Friday, December 18, 2020



SIBLINGS!! WOO HOOT! Cyrus says he found out when he was in solitary confinement and looked on the internet. Laura is upset about the bomb and Lulu. Martin says "oh he killed our father too". YOU HAVE TO WATCH THESE SCENES. They are such a great study in acting. REAL acting. They were amazing. I was so interested in a story that I had no idea about. Just know that Cyrus accidentally ran over their father with his car. Martin thinks he did it on purpose.

LAURA already cares about her bros! awww. and Florence wakes up! 

Joss finds out that Taggert is alive from Carly. She's all happy but thinks how crazy their lives are.  Carly and she talk about mobular life. 

Curtis and Jordan talk about her not telling him Taggert was alive. He finds out Jason and Sonny knew before he did. He's upset with Jordan. Says she never really trusted him. 

Jason gets arrested in the bus station. Um, stupid. Diane is RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER it seems. AND the cop let him talk to her-- like he's not a dangerous guy that had a gun and killed someone! HAHAHAHA. Ok, these scenes are just laughable. Diane is trying to get Jason off-- and it's so NOT REAL but I'm just going to go with them for the sake of the show. He lets Jason go because he saw the security footage and it was self-defense. Jason leaves to find Sonny and Jules.

On the bridge, Julian and Sonny are still yappin' away. He tells Julian he can get redemption if he turns in Cyrus to the PCPD and makes the town safe again. Julian wants reasurrance that Sonny won't kill him when it's over. Then he slumps down to the floor of the bridge. Sonny kicks him, he doesn't move. Puts his gun away to haul up Julian...Julian jumps and ATTACKS HIM! They fight...SOnny shoots him again. Jason runs out and the BRIDGE FALLS WHERE SONNY IS STANDING!!!!!! Oh I gasped!! 


  1. The scenes with the Grey family are superb. Love hearing the history we never knew.
    I didn't think Sonny shot Jules. I thought he fell over and died from his injuries. I read that there is amnesia coming. But I also read that Jason kills Jules and a few other things on a site that seems to make things up and call them spoilers. Irritating.
    Sweet Carly/Joss talk. No baking.
    Curtis can surely do better. She should have told him.

  2. I wonder if Sonny will run into Morgan as he floats down the river Styx. lol

    I was hoping that Julian would throw him over when he grabbed him. Thought they were going to have a fake "Sonny's shot" scene. Then I also gasped when the bridge collapsed. You got us good writers. Now put those life jackets away!

    I loved the Joss/Carly scene too. It almost felt like they were preparing the way for Sonny's demise. I know. I know. But a girl can dream, can't she.

    I loved the siblings scene too. You're dead on with the "study in acting", kd. Only thing I didn't like is that they seem to be trying to redeem Cyrus.

    Yes, Curtis. You can do better. Sonya and I willo console you. hehe

    1. Maybe personalize Cyrus rather than redeem. It does give the story depth. I love the actor so whatever can keep him around is fine with me. After all we lost the other 'crime boss' today, as weak as he'd become.

    2. "Di says, I wonder if Sonny will run into Morgan as he floats down the river Styx. lol"


      "Yes, Curtis. You can do better. Sonya and I willo console you. hehe"

      Hahahaha. Yes yes we will console you. Either we put you in a suit, or shirtless! Either way we will take care of you. ;)

    3. Sonny will probably end up on the Penn side of the river with Nelle.

      And I want to help console Curtis. 😊

    4. "Gary says, Sonny will probably end up on the Penn side of the river with Nelle."


      "And I want to help console Curtis. 😊"

      Oh good! Then you can join Di and I! :)

    5. Oh please lmao Sonny isn't dead. He'll be around for a long time. I'm sure...

    6. That would be too funny if Sonny bumped into Nelle on the river. "Oh hi Nelle. Fancy seeing you here"

  3. I have to watch when I get home. I guess Cyrus felt guilty because he killed his father and turned to life of crime??

  4. Laura and Cyrus were both handfuls as teenagers, but Laura went another direction thanks to the love of family and Cyrus the wrong way without family. It seems his fascination with her is after he discovered she killed David Hamilton. He killed (maybe accidentally, maybe not) his own father. She killed David Hamilton by accident. She redeemed herself. And he probably wonders why he didn't get the same break. I could see Laura begin to look at him at bit differently today. Scenes were well done. Still interested in knowing who's playing Florence and if this is the original actress.

    1. Those scenes were all well done. After seeing Cyrus reaction, I do think he didn't mean to kill his father. Boy, Laura sure was studying the 3 of them and trying to figure everything out

    2. The looks Laura was giving them while they were fighting. She had a "what family did I wind up with" look on her face at times.

    3. I loved the horrified look she had when she found out Cyrus was her half brother.

    4. I think Diana's analysis is spot on. I loved those scenes with Laura, Martin and Cyrus. But I still think they should have hired a "name " actress to play Flo.

  5. I really liked the scenes with Laura, Martin and Cyrus (especially Martin and Cyrus). But, the actor who plays Cyrus is just so monotone in his delivery. I love the way he teared up, when re-calling the "accident" with his father, but the actor's delivery still bugs me.

    I just can`t get behind Sonny and Jason and the way the writers are handling Julian's exit. Poor William DeVry to have to be taunted, demeaned and verbally abused by mini-mobster Sonny at his final moments. It's like the writers have just been torturing Julian for weeks. I was just waiting for Julian to flick Sonny on his forehead and knock him into the river. But, they both went in.


    1. I too find Cyrus too monotone. Dont care for the actor myself

    2. William said they completely destroyed his character.

  6. The Grey siblings took me totally by surprise. All 3 actors' acting was off the charts. MKE never fails! Wow just wow. Bravo to all!!!

  7. Police station/Jordan's office:

    Jurtis: Yeah Curtis!!! Keep yelling at Jordan!! :) She is all in tears and constipated. I wonder if they are going to get a divorce.. Oh I hope so!!!

    Carson home:

    Joss and Carly: They had a nice scene together. Carly gets Joss because Carly remembers how it was to be a teen! :) Sweet sweet scene! :) Joss did have a good question. And of course Carly is Carly! ROFL!

    Vermont hospital/Flo's room:

    Cyrus, Marty, and Laura: OH MY! Great scenes!!! We get a backstory for Cyrus? YAY! :) Someone on soap central website thought maybe that Cyrus and Laura were twins. :) That would be really good. :) Marty wins the lines of the day. Talking about Cyrus and Laura being siblings.

    Marty: I hate to be the bearer of such unfortunate news. Cyrus ran him over with his car.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. The way he said Cyrus ran him over with his car. :) I love the argument they had.. Great acting right there!!!!! :) BRAVO! :) Cyrus was yelling!!! YAY! :) Oh no wonder Marty has got an southern accent. :) Oh mama is awake!!! :) Hello Tracy, I mean mama Flo! :)

    Bus station:

    Jason, Cop, and Diane: Oh look a cop with a pornstache. Diane the cop wants to arrest Jason and get back to his side job.. Making movies with his portstache. Yes watch the video footage! It's self defense. Oh good Jason is let go now the cop can work his 2nd job.. The movies. :)


    Julian and Sonny: Sonny will you take him to the hospital before taking him to the police station? Cus uh he is shot. Oh Julian is sleeping or dead. NO HE IS FAKING IT AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT! Julian is dead. :(

    Jason: Sonny! I'm here for you my love!

    *The bridge collapses underneath Sonny and Julian and they both fall.*

    WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!!?!?! :0 :0 :0 DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING!! I did hear that Mo is on vacation. That he wants to work less.

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1990* Lucy and Scotty get stuck in an elevator! Yowza Lotty have a ton of chemistry!!!

  8. love the grey siblings. curtis is ridiculous jordan is the commishinor. she does not have the right to confide in him. same as doctor lawyer or priest. he was ridiculous. why can't sonny or jason pleas die.

  9. OMGGGG! Today was GOOD! Do not like PT but loved those scenes with Laura and her bros! I love my sister but wish I had a brother too! I'm jealous! LOL!!
    OMG!! When Sonny fell with Jules woooh! But I mean the caution tape!! Looking forward to Monday!

    1. I've got 6 (no sisters) Want one of mine? lol

  10. "Michelle L says, OMGGGG! Today was GOOD!"

    It was!!! :)

    "Do not like PT"

    What's PT?

    "love my sister but wish I had a brother too! I'm jealous! LOL!!"

    I'm not going to tell your sister that! ROFL!

  11. Now Martin Gray has a great niece who is Charlotte. AND, so does Cyrus.

    1. And a nephew Rocco, whose father is a Corinthos and another nephew, Spencer who is a Cassidine.

    2. Yup. Cyrus better be nice to his family now or Sonny and Nik will come after him

    3. Very true! Bet he didn't know the history of these families!

  12. I find it weird that Cyrus found all this info on the internet about Laura being Gordon daughter, but didn't know who his niece and nephews were. Of course he must have figured out about Charlotte and Rocco I guess. But not about Spencer?

    1. I guess the internet could say Laura's father was Gordon Gray but would think it would just mention Rick and Leslie.



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...