Thursday, May 6, 2021

What happens next? (Thursday)

 Fan Fiction.

Nina leaves Nixon Falls and accidentally leaves behind a folder with some contracts and other paperwork and her business card. Sonny decides on an impulse to go to Port Charles to return the folder to Nina (It's a soap) He gets there, and while walking towards the Crimson offices gets a lot of strange looks from passerbys. He enters Nina's office and she is visibly shocked and says "What are you doing here? You have to leave you cant be here". He tells her about the folder and she is genuinely grateful, but still insists that he leaves. She starts to sort of push him out the door when Maxie arrives in the lobby. Maxie whispers "Oh my God..." Standing behind Sonny, Nina is waving her arms in the international "no" symbol and says "Maxie, this is Mike. He's my friend from Nixon Falls. He does not live here. (And then annunciates) He is vis-i-ting." Maxie catches on and says "Oh, hello... Mike. It is very nice to meet you. For the first time, I mean..."

Suddenly, the elevator opens. 

What happens next?


  1. Out walks Carly and she screams at Sonny

  2. I am not sure why Nina is doing this. If she wants a relationship with Wiley, keeping Sonny away from his family isn't going to help achieve that. I think what happens next is the elevator opens and Ava is there.

  3. FYI, James Patrick Stuart got cast in a new pilot. We just can't lose him!

    1. Oh no. That is horrible for us. He is one of the best we have.

    2. But the actor tweeted, “I am currently working on a Disney Channel comedy pilot. We film 15 minutes from the GH stage so, should the show get picked up for series, and while it would create scheduling headaches for some very cool people, I have no plans to hang up Valentin’s dancing shoes any time soon

    3. Di. Thank goodness. He is one of the reasons I still watch. There's not many reasons left.

    4. "LSV422 says, FYI, James Patrick Stuart got cast in a new pilot. We just can't lose him!"


      "Di says, But the actor tweeted, “I am currently working on a Disney Channel comedy pilot. We film 15 minutes from the GH stage"

      15 minutes? YAY! :)

      "while it would create scheduling headaches for some very cool people,"

      Which cool people? :)

      "I have no plans to hang up Valentin’s dancing shoes any time soon"

      YAY! :)

  4. I tweeted to him to congratulate him and say I was so glad he wasn't leaving GH and he liked my tweet. He is a great guy as well as being a great Valentin.

  5. I think Carly makes a great mob boss. She was great, didn't screech at all. She should be in charge.

    1. She just needs to keep a cool head and not do stupid stuff.

    2. Question is will Carly want to give up being a mob boss when Sonny comes back. She seems mighty comfortable calling the shots.

  6. AND, I am so glad Dante is a cop again. He has been floundering since he's been back. They haven't been using him properly. He's not on enough, or with enough people. He is a good actor too, but just flailing around. I was glad to see him in his cop role again.

    1. Me too. And I'm so glad they didn't continue with that Sam pairing in the case. Team him with Sp[inelli on the job or Mac or Jordan.

    2. I liked the scene with Mac and Dante

    3. sorry, still think Dante is floundering, do not care for him. he can take sam and leave town.

    4. I like seeing Dante doing something instead of hanging out. Didn’t realize he is so short-like his dad Sonny. Sam was wearing five inch heeled boots. The teens have no other friends, no interest in dating or, dare I say, sex. Very odd. Carly back to her usual loudness again.

  7. "Maxie catches on and says "Oh, hello... Mike. It is very nice to meet you. For the first time, I mean..."

    For the first time I mean! ROFL!

    Jason's hideaway:

    Jason, Britch, and Spinny: Great scene!!!! Spinny even had the phone for Britch hahahaha.

    Jason and Spinny: Spinny wins the line of the day.

    Spinny: I loath to face the wrath of the BRITCH!

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I was laughing so hard! :)

    Jason: Don't call her that.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :) He really likes her! :) I didn't quiet hear it fully because I was laughing so hard, but I knew he said that.

    The police station:

    Cam, Jordan, Scotty, and Liz: Cam is FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! YAY!

    Sam and Dante: What the hell is with Sam? She won't let Dante turn around and seems like she wanted him to look her in the eye.. Sam chill the hell out!!! You don't need to see Jason and to help!

    Dante, Spinny, and Sam: Oh what the hell is this? Good cop bad cop? *Roll eyes*

    Jason's hideaway:

    Sam and Dante: *Roll eyes* I'm glad Dante is almost back on the force, but why is Sam acting this way? UGH!

    Britch's car:

    Britch and Jason:

    Britch: Sure thing grandpa.

    HAHAHAHAHA! Awwww! :) Love their banter. The look on her face when she called him grandpa! Hahahahaha!

    Jordan's home:

    Jordan and Trina: Trina is so sweet! Trina Jurtis are over I'm sorry.

    The Savoy:

    Portia, Curtis and Angela: I'm like who is this ho? Oh wait Angelia is a mixologist. Okay.. :) I thought Curtis and Angelia were on a date. :) Good glad they aren't. I want Curtis with Portia.

    Portia and Curtis: Oh interesting drinks and names of drinks. :) They were talking about the past. :) Oh oh Trina shows up and don't like it. Curtis took off his wedding ring!!! Well it got stuck, so Portia helped! ROFL! Need some butter guys? I guess not! ROFL!

    Liz's home:

    Liz, Cam, and Scotty: What is with William Lipton's facial expressions? Why did he start to do that?!!?! Yes Cam you do need counseling!!!!

    Jax's home:

    Jax and Carly: OH BOY! Sorry Jax! Carly has become the mob boss and you can't stop her!! :) Now go feed your Tribbles on the table. :)

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to June 1979* After Laura's car accident. Just to warn you there are video clips at the beginning and end, and audio only in the middle.

  8. First off I should say that I haven't been following GH anywhere but this blog for a long time. Wasn't watching it at all. I've been following recently because of a guy that records them and adds them to his blog every day. One of the posts here mentioned that Alexis had sex with a guy and he died in bed and I said to myself, "This is a show I need to be watching." •I started watching again, basically about the time Sonny went over the falls. As far as I am concerned Sonny can stay away and get replaced with Mike. Let Carly run the coffee biz.
    It looks like TPTB are going to stretch this out for a while so I have a question....It's well documented GH canon that Sonny has bi-polar disorder. What will happen to Mike when Sonny's brain doesn't get it's pharmaceuticals?

    1. Phyllis figured out Mike is bipolar and the clinic doc at Nixon Falls is prescribing his meds.

  9. sonya said..."HAHAHAHAHA! Awwww! :) Love their banter. The look on her face when she called him grandpa! Hahahahaha!"

    I love their banter too. And I loved the look on his face too.

    Unknown: Gee. Do you have amnesia too? lol Sorry Couldn't resist. Phyllis is a nurse and she had Mike checked out when he started getting manic in his behavior, and he's back on his meds now.

  10. Wow, Sam is being a traitor to Spinelli.

  11. I liked Shawn and Alexis. She needs to help get him out of prison. Get rid of some of the others and keep Shawn. He can run ELQ with his business degree.

  12. So, the whole town knows Peter killed Franco and he is still going around town all smug.

    1. YES! So dumb to have Cam find out. Esp since no one has evidence (PCPD doesn't check for evidence as we know) Surprised the camera the other day was even working to show cam didn't shoot Jason.

  13. Kristina Wagner will be on the Sean Donnelly episode. Yay



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...