Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Kudos to Carly

Jackie visits with Anna... she doesn't know Anna knows!!  They talk about Violet and how good of a Dad Finn has become. Then Jackie says she knows Anna knows she slept with Finn. She wonders if they should tell Harry. 

Laura tells Carly that Cyrus is her brother and so is Martin Gray. Goes over the whole story. Carly is surprised. Laura thinks Cyrus kinda likes her (as a sister) and they can use that to their advantage. Laura leaves and Carly immediately calls Jason and leaves him a voicemail. 

Greg and Finn in the PARK...AND ALEXIS comes over, shit-faced!! OMG she's so drunk. Finn introduces her to his Dad. Asks Alexis to go to a meeting. She boops Finn on the nose, says no and Greg notices she's bleeding.  THEN Finn says she needs stitches and Alexis says "Your son is wonderful. Did you know we slept together and he didn't die"?? AHAHAHAHA. Dead. Anyway, Finn convinces her to go to GH. 
At GH he stiches her up. Wants to know who can pick her up or he's taking her home. She says to call Ned! uh oh. 

Cy and Jason at the Pier. Cy thinks Jason might be more reasonable than Sonny. Jason is more 'logical'. Jason says no..and Cyrus goes to Leave. Jason says "if you're waiting for Walker to take me out, I've already caught him".. (sniper). Cyrus whips a gun out "Then I'll do it myself"!! (Scared me a bit) . Carly steps out of the shadows with back up--Brando jumps out, puts a gun on Jason. Finally Jason gets Cyrus and Brando to drop their guns. 

Olivia, Ned and Tracy at lunch. Tracy talks up Olivia. Olivia is like: what is happening here.  Tracy compliments Olivia, Olivia cries a bit. Then Finn calls Ned to pick up Alexis at the hospital. Olivia wants to go. He's like NO! You stay here. You and Mother are getting along so well. 

In the exam room, Alexis tries to tell Ned Tracy was the one that drove them off the road. Then Olivia comes in! 


SO MUCH Jarly goodness!! watch it!

AND OMG, but CARLY got Florence from the Nursing home as leverage against CYRUS!! WOW. 
I love this show without Sonny!! YEAH!! 


  1. Genie Francis. Jeff Kober. Nancy Grahn. Jane Elliot. Wally Kurth. Lisa LoCicero. Finola Hughes. Michael Easton. Kim Delaney. Gregory Harrison. Steve Burton. Laura Wright. There was not a weak link on the show today. Loved the scenes with Anna and Jackie. Clearly rivals, so much history and it’s not being played or written like a cartoon plot.

  2. The park:

    Greg and Finchy:

    Greg: You've been as paternal as Chase as I've ever been. And telling the truth was always something I wanted to instill in both of my sons.

    Uh huh. You know that Finchy and your wife slept together and that Chase is really Finchy's son don't you? That is why you are saying all that.

    Greg, Finchy, and Alexis: Alexis is really funny in this scene! :) Alexis wins the line of the day.

    Alexis: Did you know we slept together and he didn't even die?

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! I'm dead!!! :) Uh Alexis, I don't really think Gregory really needed to know that. :) ROFL!

    Chandler Mansion:

    Jackie and Anna: Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I am team DNA test. So.... Yeah.

    Jackie, Anna, Greg, and Finchy: I really really REALLY think Gregory knows that Jackie and Finchy slept together and Chase is Finchy's son. I mean the looks Gregory is putting out there!

    Jackie and Gregory: Gregory are you waiting for Jackie to admit the truth to you?


    Jason, Carly, Cyrus, and Brando: GREAT SCENE HAHAHAHAHA. Cyrus pounded lightly on the ground then he pounded strongly on the ground. Too bad Cyrus wasn't yelling loud!! :)

    Carson home:

    Jarly: GAHHHHHHHHHHHH! Great scene! I was waiting for them to kiss!!!! :)

    Jarly: What I can't survive, is losing you.

    GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! That made me cry!!! My Jarly heart!!!! :(

    Laura and Carly: The look on Carly's face when she finds out Laura and Cyrus are siblings hahahahaha.

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Tracy and Nedlia: Oh look is mama Flo, oh wait no it's Tracy! ROFL! Monica used to be a gold digger! Hahahahaha. Oh Tracy. :)

    Tracy: You complete him.

    GAH! I liked everything Tracy said, but not this line!!! Nobody can complete another person Tracy! They have to already be completed!!! Don't put that pressure or burden on her!!!

    Tracy: In the same way Luke completes me.

    UGH! Oh Ned has to leave to see Alexis. Damn Ned don't act all suspicious!!! Chill out!!!

    Brando and Cyrus: OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Brando is all freaked out and shaky!!! :) Come on Cyrus, give us a yell! :)

    The hospital:

    Alexis and Finchy: GAH! Finchy called Alexis sweetheart! I love when he calls her that! :)

    Alexis and Ned: Alexis you need to get help!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and Olivia is coming! I hope she doesn't overhear you two talking about the sex. Oh whew. :) She didn't. I love that Olivia wants to help Alexis awwwww. :)

    1. I've been thinking that about Gregory, too. He knows! It's in Gregory Harrison's facial expression and especially his eyes. A scene with him, Michael Easton, Finola Hughes and Kim Delaney. Wow. An embarrassment of riches.

    2. Of course Alexis won the line of the day, I was rolling! She plays an excellent drunk, but it's way past time for her to clean up her act. I need and want Natasha back! :)

      Totally agree about Gregory Harrison. He can sure throw the looks around, what a pro!

      I'm going to ignore your Jarly loving heart, ewww! LOL!

      Happy New Year's Eve to you and yours Sonya! :)

    3. "Diana Taylor says, I've been thinking that about Gregory, too. He knows! It's in Gregory Harrison's facial expression and especially his eyes."

      YES! Exactly!!!!! :)

      "A scene with him, Michael Easton, Finola Hughes and Kim Delaney. Wow. An embarrassment of riches."

      YUP! They are all so good!!! :)

      "Julie H says, Of course Alexis won the line of the day, I was rolling!"

      Hahaha yeah that was hysterical! :)

      "She plays an excellent drunk, but it's way past time for her to clean up her act. I need and want Natasha back! :)"

      "Yeah she does make an excellent drunk, but yes I agree time for her to clean up her act and bring out Natasha! :)"

      "Totally agree about Gregory Harrison. He can sure throw the looks around, what a pro!"

      He sure can!!! Glad the actor joined the cast. :)

      "I'm going to ignore your Jarly loving heart, ewww! LOL!"


      "Happy New Year's Eve to you and yours Sonya! :)"

      Thank you! Happy new years eve to you and yours too hon!!! :)

  3. So, how did Carly take Cyrus mother?

    1. Maybe she had Brick take her He's a fixer.

    2. "Di says, Maybe she had Brick take her He's a fixer."

      YES! Maybe Brick did help!!

    3. I'd like to know that, too! Laura is not going to be happy about that move.

  4. I think Laura is in danger now because Cyrus will blame Laura for his mother being taken from nursing home

    1. Im thinking Laura may not be happy about Carly's choice to kidnap Flo. But,that's just me.

    2. No, Laura won't be happy that Carly kidnapped Flo. Laura will be upset that Carly used her to kidnap an old woman.

  5. I always thought carly was in loves with jason. sonny was her second choice.

  6. Good show today but too much Carly for me, although I’m grateful to be rid of Sonny for awhile. I sure wish Tracy would stay permanently.

  7. Old Cy whipping out that gun scared me too, I actually jumped, lol! I liked the little touch of him making fists and pounding the ground. Good scene. Fact is though, any self respecting hit man would have put a bullet in him. Not talk him to death and leave him laying there. I swear Jason has now graduated from the Sonny Corinthos school for mobsters!

    1. He said he wanted to kill him but couldn't do it in front of Carly. Had they been seen she would have been implicated. (I wanted Brando to pick up a gun and kill him after he threatened him again.)

    2. Yeh I loved Ponytails temper tantrum! He's loosing it...🤣

  8. Damn! I hate closing when I work cause I must have fallen asleep watching. I did see the interaction with the guns but didn't know Carly had Florence! Was it offscreen?? Definitely a rewatch! I agree, better without Sonny! 💯


She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...