Sunday, December 27, 2020

2020 Wub Awards: COVID Edition


WHO in the heck would have imagined 2020 would turn out like it did? Absolutely NO ONE. That's who!! What a wild ride. For awhile we didn't even know when or if GH would be able to table. I'm doing the Awards a bit differently this year; adding some things that I thought were fun. 


Alexis/Neil death and her drinking, Gray Family Reunion, Mike's death, Nava's story, Taggert's Back, Curtis-Laura team ups, Tracy showing up, Ned being Alanish,  Everything Robert,  Joss/Cam/Trina, Tracy, Britt's Back  Dante/Oliva, Ava and Ryan; FannA Fun and Violet. 


Maxie is pregnant, Alex return, Franco Tumor-Rebirth, Julian's bomb, Nina's missing child, Anything Peter,  Sasha Drugs, Willow/Michael and Brad leaving. 

So, without further ado, I present the WUB AWARDS! 

BEST SOAP CREW/PRODUCTION/ACTING/WRITING: YES, and I know I only watch GH but I also know they've done a hell of a job during this time of keeping the show hopping. I don't think any other soap can say that. I didn't feel a lull and the only difference is the Covid-Style kissing. Other than that, it's been phenomenal. Characters are interacting, there's more than 3 people in scenes and I get surprised on the regular. Thank you to all!! 

BEST ACTRESS:  I had tough time with this one. There are 3 stand outs: Maura West, Nancy Lee Grahn and Genie Francis. Genie had some great material late in the year. I really loved Alexis' decent into drinking and Nancy nailed it all. Maura is always 100% on her game.  I'm going to have to go with Maura again. She just nails it...every single time. 

BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS:  Lisa LoCicero was just perfect with her Dante scenes. She was also a delight in the Robert-Caper. She can do it all; comedy, angst and sorrow. I'm so glad she was on more this year. 

BEST ACTOR/ SUPPORTING ACTOR:   I had the opposite with this one! I'm not as enthralled with the males on the show as I am the females. This has to go to two people: Maurice and Max Gale.  Mike's End Game was just too good not to award. They both were solid and made me cry. Maurice went through all the stages of denial, anger and acceptance. These two actors brought out the best in each other. One is a lead and one is a supporting but without each other, this story wouldn't have been as powerful as it was. 

BEST SUPPORTING CHARACTER:  Think about Valentin for a minute. He is fantastic with Anna when she needs a friend. Ditto to Alexis. He just lifts them. The scenes where Valentin is used as a sounding board resound so well. JPS is a great actor. Love him with real life pal Michael E Knight in his lawyer scenes.  He even did the 360 with Lulu and made that even better.  Valentin is a baddie that is so complex we can root for him. 

STAND-OUT WUBSY SCENE: It's hard to pick just one scene from a show that you've watched 5x a week for a year. What I usually do is just think about what really grabbed me at the moment. This year it was a small scene; many may not even remember it. It showed the power of Nancy Lee Grahn in just a few moments. It was during Neil's memorial when his brother was telling her off for what she'd done to him. Her face was just shattered. I remember it because I instantly teared up and I don't usually do that unless it's a big lead-up death scene. This was just so raw and unexpected. That's what makes the show so great. 

BEST COMEBACK:  Britt Westborne!! She was just the thing this show needed! Bitchy at the hospital and yet a loyal friend to Brad. Hey..there's also some chem going on with Jason. Yes, please! 


BEST NEW RECAST:  Loving Kim as Jackie Tempelton. She captures the essence of the character so well. Good to see her back. Of course we all want to see where this is going with Finn but also see her with... TAD !! 

BEST TEMP-CAST:  Nailed it. 

BEST BREAK-UP:  JaSam. Sorry but they needed the shaking. There was just no life left in their scenes. Having Sam realize her kids needed to come first was also done well. Yes, it was quick but her talks with Alexis about addiction were such a tipping point. Interested to see where both of these characters go now. 

BEST COUPLE: You know I'm shipping NAVA!! I love Nikolas and Ava in every scene they are in.  Fighting, laughing...having COVID-zex...all good stuff. 

WORST COUPLE:  Willow and Michael. They are just so so boring in my book. I can't stand their talks about life and Wiley either. No spark. No energy. 

BEST COUPLE THAT ISN'T: Welp. You know it's true. 

BEST STORYLINE:  Hands Down the Mike Alzheimer's story that was done with humor, grace, great writing and acting. Bravo. The integration of the hospital and personal aspect was also compelling. 

MOST DISAPPOINTING STORYLINE: It was a toss up between anything Peter and Nina's Necklace but Peter edged it out by an inch. Why? Maxie's pregnancy. No one wanted this. She already has 2 kids we never see. Nope. Nope. AND I thought the whole thing was going to be over with when Alex came back. :Sobbing: How wrong I was. 

BEST USE OF HISTORY: Kudos to the writers for the Laura backstory utilizing great talent with Michael E Knight and Jeff Kober.  Laura is seen as strong, independent and just badass at times. Then, during the Florence scenes, she's an instant concerned sister. Jeff, Michael and Genie are just glorious to watch in all of these scenes. I went from not knowing the Gray family history to WANTING MORE! (and that happened in one damn day!) This is soapy-soap at it's best. 

BEST FRIENDS:  I had to put this in here because Maxi and Lulu were 2 of the people we could count on for dishing about everything PC. I also had to mark the Lulu-Coma and Emme leaving the show. I don't know if she'll come back or Lulu will be recast but there will be a hole where Mulu existed.                  


BEST SET:  I'm calling the turret/parapet my fave this year. Come on, it's withstood the test of time. So many people thrown or jumped over, almost all have lived to see another day. 

BEST DRESSED:  Curtis. Nails it EVERY SINGLE TIME. Doesn't hurt that Donnell Turner looks gorge in anything he wears! 


: I snark on them but lately they've been dressing characters like they are real people Carly is in sweaters; Liz is in jeans! I remember when all the ladies wore cocktail dresses 24-7!! Seriously, if you look at most characters, they are dressed pretty life-like. Exception: Willow who at times is a prairie maiden. 

MOSS KEEPER: Hey it's still alive and growing even after a shut-down! 

COVID KISSES:   There were some great, close scenes. It was even a little fun to see how they would decide to show an intimate moment! 

COMA HATS: They were in abundance. 

CAMEO APPEARANCE: Um, we love Tracy and I love her popping in now and again. Her turning the corner to hug Laura wouldn't have had 1/2 the impact it did if she was on the show full time. 

BEST SPECIAL EPISODE:  I thought the women voting show was done really well.  All women, even the director. 

BIGGEST SURPRISE:  Yes, I didn't know about this. Yes, I fell off my chair and screamed. It was just a delight! 

Hope you enjoyed reading about my ENJOYMENT of GH in 2020!! It sure had some fun and surprise moments for ol Wubsy.  Thank you to Dave and Sonya for the help with the blog. Without time, I may not have managed to go on!!  It was a strange year but here we are almost on the other side. Cheers to a great and HEALTHY 2021. 


  1. disagree with best actress, genie is the best. she always shows emotion in her face. second is nancy lee grahn. my problem with maura is her face is too stiff from botex.its very distracting. best actor is roger howarth. maurice does nothing for me. but he is quite handsome.

    1. oh my gosh!! REALLY!! I swear I'm the "BOTOX" spotter and Maura never hit me that way!! I guess she must use it-- because you're right Genie and NLG have way more "expression' that way. Great, now I'll see it always LOL

  2. I too think that Genie is the best actress on GH. I am not sure about best actor. I don't find any of the male actors to be all that great. I love Tristan and Maurice but only really because they are vets. Max Gail and Mo did do an exceptional job with the Alzheimer story but think because they worked together so well and great writing and directing. Finola is still one of my faves, but don't like the fact that they have ruined her character. Overall the show is wonderful right now.

    Thanks again Karen!!!

    1. The male actor was SO HARD and I Didn't feel Jon L was on enough-- he usually got it for Ryan. But the two of them--Mo and Max clinched it!

  3. Can't remember, who did Robert have those flowers for? Jackie? He seems to be going after Jackie again. He will probably get a broken heart.

    1. YES! and I put it at the top because it was one of my fave photos of the year!

  4. Loved this awards post! My choice for best dressed is Anna Devane-love her wardrobe. I don’t think any of the male actors are exceptional, but the acting in the Mike storyline was very good. Finola is a great actress too, although her character has been ruined. As much as I love Maura and Nancy, Genie will always be the best to me. All in all an exceptionally good year for GH writing and acting.

    1. I think I find Genie predictable which is MY problem. I've watched her since I was 16-17 when she came on the show I see her but I don't SEE her. Does that make sense? I do love her scenes. I just think Maura delivers so much in every thing she does

  5. So where is the award for best soap blog? You win, hands down! Thank you for hanging in throughout this craziest of years.
    I wanted to click "like" after each mention. Especially Maura West. I could watch her all day. The whole staff at GH did do an amazing job zigzagging around all the Covid protocols.
    Max Gail...miss him.
    NLG is doing a great job but now it's time for rehab and a solid strong story. That whole Neil thing was just horrible. But that scene you mentioned was really good.
    Good riddance 2020.
    Thanks again Karen, Dave and Sonya...and all the commenters that make this a fun place to come. Happy New Year to all!

    1. I second that zazu. The award goes to Karen for the best blog.

    2. "Zazu says, So where is the award for best soap blog? You win, hands down!"

      YES SHE DOES! :)

      "Thanks again Karen, Dave and Sonya...and all the commenters that make this a fun place to come."

      Awww you're welcome. :)

      "Happy New Year to all!"

      Happy new year to you too and everyone! :)

    3. AW! thank you!! I was thinking about how long I've done this and you all must think I'm insane LOL... it's been a long long time!

    4. "kdmask says, AW! thank you!!"

      You're welcome!!!! :)

      "I was thinking about how long I've done this and you all must think I'm insane LOL... it's been a long long time!"

      No I don't think you are insane!! You are doing what you love!!! :)

  6. I really enjoy your blog, and agree with you on every point, here. Love the Gray Family story.

  7. Enjoyed Emma Samm's (Holly) cameo appearance as well. I'd call that one a cameo/biggest surprise.

    1. Me too LiamAZ! Never saw that coming, and I was thrilled!

    2. SEE?? So much happened that I TOTALLY forgot that! Ugh.. yes, it was glorious!

  8. I agree with zazu too, best blog ever! I agreed with everything you wrote, except tough call between Genie and Maura. Tie for me! And I do like Michael and Willow! 😁 Thanks Karen!

    1. i like michael and willow to

    2. I can see WHY people like them. I love to bust on them because they are so sweet. I like the mean couples; Ava/Nikolas LOL

  9. I think I like Michael and Willow too.

  10. "WHO in the heck would have imagined 2020 would turn out like it did? Absolutely NO ONE. That's who!!"

    Certainly not me!!!!!

    "BEST TEMP-CAST: Nailed it."

    She sure did!!!!

    "WORST COUPLE: Willow and Michael. They are just so so boring in my book. I can't stand their talks about life and Wiley either. No spark. No energy."

    Yes yes yes!!!! Agree agree agree! Horrible couple!!!

    "MOSS KEEPER: Hey it's still alive and growing even after a shut-down!"

    ROFL! Glad the Tribbles won!!! THE best prop EVER!!! :)

    "COMA HATS: They were in abundance."

    The alien coma hats! HAHAHAHAHA!

    "Thank you to Dave and Sonya for the help with the blog. Without time, I may not have managed to go on!!"

    Awwww hon you're welcome!!!! Some great scenes that you didn't watch live, that I freaked out and needed you to know ASAP!!!! :)

    "It was a strange year but here we are almost on the other side."

    Oh I can't wait!

  11. Great blog Wubsie! You know I disagree about Mo/Sonny because frankly, Max Gail owned that storyline and carried Mo. Mo's acting has definitely declined over the years and I thought it really showed here. For Best Actress I think I would have gone with Genie but only because she's just amazing all the time no matter what crap is thrown at her....but given her recent storyline since the Covid break, her acting is just straight up Emmy worthy in every scene. Love your choices Wubsie, thank you for all the time you put into this blog and live tweeting with all of us cuckoos!

    P.S. The characters of Franco and Peter still need to be killed off. Period.

    1. Who would you have given best actor to? Max is supporting. Jon? I didn't think Dom was on long enough. Hmmm...

  12. BEST....... SUNDAY....... SURGERY....... EVER!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. (Oops, typo.) I do like your idea of Michael and Chase. LOL

  15. I do think JPS is excellent as Valentin!

  16. I agree with most of the awards. I think Best Temp-casting should of gone to Brianna Lane instead.

    I extremely disagree with Best Break-up. The writers were lazy with JaSam and just reused old scripts. Sam has complained over and over in the past, how 'dangerous', Jason's life is. Yet, she still goes back to him, blissfully forgetting past incidents. At least with CarSon, they finally acknowledge that Carly has accepted Sonny's life.

    1. It was a toss up between Brianna and the one for Sam..BUT I thought the character of Sam was harder to step into. I like the possibility of Sam and Jason with other people. Especially Jason. I WANT him to WANT Carly. It would be EPIC :)



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...