. Now I think he will stand her up for Victor

    4. "lindie says, I love Anna and Valentin. Please have them on screen more. So frustrating. Now I think he will stand her up for Victor "

      Oh he better not stand Anna up!!!!

    5. Is it bad of me to want Ava and Spencer to have revenge sex? I know it would be as yucky as Nik and Esme having sex, but it would be soapy goodness. And watching Ava rub it in Nik's face would be popcorn worthy.

    6. Sounds fun. Not the first time Ava would be involved with revenge sex.

    7. And not the first time Ava was involved with a!

    8. Vampira was too "enthusiastic" in her porn scenes. I couldn't breathe either. Yuck! Nik has just been ruined for me and that's a shame. It will be Christmas until Ava finds out, but I'm looking forward to her wrath!
      I was very happy Neener lost and of course she goes weeping to Nellie's grave. God, we'll never be rid of her. (Nell)
      I was rolling when Brad started taping Britt, so typical and hilarious! BTW, I wanna go drinking with Britt! HAHAHAH!

    9. Nina' character is just horrible now....................can't stand her

    10. "Julie H says, And not the first time Ava was involved with a!"

      That was gross, but also very hot! :)

  6. Okay. Was it just me or wer Esme and Nik just gross? I might need a strong bevarge to watch that one.

    1. for me it was the grossest thing on GH ever-----no chemistry/disgusting characters/Nicholas is the stupidest/made NO sense to go this far------

    2. Agree. I think it might have been the grossest thing on GH ever.

    3. SO GROSS!! Those were the most disgusting scenes I've watched on GH....and I was around way back during the Luke and Laura rape.

  7. Britt does win the day. Loved seeing RoHo even though his airtime is a waste of his talent.
    Michael's temp recast is so much better. Plus he looks just like Dante IMO. These recasts must be Covid related. Lots testing positive lately.
    Not liking socializing at the gun range.
    This adult romance dance is annoying. They did it with Finn and Liz, to no avail. BLQ and Chase, Anna and Val are all on that dance floor. By the time they give in, who cares. Bad pattern.

    1. The gun stuff should have been shelved but it was filmed weeks in advance. Loved Britt!!!

  8. I already know; Valentin is going to stand Anna up in favor of Victor :( Stupid show

  9. They really really have made Laura's sons so dumb. There is no way Nicholas would have slept with Esme. She is like 20 years old and his sons girlfriend.

  10. Lol carly has paternity test results. I guess nina is willows father!

    1. lindie, now I am hearing Maury Povich saying "Nina Reeves, you ARE the father".

    2. "Gary says, lindie, now I am hearing Maury Povich saying "Nina Reeves, you ARE the father".

      ROFL! That is what his last episode should be about!!! :)

  11. It was a good episode...just wish Nina was not Willow's mother.

  12. so, I guess spencer is getting a little brother or sister

    1. ROFL! Hello Spencer. You are getting a little brother or sister. Congratulations! Hahahahahahaha!

    2. Yup and why does everyone on a soap end up pregnant. There is a such thing as birth control. At least for now.

    3. Maybe ELQ didn't fix the condom problem. lol

  13. I think that "Substitute Michael" is 1000% better than "Regular Michael."

    1. If only we could keep him but Chad said he will be back after is bout with COVID.

  14. This whole Nicholas/Esme gross-out just makes me realize how much I miss the original Nicholas. I have never warmed up to this guy, so I have no pity for the character whatsoever. This entire storyline would have been so different with Tyler Christopher or a different actor who had more charisma. I just don't care, be with Esme. And the scenes weren't the least bit sexy, just yucky.

    1. Totally agree Nance. TC would have sold the fact that the writers have ruined Nik, lol, and the porn scenes wouldn't have been so porny. (that is now a word!) This whole story is just gross. Not soapy.

    2. Not to knock Marcus down because he does well but you are right. TC would have made it work

    3. This would have been so different with TC. Marcus is a nice guy and a decent actor but he lacks the intensity of the prince. I miss TC, too.

  15. The guy who fell on Britt looks like that new character, Dex. I am betting he is a Jax knock-off. A totally unneeded addition. They should connect Britt with an existing character, preferably Austin.

    1. I am not really feeling "GH" lately. I have lost faith in the current crop of writers.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. When GH uses an idea, they stick with it. Jason's return through a skylight; Scotty falling from the sky in a parachute; and now this new dude into the pool and probably into Britt's life.

    1. "Zazu says, Scotty falling from the sky in a parachute; and now this new dude into the pool and probably into Britt's life."

      Too bad we couldn't see it happen! :) They could have shown video footage of someone falling out of the plane! :)


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...