Wednesday, May 5, 2021

NOT on the Guest List


I watched the end of Tuesday's episode and we didn't see Cam actually shoot the gun. Jason gets shot, and Cam was aiming but it could have been anyone hiding in the parking lot. Just saying. 

Carly brings her "guys" into the meeting. Says she's sitting in for Sonny. Ms. Wu asks if she's taking over her late husband's territory.  Great scenes. Come to find out, Carly had a shipment of Cyrus' destroyed in the harbor. He says "Act of War" . Other mob bosses are impressed. They all accept Carly into the fold. Cy is pissed. Oh Carly is gonna be MobHead!! 

Jason wants to get dressed and get to Carly. Britt tries to talk him out of it. He can't go, too weak. They wait for the blood to come. 

Cam, Scotty and Liz at the interrogation room at the PCPD. Cam swears he didn't do it. He goes to get booked. Liz kinda yells at Jordan. Jordan is like: Um, it's my job. She reviews the footage and sees the bullet comes from behind Cameron, he didn't shoot him. He's free to go. 

OH! Dante is at the PCPD too! YEAH!! Well, he's "helping out" for now. But he should be on says me. 

Jax and Joss are at Jax's house. zzzzzzzzzz. Dante comes by looking for Carly.  Joss and Jax are wondering what she's up to.

Nina and Sonny. Sonny fixes her a Tan-O Tini LOL ... Elijah wants to take her out to the fanciest place in town.  Nina is going to 'find a place' in Nixon Falls. Welp. 


Dante finds Carly at the meeting place for the 5 families. Asks about Jason she says she knows nothing. 

Eli pays off some shady guy and Sonny sees it. 

Someone is coming in the cabin, Jason gets his gun out

Cameron hears it was Peter August that killed Franco


  1. Another good episode. I didn't like Cam overhearing about Peter at the end. We don't need him going on another rant. Hopefully the scare he had today taught him a lesson.

    Also I laughed at the previews for tomorrow. Sam telling Dante he needs her to find jason. Get real Sam. Your kid didn't even need you for potty training. Dante can handle this. Don't make me have to FF through his scenes again.

    Carly handled her mob scenes really well No banshee in sight and her demeanour was very effective. Cyrus lost it...hehe Going down Cyrus... going down.

    1. I was laughing at the Sam previews too, Di. Seriously? We don't even need her on our screens!

      I also agree about Carly. She was great yesterday!

  2. Kimberly J Brown is joining GH. I remember her from Halloweentown and Squints.

  3. Nixon falls spin off:

    Pennsylvania side of the river LanTANO mountain bar:

    Mike and Nina: TanoTini!!! Hahahahaha! Mike really likes Nina! :) He is jelly of Elijah! Come on Mike kiss her already!

    Nina: Oh Ninaaa. What are you doing?

    ROFL! Oh Elijah go away!!!! UGH!


    Elijah and another man: Hmmmmmmmm? I'm glad Mike saw it happening. :)

    Port Chuckles:

    Jason's private room:


    Britch: Oh contraire! We have to wait for your minions to make a blood delivery.

    ROFL! She would have won the line of the day, but someone else did. I'm glad she got him to not go!! :)

    Police station:

    Cam, Liz, Scotty, and Jordan: Shut up Cam!!!! If your bio father was still alive he would tell you to shut up too! Listen to Scotty! OH! Gun powder residue test! YAY!!!! Oh I'm so glad that Cam is free to go! :) Yes Liz! Cam needs counseling! Hey that bald guy at the police station that we see sometimes, he was at the hospital the other day and he was a doctor in the background hahahaha!

    Jax's home:

    Jax and Joss: I always love father and daughter bonding time. :) And they showed Jax's tribbles! :)

    Jax, Joss, and Dante:

    Dante: What happened to you guys? Did you get jumped or something?

    Hahahahahaha. Dante would have won the line of the day, but someone else won it.

    5 family meeting:

    Carly, Cyrus, and the 5 families: I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Carly bad ass mob boss! I want more of that! :) Great scene! Cyrus was livid!!!! :) And that is what my info on my tv said hahaha. He really was! :) He even won the line of the day!

    Cyrus: SON OF A BITCH!

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Not only did he steal Sonny's line, but Cyrus is all twitchy! Carly was so great! Then when everyone left she had to be alone because she was affected.. No Carly be strong!!!!

    Sidenote: I got my first vaccine Phizer shot this morning at 10 am! :) I asked if I will get superpowers! :) No I won't. :( BUT the lady there said I will get a tail!!!! YAY! :) My arm feels a little heavy, but no big deal. Just like when I get a flu shot. Heavy arm. :) I feel good! :)

    1. Loved your recap, as always. And congrats on the vaccine! I had the Pfizer and did pretty well with it. Just a bit run down for a few days.

    2. Congrats on your shot. Yesterday marks my 2 weeks since I got my last shot. I got the Moderna one.

    3. Congrats on your shot - I'm fully vaxed and all I had was a little fatigue - thanks to all who get vaxed

    4. I had Pfizer. I had a sore arm with the first and had chills and felt run down with the second for a day. Totally worth it.

    5. Congrats on your vaccine Sonya, yay! I've been vaccinated since February (work at a hospital) and did fine with the 1st one, fever and horrible chills with the 2nd one. I just kept saying it's doing it's job, lol! I had Pfizer, too and you'll do great!

      Mob Boss Carly (notice I didn't say Snarly!) was fantastic! And Livid Ponytail was a thing to behold! So many lines of the day, I couldn't keep up! And I'm very glad Cam didn't shoot Jason. I so didn't want to go down that road!

      Have a great day!

    6. "Kathy M says, I had Pfizer. I had a sore arm with the first"

      I have a sore arm too, and last night my wrist and hand felt a little heavy like it was tired. I haven't seen anybody say that. I wonder if people have gotten that too.

      "Julie H says, Congrats on your vaccine Sonya, yay!"

      Thank you thank you!! :)

      "I've been vaccinated since February (work at a hospital) and did fine with the 1st one, fever and horrible chills with the 2nd one. I just kept saying it's doing it's job, lol! I had Pfizer, too and you'll do great!"

      Yeah it IS doing it's job! :) Glad you feel better.

      "Mob Boss Carly (notice I didn't say Snarly!)"


      "was fantastic!"

      She was!!!! :) I want her to stay mob boss even when Sonny comes back!

      "And Livid Ponytail was a thing to behold!"

      It so was!!!! :)

      "So many lines of the day, I couldn't keep up!"

      Hahahaha tell me about it! :)

      "And I'm very glad Cam didn't shoot Jason. I so didn't want to go down that road!"

      I didn't want Cam to shoot Jason either.

      "Have a great day!"

      Thanks you too! :)

  4. "Paul773 says, Loved your recap, as always."

    Thank you. :)

    "And congrats on the vaccine!"

    Thank you!!! :)

    "I had the Pfizer and did pretty well with it."

    Oh good I'm glad. :)

    "Just a bit run down for a few days."

    Awww. :(

    "Gary says, Congrats on your shot."

    Thank you. :)

    "Yesterday marks my 2 weeks since I got my last shot. I got the Moderna one."

    WONDERFUL! :) You are fully vaccinated! Have you gotten together with your loves ones yet?

    "JohnD says, Congrats on your shot"

    Thank you thank you! :)

    "I'm fully vaxed and all I had was a little fatigue"

    Great! :)

    "thanks to all who get vaxed"

    Yes thank you!

    1. Yes. So glad to hear people getting vaccine. I am a nurse. Been vaccinated since February.

    2. "lindie says, I am a nurse. Been vaccinated since February."

      Oh great! Thank you for all that you do!!! *BEARHUGS*

    3. Thank you Lindie, happy national Nurses day to one of our very own Heroes!

  5. I have spent two days giving vaccines at a drive through site - people are so nice and happy to get their vaccination. I always tell people that if their arm is sore, it wasn't my fault. Congrats to you on getting the shot.

    LOVE the Carly story. I always thought she would be a better Mob Boss than Sonny. She just needs to believe in herself and stop running to Jason.

    Glad Cam didn't shoot Jason - disappointed that he overheard about Jason/Peter - wish he would have heard it from his Mom with maybe Kevin nearby.

    I don't want Sonny back as mob boss, but I am bored with Nixon Falls. I think Nina is just proving how awful of a human being she is and how she operates under a different set of rules than everyone else.

    1. Thanks Denise for giving those vaccines. Got mine from the National Guard. Our website sucked but the National Guard did super awesome job.

    2. Replying regarding I don't want Sonny back as mob boss, but I am bored with Nixon Falls. I think Nina is just proving how awful of a human being she is and how she
      operates under a different set of rules than everyone else

      He must be drawn to those women... Just like CARLY!

  6. I think that Carly will not be able to give up her power and will cause marital discord when Sonny comes back.

    1. I don't want her to give up her power!!!

    2. Exactly - I have said that several times - she is NOT gonna give up and I NOW think the 5 Families will want HER not Sonny.....


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