Thursday, June 9, 2022

Half Time!

 UGH I have a dental appt at 3pm so I have to leave at 2:30 today

Nikolas flashes back to his porn with Esme. Ava comes in and asks him what he's thinking about. 

Esme and Spencer. She's happy to be back together and still living at Wyndemere. 

Trina and Joss. Joss says "we are leaving town'! She wants to study abroad. Trina' s like: UM, I might be in JAIL!?

Britt and Cody. He says to sue the corporation that put him up for skydiving. Which is THE METRO COURT. Zelda is the name of the lady "running the company"-- which we KNOW IT'S SPINELLI. 

Sam and Carly--Sam looks SO GORGE AGAIN! Spinelli comes in.. is all dressed up. Sam says something is off with him.  Sam tells Carly all about Esme and Maggie (her old nanny). 

Gladys knocks pills out of Sasha's hand..but they are aspirin. Brando walks in and wants to know why she did that. 


  1. Spinelli is trying to start up a business, right? So what's so bad about that and why are they making it be like he is doing something illegal and/or immoral. It's just stupid.

    1. Exactly. What's so bad or secretive about Spinelli starting a dating connections business? It makes no sense. (I do like the actress who played Zelda, though.)

    2. Yeah I know. It's just stupid and it's getting old. He needs to tell the truth!

  2. Very interested in the previews-not only that Ryan SCREAMS at Mac - but WHY in the WORLD is Mac there?????????? to begin the Esme is Mac and Felicia's daughter story????

    1. Do you think Mac is the father? I don't want Ryan to be the father . That would change history in a very bad way

    2. "mufasa says, Very interested in the previews-not only that Ryan SCREAMS at Mac"

      That's what someone on soap central website said!!! I thought it was Doc that Ryan was screaming at!

    3. I definitely don't want Mac to be the father or Flea to be the mother. Let some unknown woman be her mother.

  3. "GH" needs a new writing team so badly. And the first thing any new team should do is have another Lassa Fever outbreak in Port Charles that kills off about a dozen characters. Time for a reset.

    1. lol They just had a 2 year pandemic and not one character died.

    2. I agree, another lassa fever


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...