Monday, June 6, 2022

TRAGIC: Miss Wubs Held Up at Meeting!


Just so you keep up with my REAL LIFE VS GH life: I am doing a new role Mondays. I have to sit for CSE meetings and report diagnostics and I have NO idea when they'll be scheduled. Right now I got 2 surprise ones today from 2-3 WHICH IS NOT GOOD. Don't they know WHO I AM?? lol 

Ok, so I do have a question for you that I posed on Twitter:

You can bring back ONE of these characters on this list..ONLY ON THE LIST and we will get rid of 5 others to reduce the population (not telling you which ones, use your imagination)

You can pick: 





TOUGH CHOICES!! I want Gia back with a Cassadine unknown BAY-BAY that full grown and ready to rock with the college age set. Skye is a second choice so we can have Lila Rae. 

Note: That photo was taken in my hometown!! We have a great Balloon Rally every year. I've ridden in a neighbors-- it's too fun. 


  1. Tough decision since any one of them would welcome additions; however, my first choice would be Gia. Close second would be Skye.

  2. I would take Lucas but only if he was front and center with a story. Get rid of: Hat man, Snarly (at least go away for a bit), Willow, Michael (or change the actor), Austin (love Roho but I'm just not into the character) and Sasha (actress is good but the stop start story is not)

  3. I would choose Gia. She could represent Trinia

  4. im stunned that karen did not list Helena (smirk). Lucas is my first choice, but, like Linda's comment, he needs to be front and center with a good storyline. Maybe he can be paired with Cody? After all, we dont know his background. Didnt I mention this about a month ago in the blogs? Anyway.... Skye is second but depends on storyline. I'd want Ned to bring her on to side with him and help him take over ELQ from Michael. She can be a very strong woman, and I'd want her to show that strength.

  5. I would take GIa. Get rid of Nina, Willow, Sasha, Brando, and since Brando is going - Gladys (even though I love that character - if Brando goes - she would have to).

    1. I feel the same way about Gladys. She's the only good thing to come out of the Brando/Sasha storylines, for me.

  6. I would like the original Lucas to come back for Brad and maybe to see the kid he raised as a baby. Never liked Gia, the original Dylan is still on B&B, and Skye has been gone so long I don't really care.

  7. Metrocourt pool:

    Drew and Michael: Oh Chad Duell is back! Michael whining again. Drew wins the line of the day.

    Drew: I can practically hear you say he is dead to me.

    BAHAHAAHAHAHA! Michael wants to crush Sonny before he is dead to him.. *Evil smile* This will be fun. :)

    Willow and Carly: Willow is all whiny too! Too late Carly! Nina is living rent free in Willow's head! In a teeny tiny house with a teeny tiny garden.

    Drew and Carly: Drew keeps bringing up how it's good that Nina isn't Willow's mother. Like Drew knows that Carly is lying and is trying to get her to admit to the truth! Keep at it Drew hahahahahahhaha.

    The hospital: OH! Chet is still contacting Terry! YAY! :)

    TJ and Terry: Oh TJ had a week off work, but he chooses to go to work! Terry has got a surgery for him to observe!

    Purtis's home:

    Purtis: Portia is asking Curtis if she can tell him what are in those pills he has! Curtis rather not. He will wait until his daddy tells him.

    Stella and Curtis: Uhhh Stella wants Curtis to marry Portia!!!! Oh is this how the truth is going to come out? Curtis and Portia decide to get married and then they find out Curtis and Jordan are still married!!!

    Purtis and Stella: Stella apologizes to Portia about the lies. Portia is understanding. Awwwwww. :)


    Horse stables: Awwww beautiful white horse! I'll call him Mr. Ed. :) Beautiful horse stables! Hey they are using the same set that Jason and Britch used when they were on the run! :)

    Mom, Dad, Little uncle Leo, and V.C.: V.C. has things for little uncle Leo! Awwwww. :) V.C. is so sweet. :) Wait when is the night with Anna?

    Ned and V.C.: V.C. does not want to give up his shares of ELQ! He wants Ned on his side.. OH BOY! :)

    Mom and dad: Olivia thinks it's sweet that V.C. gave things to Leo, but she don't trust V.C.! :)

    Mental health facility:

    Liz and Laura: Wow I'm surprised that they showed Liz today. AH HA! Laura thinks it's more than just the sleeping pills!!!!!!!!!! Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS! :)

    Liz and Finchy: Oh oh. She don't want him there. She don't want to hurt her kids or him. He didn't want her thinking that he abandoned her awwww! Well he will wait for her!

    1. I wonder if this Mr. Ed can talk like the original one 😊. Here is a clip for all you youngsters who are to young to remember Mr. Ed.

    2. "Gary says, I wonder if this Mr. Ed can talk like the original one 😊."

      ROFL! The horse today looked shy! :)

      "Here is a clip for all you youngsters who are to young to remember Mr. Ed."

      Ooooo! Great clip! :)

  8. lol Does anyone actually see Michael being capable of crushing anyone? lol Or of being CEO of anything? He doesn't exude power or control. He spends his day at home either picking up blocks or playing car-car with his kid, or whining with his whiny wife. It's laughable.

    Glad they're finally going to clean up the Marshall story and move on, and that they seem to be getting into the divorce paper storyline again. I guess that envelope will soon be replaced by Carly's lab results and that envelope be flashed in our faces for the next 6 months.

    Now I'm waiting for Parachute Man to show up at the stables to help Leo with his horse therapy.

    1. hope they explain why Marshall hates Sonny--------------and why he first called someone and said 'it's not ready yet'....

    2. P.S. Could the underlying problem that is causing Liz's breakdown have anything to do with thinking she was covering up a murder when she helped with the Peter faux murder?

    3. "Di says, lol Does anyone actually see Michael being capable of crushing anyone? lol"

      ROFL! Nah, but I want to see him try. :) *Evil smile*

      "or whining with his whiny wife. It's laughable."


      "they seem to be getting into the divorce paper storyline again. I guess that envelope will soon be replaced by Carly's lab results and that envelope be flashed in our faces for the next 6 months."

      Hahahahaha. Yup! 6 months!!! UGH!

      "Now I'm waiting for Parachute Man to show up at the stables to help Leo with his horse therapy."

      Parachute man! Hahahahaha!

    4. Di, I so agree about Michael! This kid was in a coma for years from a child to a teenager (as the result of a BRAIN INJURY). He bashed his step-mother's head open with an axe handle when he woke up. I don't think he ever went to high school, let alone college! And he is a CEO of a major company!

      I wish that my resume looked so good.

    5. because the rerun on Memorial Day was about Aiden finding Jeff's picture and showing it to Violet and Violet asked Liz, "Why don't we ever see him?" CUE THE weird look on her face and tearing up the picture-------------------I think the writers are going to rewrite her childhood and Jeff will be a horrible father/she has kept it inside all of these years...

    6. They probably will rewrite history. Jeff was great. They half destroyed her parents when they dumped her with Gram at like the age of 14 or 15.

    7. "lindie says, They probably will rewrite history. Jeff was great. They half destroyed her parents when they dumped her with Gram at like the age of 14 or 15."

      Oh no! They better not rewrite history and make Jeff bad!!!

    8. I think something traumatic happened to Elizabeth as a teenager in Colorado, and they sent her to live with Audrey to help her heal.

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. I thought Laura said this but it was Terry who asked Finn if anyone had reached out to Carolyn and Jeff yet and maybe they should. I think we'll see at least one of them soon.

    11. Did they forget Liz was raped? Maybe that is coming back to haunt her.

    12. "LSV422 says, Did they forget Liz was raped? Maybe that is coming back to haunt her."

      It could. That's a possibility, but after all these years why would it come back to haunt her now? I think it's a childhood trauma.

  9. Bring back Gia! And get rid of Austin, Brando, Amy, Sasha and Marshall. And, I agree with a re-cast of Michael.

  10. Any one of them is fine as long as at least 5 cast members go.

  11. Bring back Skye! And get rid of Brando, Sasha, Willow, Jordan and Marshall.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...