Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Ok, that was Tuesday


Yesterday's SHOW? WOW.. and not in a good way. EEK..The only thing I liked was the Watkins Glen reference. :) Great place. 

Maxie was camping because Georgie's a camper scout but GEORGIE WAS ON A SLEEP OVER ahhaha


There's some weird plug for a Hulu show? Or a cereal? I don't even know..just WEIRD. Chase is eating it.. ??? Oh someone on Twitter said he's a NBA star? LeMelo Ball or something?? I guess HULU is having NBA GAMES? 

Anyway, Chase then goes to the pool to meet Brook Lynn. Apparently the pool is open at night. Brook Lynn wants to keep doing music. Linc is talking to Selina WU. Then Chase distracts Linc and Brook Lynn rifles through his coat and finds Wu's business card with the password for the gambling game. 

Tri and Joss goes to this dive bar in the middle of Port Charles. AHAHHAHAHAA. OMG. The extras are hilarious. Guy asks them for ID. They have fake ones: Jane and Kara. The bouncer knows they are fake. Ut oh!! Then they offer cash to talk to the guy who sells burner phones. He shows them that he's behind the bar. They ask to buy a phone but want to make sure he has the right kind. "Our friend bought one here"--and they ask if he saw Esme. He says he did. Some bald guy comes up to the girls, recognizes them from the news-- knows the sex tape and that Trina's Dad is a cop. He calls Joss The PCU campus porn queen. Fight breaks out 

Camping: Just boring and SO.. so.. terrible. There I said it. Ooooffff. Maxie and Austin are not even watching ANY kids...and goofing around about stupid shit. Finn's all exasperated about the TEEN KIDS :eyeroll:  They hear something. Oh it's Violet and Greg walking through the woods. Cam and Finn make up. Music is played on a guitar. 

Sonny and Nina. Same ol convo they've had for eons. Yada yada. Nina is upset that Dante is ignoring them. Sonny wants to go somewhere more comfy. So they go to CHARLIES? FFS. Okay. 

Sam and Dante.. um... talking about summer camp with Cody. Horses. Yada yada. 

Curtis and TJ talking about Marshall and if you don't know, TJ is not bio-related to Marshall. He just met him too--and I mean, Shawn is his Dad so..?? this makes little sense. I get he's concerned but...anyway, Wu comes up and talks to Curtis about the gambling game. 

Cody is listening to Spinelli and that lady talk. He thinks Spinelli and she are having zex... and wants to blackmail Spinelli??? 


Cam and Sam sing a song. 

Austin and some guy (we don't see his face) talk in the woods. I think it's Victor or Valentin about the Qs

Cody gets money from Spinelli and he goes to gamble it 

Police come to the fight at the bar. 


  1. Some parts of this were just ridiculous. And now Austin meets someone in the woods and that's a problem. They really don't seem to want him working in a crowd. I wonder what weird problem they'll come up with next to keep him isolated.

    I think Spin and that woman have some kind of business going and Cody overheard them
    talking about keeping it secret. He only seems to have wanted his $ 500. I'm thinking too many people are heading for that game. Bet they're going to find out it's rigged and all hell will soon break out.

    Trina will be in big trouble if she gets arrested, with a fake ID. Good Grief.

    I either skipped or tip toed over the rest.

    1. "Di says, I'm thinking too many people are heading for that game. Bet they're going to find out it's rigged and all hell will soon break out."

      Ooooo! If it's rigged will there be a fight?! Oh I hope so! :)

      "Trina will be in big trouble if she gets arrested, with a fake ID. Good Grief."

      Oh I know Charlie Brown! ROFL! This is not good for her!!!! Yikes!

    2. It will become an illegal game for starters. The law says you can have private games if there'll legitimate and no rigging going on. And if it's without Wu's knowledge too it will be dould good grief, Charlie Brown AAUGH

    3. "Di says, The law says you can have private games if there'll legitimate and no rigging going on."

      Hey did you look that law up or did you already know that? :)

      "And if it's without Wu's knowledge too"

      It better be without her knowledge!!! I don't want her to get in trouble! I want her to yell at the person who rigged it! :)

      "it will be dould good grief, Charlie Brown AAUGH"


    4. No, Miss Smarty pants. All this was discussed when Wu was talking Curtis into having the games. I believe curtis check it with his (almost)ex. too.

    5. It's BEYOND strange that they think we can't figure out Spinelli is doing the dating business. BUT WHY WOULD ANYONE CARE? He has no job we know of. No anything!!!???????

    6. "Di says, No, Miss Smarty pants. All this was discussed when Wu was talking Curtis into having the games. I believe curtis check it with his (almost)ex. too."

      Hahaha no no. I know all this was discussed when Wu was talking to Curtis.. I'm just saying IF. :)

      "kdmask says, It's BEYOND strange that they think we can't figure out Spinelli is doing the dating business. BUT WHY WOULD ANYONE CARE? He has no job we know of. No anything!!!???????"

      To quote Monica from friends, "I KNOW!!!" It's crazy!!!!

    7. It's definitely beyond strange. What business is that woman actually involved in and why be so secretive about it? No one cares if Spin has a date ap.

    8. Just put Maxie with Spinelli instead of the clowns she has been paired with as of late. at least they could have humor.

    9. "Linda says, Just put Maxie with Spinelli"

      Nah not right now.. He has a secret at the moment and I don't want him lying to Maxie. It would be nice if they were end game though. And it would be very ironic if they ended up getting married. :)

  2. I'm hoping that it's Austins brother Jonah that met up with him.

  3. Oh man! So many funny one liners today! Hahahahahaha!

    Chase's home: That cereal! I was like what the hell cereal is that?! And is Chase naked?! :)

    Britchy: So you are watching the game, and eating cereal when you could be hanging out at the pool with me?

    Chase: Yup. No I mean.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA! Chase would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it.

    Metrocourt pool:


    Brooky: I'll go over your deprived childhood another time.


    Brase and Linc: Chase is so ticked off at Linc!!! :) Chase going to hit him? :) No. :( Oh Brooky is taking advantage of the situation to look through Linc's jacket! Nice touch Brooky! :)

    The Savoy:

    Sona: Too much talking!!! Just have zex already!!! When Nina brought up Sonny's son, I thought she meant Michael.. Haha oops! :)

    Ms. Wu and Curtis: MS WU YAY! :) Come on Ms. Wu show the gambling room! Please please please!!!! :)

    Curtis and TJ: Yes TJ, Curtis is trying to get rid of you! ROFL!

    TJ: How about if I stop by your place first thing in the morning.

    Curtis: I don't know about first thing.

    ROFL! What time is first thing in the morning to you TJ? 6 am? :)

    Brooky: Oooo lookie lookie she is there! Gamble girl gamble! :)

    Metrocourt hotel: Oh look at that! Parachute man is trying to hear Zelda and Spinny talking and it's a little muffled.. Very REAL! :) Nice touch writers. :)

    Zelda and Spinny: Oh oh there is trouble!!!

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Sona: Oh man! I thought they were going to his place!!! DAMMIT! Oh kissing!! There ya go! :) Oh Sonny! Why did you have to tell her you had an argument with Carly?! UGH!

    Port Chuckles bar: They are using the Nixon Falls bar set hahahaha. The writers made the bouncer very smart! :) So many funny one liners here! :) Showing the picture of Vampira with that outfit?! HAHAHAHAHA! Why couldn't it have been a different outfit? They didn't see her with that outfit on!!! :) That bald guy wins the line of the day!!

    Bald guy: You're the PCU campus porn queen!

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *DEAD* And that guy behind the bar slammed his hand on the bar! HAHAHAHAHAHA! OH LOOK BAR FIGHT! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :) Nobody threw anybody through the window awwww. :( That one guy with the gray hair looks like Faison! You can see one guy didn't hit the other guy close to his face hahahahaha. Some air hits haha. But I love the bar fight!!! :) Joss is in shock! :) Oh oh COPS!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!

    Pawtuck camping: Some of the camping I liked! The singing and little V clapping during the song! :) Someone watching Maxie and Pawtucket Holtster. Aidan is upset and struggling because of his mom. :( But the singing is helping! :) I like that Finchy didn't want Wyatt to call him Dr. :) I'm confused about Pawtucket Holtster though. Does he have autism or not? What are the writers doing with him?

    Pawtucket Holtster and ???? Okayyyyyyyyy I'm intrigued!!!! :)

    1. I liked the camping and singing too.

      That cereal was an ad for a Disney show. lol

      The latest installment in the Disney owned streamer Hulu's “Sellouts” campaign, timed to the NBA playoffs, features Charlotte Hornets point guard LaMelo Ball, who also takes the opportunity to hawk his fictional—and streaming-themed—cereal brand, LaMelo's.

    2. "Di says I liked the camping and singing too."

      Yeah it was fun!!! :)

      "That cereal was an ad for a Disney show. lol"

      ROFL Ohhhh! Someone on twitter said that guy is from basketball. :) What Disney show?

      "The latest installment in the Disney owned streamer Hulu's “Sellouts” campaign, timed to the NBA playoffs, features Charlotte Hornets point guard LaMelo Ball, who also takes the opportunity to hawk his fictional—and streaming-themed—cereal brand, LaMelo's."

      Yeah I never heard of this guy! :)

    3. Joss's expressions during the bar fight were hilarious! I loved it!
      BLQ and Chase were worth watching, same with the camping. Though again, Austin? Don't care. Seriously, I need to see the poker room and watch!
      Nina and Sonny...."Your son hasn't even acknowledged we're here." Whine, whine whine. Never want to see those 2 again.

  4. Knowing he is not bio related why does TJ always call Marshall his grandfather. The only thing about the whole repetitive story that is a question.
    Joss made my day with her facial reactions to the bar fight. Hysterical!

    1. He thinks Curtis' brother was his father, doesn't he? That would make marshall his grandfather.

    2. TJ knows that Sean is his real/ bio father.

    3. Joss had me rolling, I loved her expressions! :)

  5. Senate committee hearings at 1:00 tomorrow(EDT). Looks like GH will have to move the special show once again.

    1. I saw that. No way is that hearing going to take an hour.

    2. So far each one has been 2 hours.

    3. It is possible that the hearings today will not air on the major networks. Can't find any info except the news channels airing them from noon to 4:00.

    4. Hearings are on PBS today. Is Becky H. on summer break or just back burnered for some reason?

    5. Hearing is on ABC. Oh well.

    6. Also on NBC , PBS,CBS.

  6. did anyone notice the name tag was aiden weber, not spencer?


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...