Thursday, May 20, 2021

Throwback Thursday: The WSB


YOU MUST watch this video Dave found on the WSB!! I LOVE it so much!! I wish I knew how to do them. I love the song too. Sure it looks dated and a bit cheesy now but back in the day it was cutting edge for a soap!! To think a lot of these actors are still associated with GH is also wonderful. 

Get ready for Sean's goodbye tomorrow. Grab them Puffs. 

(This is the Thursday blog because Karen will not be around. Post your little hearts out)


  1. Great video!!! I miss those days terribly. Maybe the writers can watch this and realize that we need Scorpio on more than 1 day every 2 weeks.

    1. I was going to say the same thing! Someone send to FRANK and let him SEE how ridiculous it is that Anna and Robert and Valentin cannot STOP Peter! They were so good back in the day!

    2. My sentiments exactly!

    3. They solved every crime. Some took awhile. They didn't look like fools then either

    4. They saved the freakin world - Ice Princess, baby!

  2. Yes. This was my favorite time on GH. I loved when Anna was big tough spy and especially when she used her kick boxing moves on all the.bad guys. Miss that SO much.

    1. PS. I personally don't want Tony Geary back for the special. I want Jack Wagner .

  3. That's when computers were brand new and HUGE.

  4. Tristan Roger's is NOT mentioned in any of the articles for the Sean Donnelly special tomorrow. He was Sean's best friend. If he is not on I'm sorry but that would be big BS

    1. I read that Tristan said in a Cameo video that he is in the episode.

    2. Thank you Gary. I was going to be so upset

  5. Maybe we'll get Emma Sam's. She and Sean were friends too

  6. Yeah!!!! GREAT WSB VIDEO!!! Thanks Dave!!! :) The music is appropriate for it. Ah the good ol days.

    Sam's home:

    Sam and Dante: Rollin! Rollin on the tire!!! Yeahhhhhhhhh! :) Sam telling Dante to stop being a wiseguy as he was leaving hahahaha. Sam wins the line of the day.

    Sam: In a barn? I don't know. A cow? A chicken? A moo moo here a cluck cluck there.

    ROFL! Don't forget a Tribbles! :)

    Carly's home:

    Carly, Gladys, and Brando: Carly is trying to convince Gladys to turn on Cyrus and to tell the truth on who killed BobTodd! Gladys needs to go away forever!

    Auora offices:

    Sasha and Cyrus: Okay the scenes with them is very very strange.

    Sasha: You are not my father.

    Or maybe he is!!!! Someone on the soap central website said that maybe Cyrus is Sasha's father. Hmmmmmmmmmmm. Then this scene would make more sense if they were father and daughter.

    Cyrus: Have you ever considered that I might want to be part of your life, and that I want you to be part of mine?

    You see what I mean?!!?!? What the hell is that!!?!?!! Unless he is her father. I mean when she was talking to him, he had tears in his eyes..

    Kevlar's home:

    Laura and Nava: Nik you gotta be careful with Cyrus!!! Ava and Laura half of the Charlie's angels!!! :)

    Jail meeting area:

    TJ and Shaun: FINALLY a scene with them! Awwwww TJ called him dad. :(

    Jail library:

    Alexis and a woman: What is her name? Nancy? She is free soon!!! Alexis helped her out and now she is freeeeeeeeeeee! :)

    Alexis and Shaun: Now she is going to help Shaun to be free and finally he agrees so they are working on it! :)

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1989* Alan and Monica arguing over Ned.

    1. Sonya, they may have been me that said Cyrus may be Sasha's father. I mentioned something about it there. I kept having flashbacks from Darth Vader from The Empire Strikes Back "Sasha, I'm your father". The whole conversation was weird. Cyrus was almost pleading with Sasha. It reminded me of how he begged Laura for a relationship, which is why I think they may be related. I'd rather her be Martin's daughter. Either way, I'm good with Laura having a niece she can mother with Lulu being out of commission.

      Loved the Laura/Nava scene, but should Nava be talking about going outside of the law with the mayor? Oh wait, she is good with Sonny/Carly doing it so go ahead.

    2. "Gary says, Sonya, they may have been me that said Cyrus may be Sasha's father. I mentioned something about it there."

      OH! You are on soap central too? Cool! :) Maybe you are right, or Marty is her father. Hmmm.

      "I kept having flashbacks from Darth Vader from The Empire Strikes Back "Sasha, I'm your father".


      "The whole conversation was weird."

      Yes it was!!!

      "Cyrus was almost pleading with Sasha. It reminded me of how he begged Laura for a relationship, which is why I think they may be related."

      Yes you could be right!!!

      "I'm good with Laura having a niece she can mother with Lulu being out of commission."

      Awwww yeah. She can mother Sasha. :)

      "Loved the Laura/Nava scene, but should Nava be talking about going outside of the law with the mayor?"

      I know right?!!?! Hush Ava! :) Laura even mentioned that.

      "Oh wait, she is good with Sonny/Carly doing it so go ahead."


    3. I'm Batgary on SoapCentral. My avatar is my bulldog and my son.

    4. "Gary says, I'm Batgary on SoapCentral. My avatar is my bulldog and my son."

      Oh wow!!!! :) Love the picture!!!! :)

    5. Line of the day was a hoot! And it came from Mumbles of all people. Half the audience probably missed it though, lol!

      I really like "Nava" presenting such a united front. A real Cassadine could take down PLP and Ponytail with a snap of the fingers. Let's get on with it already! :)

    6. "Julie H says, Half the audience probably missed it though, lol!"

      Hahahahahaha yeah probably. :)

      "I really like "Nava" presenting such a united front."

      Yes!!! :) I love it, and I love Laura and Ava getting along. :) Two of Charlie's Angels! :)

      "A real Cassadine could take down PLP and Ponytail with a snap of the fingers. Let's get on with it already! :)"

      Yes please!!! Also Gladys..

    7. Sonya, thanks I think my guys are cute too. Both are spoiled rotten, especially Barney the bulldog.

      Julie, I can't decide if Helena would kill Ponytail or take a fancy to him like she did Luke. Peter she would swat like a fly.

  7. I thought the best part of today's show were the previews. Lots of vets! Monica - oh, no.

    1. "Paul773 says, Monica - oh, no."

      I KNOW!!!! What is happening?!?!! Did she see Chase in a towel?!!?! :)

    2. I think maybe Monica hears about Sean. They had an affair back in the day

    3. I hope she's not having a heart attack! Or been poisoned!

    4. They better not mess with Monica.

    5. "lindie says, I think maybe Monica hears about Sean. They had an affair back in the day"

      Oh yes! They sure did! :)

  8. Just watched the video now. LOVE IT. They need to show some of that, or all, tomorrow. I wish Frisco would be the one to come back. Frisco, Felicia, Sean, Tiff, Anna and Robert were SO SO close in those good ol' days. Miss it so much

  9. Did Monica drop the glass because she heard about Sean? They did have an affair back in the day.

  10. Valentin holding Anna's hand and sitting next to her on the stairs.

  11. Sam/KEMO to me could have given those scenes much more life. They could have chemistry if she tried. I want to root for her, but she just seems to be phoning it in

  12. I really like Jason and Britt. I have never liked Britt before. I like her with Dr. O and I like her with Jason. They humanize Britt. And, she and Jason fit well. Different than Jason's other girlfriends/ wives.

    1. And Britt will be able to hold her own with Carly.

  13. Great blast from the past Dave, thank you!!

  14. It might be a long shot but I saw a spoiler that a prodigal son is returning and will shake things up and after seeing Monica drop the cup I'm wondering if AJ could be Roger Howarths new character.

    1. "I'm wondering if AJ could be Roger Howarths new character."

      WHOA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :0

    2. That would be a shocker. I like it.

    3. That would be a shocker!!

    4. Wow! That would really shake things up for sure. And i could actually go for that one.

    5. I love this idea so much, I can't stand it!!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I just have one question about today......are they making it so Sasha is already SHOWING??? She kept holding her shirt and I swear it already looked like the put a bump under it. She's been pregnant for about 3.2 seconds.

    1. I think the actress is pregnant in real life

    2. I think the actress is pregnant in real life

    3. I thought that when I saw her too. Maybe they had to write a hasty pregnancy into the script. Lockdown can be so boring. lol

    4. I read that she isn't pregnant but I didn't know she was married.

  17. This video was fantastic, and thanks for sharing! I remembered so many of these stories. I loved that group of spies so much and now really miss those days!

  18. I also meant to mention that I thought Sasha really held her own with Cyrus. She was downright cruel a couple of times. Not only was it well deserved, but she almost made Ponytail cry, lol!

    1. I loved that too. She certainly sold the lie.

    2. Sasha was fierce. Ponytail was pleading with her. I love you name for Cyrus, by the way.


Rock N Roll

 TODAY is.... THURSDAY!!  So one of the soap mags has said that Leslie Charleson probably won't be back as Monica due to health issues. ...