Wednesday, May 12, 2021



Dante is showered and shaved and back on the force. He looks amaze. Jordan and he talk about the Jason case and the fact he ran in after Brit so she's probably not a hostage. He heads out to find them. 

Brit tells Jason she has Huntington's Disease ...because she has a 5050 chance from her Dad. Jason asks if she got the genetic testing. She says she lied to her mother and said she did and it was negative but she didn't. She's too scared. SO it might NOT be Huntington's. Hmmm. She and Jason talk about the progression of the disease. She's afraid she'll get the psych problems her father ended up getting. She cries and says she's scared. 

Sam is going to try to get Jason/Brit some passports. She's in Elmira. That's Southern Tier NY .. Wubsy's old stomping grounds.  OMG she sees Dante. He's there to find Jason. Talking to the gas station guy. Guy says he's not sure if he say Britt. 

Jax and Carly talking to Joss. "Coastal basically isn't an option" pick somewhere else LOL! Joss is pouting. Carly says she has other options and Jax tells her she can always transfer later. Then Carly takes a call--it's mobular related. Jax gets a pissy face on LOL!! She says "FINE, I guess I'll go to PCU"... :eyeroll: Hates it. Jax and Carly are happy. 

Ava and Nikolas. Talking about Cyrus.  

Alexis and Shawn..Shawn tells her he doesn't want to go to his parole hearing. He tells her why he pled guilty. He didn't take the deal to turn evidence on Sonny. 

Curtis and Portia talk about the club opening. Trina is watching them from a table at the Metro (they are at the bar)..she's like EWWWWWWW. Portia and he talk about meeting and giggle.   Ava comes over to talk to her. 

Curtis takes Jordan divorce papers

Joss and Trina will room together

Sam finds Jason and Britt just as they are about to leave

Sam flattened Dante's tire LOL 


  1. Why are Joss and Trina staying in a dorm in their own town? For the experience? Expensive experience. Guess they have the money since it's a soap

    1. I think Dante should fingerprint his tire and prove it was sam, Then he should arrest her. I'm miffed that she found them in time but she also could have led him to them. I also hope he rents a car from the grocer and goes and arrests her, while loudly thanking her for leading him to them. Yes. I'm bitter. I hate that I'll be FFing through more scenes and I've been loving the britt/Jason scenes.

    2. I am going to watch now but I wish they would keep Sam out of the Britt/Jason relationship. So nice to see a new relationship evolving for Jason w/o Sam and for Britt with anyone.

    3. I also agree. cannot stand how jealous sam is. worry about your kids. love for her and carly to be killed off.

    4. I agree too, Jenny60. Jealous Sam is not needed. And really detracts from Britta and Jason!

  2. The dorm scenes could be good IF and only IF they add a few more interesting characters.

    Dante looked amazing all cleaned up!

    1. Bite your tongue. The last thing we need is more new characters. There's not enough story for the 543 characters that we already have.

  3. I always think it's so funny that Port Charles is large enough for a university AND an international airport and YET YET, you can walk anywhere anytime - don't need a car!

  4. Dante's home: At first I didn't know who it was. Michael? Michael with Willow? Or Jason found a place to shower? OH IT'S DANTE! :) Oh a clean shaven and hair short Dante! YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! :)

    Jordan's office:

    Jordan and Dante: Whoa! Dante lookin hawt hawt hawt!!!! :)

    Jordan and Curtis: I was wondering if the envelope Curtis was holding was divorce papers.. Now did she already sign them, or does she still have to sign them? Now why did Curtis have to give them to her and not his lawyer? Well, Jurtis is dead!!! Hallelujah!!! :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Nava: Yeah Nik!!! You act like a Cassadine! HA!! :)

    Portia and Curtis: I love hearing more of their backstory!! :) Trina in another table don't like it hahahahaha. When will Trina find out that Curtis is her bio daddy? :)

    Trina and Ava: Great scene. Glad Trina talked to Ava about how she feels.

    Jail library:

    Shaun and Alexis: Yes Alexis!! You are right! You two ARE family! Awwwww. :) The Tag on Shaun's shirt says Grey.. My first thought was Grey's anatomy hahaha. I was trying to read what the whole tag said. :)

    Carly's home:

    Carly, Joss, and Jax: Yes Carly acting REALLY mobular!!! I LOVE IT! :) Oh Joss stop whining!!! Colleges want you!!!! You should be grateful!!!

    Carly and Jax: Jax don't be asking questions!! It's none of your business what Carly is doing!! I thought Jax was going to blame Sonny for this! Hahahaha.

    Close to the Hay barn:

    Sam and Dante: Oh Sam go home!!!! You are so annoying!

    Dante and his car:

    Dante: Son of a bitch!

    ROFL! What Sam did to Dante's tires, made me laugh. They will be having sex in 3... 2... 1..

    Hay barn:

    Britson: Oh Britson you don't know if you have Huntington's disease or not! So cut the crap and go find out!!! Awww she is crying! Jason hug her! :( Britch wins the line of the day.

    Britch: Paranoid much?

    ROFL! No he really isn't! Dante is at your tail!!!! :) Oh time to move on! Okay good. UGH SAM! UGH! Teeny tiny pathetic dun dun dunnnn. :)

    1. Dante was looking mighty fine, and needs to be kept far away from jealous Sam. Blech!

      I just love Ava and Trina.

      Did you see the previews where Nik said welcome to the new owner of Pentonville? What the what?? Holy cow!

    2. hmmmm Look out Cyrus thugs. The Cassadines are back.

    3. "Julie H says, Dante was looking mighty fine,"

      Oh hell yeah! :)

      "and needs to be kept far away from jealous Sam. Blech!"

      Well right now, she is sticking her nose into Jason and Britch's business!! She needs to go away from that!

      "I just love Ava and Trina."

      Me too! :)

      "Did you see the previews where Nik said welcome to the new owner of Pentonville? What the what?? Holy cow!"

      Oh yeah I saw that! I was like huh?!!?! :)

      "Di says, hmmmm Look out Cyrus thugs. The Cassadines are back."

      Haha hell yeah! :)

  5. sonya said..."Oh a clean shaven and hair short Dante! YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!
    ***Passes sonya a drool bib. lol

    And sorry.I definitely don't want Sam and dante having sex. Why should he be stuck with her to keep his job.

    My quote of the day was another Britt one. I can't remember the exact words now but it had to do with him usually not having anything to say.

    And whose tail is dante at? ROFL I think someone really needs a cold shower. hahahaha

    1. "Di says, Passes sonya a drool bib. lol"


      "And sorry.I definitely don't want Sam and dante having sex."

      HAHAHAHAHAHA! We both know it's going to happen. :)

      "Why should he be stuck with her to keep his job."

      He doesn't need Sam to keep his job. :)

      "My quote of the day was another Britt one. I can't remember the exact words now but it had to do with him usually not having anything to say."

      Hahahaha. Yeah that's a good one too. :)

      "And whose tail is dante at? ROFL I think someone really needs a cold shower. hahahaha"

      ROFL! You know very well what I meant! ROFL! Dante is very close to finding Britson!!!! :)

  6. I wish that they had brought Max and Milo back to run or help run the business until Sonny comes back. I hope that Nixon Falls is Jason and Britts next stop after they send Sam back home.

    1. Yes...the first to see Smike should be Jason!

  7. Sam has passports but they are for her and jason not Britt and jason her getting involved in Jason's problems is only going to create problems for herself. She broke up with him because of the lifestyle but wants back in when there is an adrenaline rush for her I remember Kristina blasting her once for this behavior and she was 100 percent correct

  8. "Unknown says, Sam has passports but they are for her and jason not Britt and jason"

    Oh no! I hope that's not true!



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...