Tuesday, December 1, 2020


 I'm here again today! Look at me!! 

If you're of a certain age, you'll get this reference!!! 

Jordan and Curtis going to Mexico City. I don't even know what it's about..that postcard I found I guess. They get there. Curtis goes into the medical plant and Jordan steals some files from the computer while he's distracting people. 

Lulu is being watched by Laura and Tracy who are drinking Kelly's coffee. There's  nice baby Lulu and Laura flashback. Luke is off on one of his "adventures" . Portia tells everyone the team is there to take Lulu to the long-term facility. 

Cyrus wants to know how Lulu is..he's pretty upset about this. Hmmmmm. 

Sonny and Jason ..."Julian has pushed TOO FAR"! lol Jason thinks Julian could be useful to them to tell them Cyrus planted the bomb. Sonny wants the information, then to kill him. They go off to Wyndemere. 

Charlotte is going to visit Lulu but she's nervous. Nina steps out of the elevator and say she'll go with her. Val is greatful. Nina and Char go to visit Lulu. Tad Martin comes up to Valentin. 

AVA AND JULIAN are the ones to watch today. Wow..Maura kills it. She rails Julian. Holds a gun on him. WATCH IT!!!! She basically says he's a scum, has to die because Cyrus will keep following him and his family. He asks if she's choosing Nikolas over her. She says yes because "she loves him" AWWW. Anyway, she takes him out to the parapet in the storm 'easier clean up'... They talk, he says 'last words" then...SONNY and Jason burst out there right when she's going to shoot and yell. Julian jumps. 

Maxie finds out that Lulu's being transfered AND the whole Sasha thing. Wow..she's reeling. Laura sees Cyrus. Hauls off and smacks him..she's shaking. Good scene. "Nothing will stop me from wiping you off the face of this earth"..ooooooo, good stuff. 

EVERYONE SAYS GOODBYE TO LULU. Maxie tells her she's sending skin products over to help.  Charlotte is going to miss her (she's grown up!!) Val tell her he sees that Charlotte needs her and he's sorry! what? WOW..Tracy does a good goodbye too. Nikolas is in there. 

Dante's is heartbreaking of course. Dom cries so well. 

I can't do the write up justice. 

Today is World AIDS Day. Remember Robin and Stone. 


  1. Fantastic scenes with both Laura and Ava today. I also liked the little clues we got today.

    When Laura said:" "Nothing will stop me from wiping you off the face of this earth", I loved Cyrus' reply..."Nothing ever does." I might have been did but same difference. He also looked worried.

    Also when Jordan got the information in Mexico City she said there was info on Cyrus and a patient named Gray, and in the next scene when Martin Gray showed up, Cyrus made a crack about him showing up at the right time or something to that effect. And Martin said haven't I always. I'm thinking they've known each other a long time.

    1. That should be "It might have been did" as in nothing ever did."

  2. Today was so flipping good! I didn't get the real good feels though til Laura sat with Lulu and the tears flowed. Maxie and Dante were good too and Valentin...so glad he fired Martin. So wait are Martin Gray and Cyrus tied together somehow???? Did I understand that correctly??
    Oh and I must laugh at Sonny when he was saying he was going to go with Jason as backup! I actually said aloud, "what are you going to do, thump his forehead again?" 🙄🤣

    1. Thump his forehead....lol Sometimes he looks like he's getting tired just standing up.
      And I definitely got the impression that Cyrus and martin are tied together and it's an old relationship.

    2. "Michelle L says I actually said aloud, "what are you going to do, thump his forehead again?" 🙄🤣"

      HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I am so glad you are back on this blog! :)

    3. I was just crying laughing with the Sonny forehead thumps. A while back someone here said all they wanted to do was flick Sonny in the forehead. Swear to God one of the writers reads this blog and the comments. It was just too coincidental. And hilarious!

  3. "Karen says, I'm here again today! Look at me!!"

    ROFL! I can see you doing that while you are waving your arms hahaha!

    Why is there a thunderstorm?

    Carson home:

    Jason and Sonny: Boy! Sonny just had to let go of everything!!!! But this time, NO!!! :) Wait Sonny! The Tribbles want to go with you!!!!

    Jurtis plane:

    Jurtis: Or whomever's plane it is. :) At first I wasn't sure what they were doing..

    Mexico City:

    Jurtis and worker: OH! Love the language they were using and the words on the screen! :) Jordan has got the file YAY! :) A patient. Last name Gray?!!?!?!?!? As in Martin Gray!!?!?!!??!


    Jules and Ava: Oh come on Ava! Put the gun away. Stop playing with guns. You are not going to kill him. Great scene though!!! Ava telling him a lot of truths! :) Ava wins the line of the day.




    Jules and Ava: Oh oh! Here we go!!! I really want Jason and Sonny to walk in and see this! :) So she IS going to kill him!

    *Sonny and Jason rush in*

    Or maybe not!! Oh Sonny you ruined the shooting!!! Sonny is still in love with Jules!!!!

    Ava, Sonny, and Jason: Ava is a drowned rat! ROFL! Great scene!

    The hospital:

    Alien Lulu's room: Great scene. I love that everyone went in to say goodbye to her. Including Charlie. It's just so distracting that Lulu is wearing that Alien thing on her head. ROFL! Love the baby Lulu flashback awwwwww. :)

    Nurses station:

    Cyrus and Maxie: Oh come on! You can't make me believe that Maxie didn't know that Sasha overdosed on drugs!! Please! :)

    Cyrus and Laura: Hmmmm Cyrus has tears in his eyes? Very interesting. Love the Laura slap! :)

    Marty Gray and V.C.: Hey Marty Gray. You are FIRED! HAHAHAHAHA.

    Marty Gray and Cyrus:

    Marty: After all these years have you ever known me to wait to be called upon.

    Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?????? Very very interesting..

    The elevator:

    Laura and Doc: DAMMIT I didn't cry at all when everyone was with Lulu saying goodbye, but as soon as the elevator's close and Laura cries, I cried!!!! GAH! Don't do this to me Laura!!! :( Wait a second. No we gather together song? :(

    1. I was picturing karen waving her arms too. lol Great minds.

      Laura's grief seemed so real. What an amazing actress.

      And I'm surprised you had no comment on that last scene.

    2. "Di says, I was picturing karen waving her arms too. lol Great minds."

      Hahahahaha. Wow yeah great minds! :)

      "Laura's grief seemed so real."

      I know!!!!

      "What an amazing actress."

      YES! She has always been an amazing actress!! :) So glad she is back!

      "And I'm surprised you had no comment on that last scene."

      Yeah I forgot. Oops! I'll talk about it tomorrow. :)

    3. Alien Lulu! I've been thinking that too!

    4. Thanks so much for the recap Sonya, my governor came on a half hour in, I was screaming at the TV, lol! Going to watch on Demand today. Sounds like a missed a heck of a good show. Love the theories I've been reading on here and lord help us if Pony Tail is related to Laura. Ewwww!

      I did see the line of day and really, Eva is fantastic!

      I was away for a while and it's nice to be back here hearing from Karen and everyone else. GH has been pretty awesome!

    5. Ponytail related to Laura??? Oh wow! Didn't think of that! Was it just me or really truly concerned about Lulu?? I was shocked! I've seen his act and he seemed genuine. But he deserved that slap regardless.

    6. "Paul773 says, Alien Lulu! I've been thinking that too!"

      Hahaha. Those head caps with the electrodes are hysterical! :)

      "Julie H says, Thanks so much for the recap Sonya, my governor came on a half hour in, I was screaming at the TV, lol!"

      Hahahahaha. Oh you're welcome. :)

      "Sounds like a missed a heck of a good show."

      You did!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

      "Love the theories I've been reading on here and lord help us if Pony Tail is related to Laura. Ewwww!"

      He got emotional when talking to Laura though!!! You gotta see!!!

      "I did see the line of day and really, Eva is fantastic!"

      Yes she is! :)

      "I was away for a while and it's nice to be back here hearing from Karen and everyone else. GH has been pretty awesome!"

      Glad you are back!!

  4. Genie is such a good actress. She had me crying immediately. The prayer was about people lost to COVID I think. Nice touch.

  5. Some of Genie's tears must be real since Emme is leaving the show

  6. Oh ya, Martin Gray is Cyrus shady lawyer or something

  7. Wow, what a powerful, heartbreaking episode. Crying here.

  8. Someone on the soap board I go to reminded us that Laura's biological's father's name was Gordon Gray. So, we got to speculating if Marty and Cyrus are Laura's half-brothers.

    1. Whoa! That could be possible!

    2. Interesting! I hope that turns out to be true. (And I hope we get a Leslie appearance soon, too.)

    3. "Gary says, Someone on the soap board I go to reminded us that Laura's biological's father's name was Gordon Gray."

      Is that board on soap central? Cus I saw that!!!!! :)

  9. And the Emmy goes to: Genie Francis.

    1. I agree. best actress ever in daytime

    2. Agreed! She is phenomenal! And her castmates who didn't shed one tear for Dev should be watching her. Not that he was that popular with the viewers but he did die. I also like seeing Valentin's ever evolving character. And of course, Maura was outstanding. GH has four of the best actresses on tv - Genie, Maura, Finola and Nancy.

    3. the 1 thing wrong with Maura is she only has one facial expression. where genie and finola you see the emotions in their face.

  10. the picture is from the movie COMA. i think around mid 70s

    one thing I really liked is that they mentioned Lucky and Ethan and Luke. that was really good on the writers part

    1. I agree. Thank goodness for a Lucky, Ethan and use mention. Too bad none could do a guest appearance. Too hard with COVID too I imagine

  11. Was Carly there for Lulu and Laura? She is related.



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