Thursday, December 10, 2020


 Q Household: Welp. Monica tells Tracey about Ned's affair in RECORD TIME!! LOL Tracey says Olivia has gown on her-- and Ned is stupid. LOL Then she finds out it's Alexis and is like WHAT?? She also finds out Alexis is drinking.and thinks "Loose lips sink ships"! GREAT SCENES! Jane and Leslie must have loved filming it. SO OLD SCHOOL! 

Alexis goes by Sam's to apologize for being so mean about Jason. AHAHAHAH. WHOOPS. Sam tells her that she's just trying to make up for her drinking. Basically  tells her off. Liz pops by and Sam says "Mom was just leaving". Alexis leaves. Liz is looking for Jason because Franco is sick again and Jake might need him. Sam is like "NO IDEA". She tells Liz they are breaking up and why. Liz says she gets it. 

Alexis goes to the Metro Court and orders a double Vodka. Olivia tells her that's not a good idea. Olivia tries to get her to stop drinking. Says she should talk to Ned because he can help her. She cuts Alexis off from the booze. Alexis gets mad tells Olivia to "worry about herself and her own marriage"!! Tracey steps of the elevator just in time. 

Finn and Anna: He has to get Violet's vaccination records. Liz helps. Anna goes on alone. She has coffee with Dante to "catch up". HE tells her about Lulu's care facility and how sad Rocco is (because Dustin died too) She wants to know about Geneva. Dante asks why Robert and Anna were so keen to find him. 

Paxie run into Finn. She asks about the wedding. He pretends he knows what she's talking about. DOUBLE WEDDING? What. ugh 

OMG REALLY CUTE FINNA scenes about the double wedding and how neither one wants it but they said yes to Maxie LOL 

Geneva: Scotty and Franco go there for a consult. Kevin referred them to Dr. Kirk (that's Dante's doc) but there's no record of the referral so the sec tells them to leave. They linger. In another room, Dr. O and Dr. Kirk talk about getting rid of Dante. ALERT: Dr. Kirk was recast with some guy.  Anyway, they finally get in to see him after Dr. O recognizes the name and tells the doc Franco is her friend. She goes away so they don't see her. The doctor finally sees him. Doesn't understand why Kevin would send Franco to him since he works with memory disorders. Franco says "Long Story". (it's going to be about Drew's memories). 

Anyway, at the end Scotty sees Dr. O! 


  1. Not thrilled about recast. Love Chris Cousins. I thought he followed Dante to PC to stay. Guess not.
    Anna Finn scene was very fun. Realistic. Just a hunch that the Maxie/Hiney wedding is not to be. Hopefully.

  2. Q home:

    Monica and Tracy: Wow! Monica sure don't waste time telling Tracy about Ned cheating on Olivia. I thought Tracy would think that Monica and Ned slept together again.. Great scene!

    Tracy: WHAT?! NED SLEPT WITH ALEXIS?! Is he in a midlife crisis or something?

    Hahahahahaha. She would have won the line of the day, but Anna wins it when she was with Finchy.

    Sam's home:

    Alexis and Sam: Oh boy! Are you drunky poo Alexis right now?

    Sam and Liz: Great scene!!! :) They both understand each other. :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Alexis and Olivia: Yes Olivia yes! Cut her off!!! :) Oh boy the look on Tracy's face! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    The hospital:

    Finchy, Maxie and Hiney: Maxie shut up!!!! Watch for social cues!!! Stop being pushy!!!

    Maxie: Are you saying no?

    Oh oh I think she is about to burst into tears!! Damn pregnancy hormones!!

    Finchy: Is this what Anna really wants?

    I was thinking oh oh is Finchy not going to talk to Anna about this? Another secret? They do have bad communication skills with each other.

    Finchy: Perhaps.

    Maxie: That's preposterous!

    *Facepalm* Make her shut up!!!!!!!

    Finchy and Anna: There ya go! Anna winning the line of the day!

    Anna: I don't like the idea. I DON'T like the idea! No! I never agreed to a double wedding. Did you agree to a double wedding? No! Oh my God. NO! NO! NO! Did you say yes? *Gasp* What were you thinking?!

    BAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm dead!!! DEAD!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHHA! She wanted Finchy to be the bad guy and then she would agree with him! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Central Perk:

    Anna and Dante: Hmmmm. Anna touches Dante's arm and he pulls his arm away. I was confused about why, until JUST NOW! :) He is supposed to kill her too!!!

    Dante, Maxie, and Hiney: Holy cow! Maxie and Hiney were everywhere today together!! UGH!


    BobTodd, Scotty, and receptionist: Wait wait wait! First of all, BobTodd and Scotty spent 20 hours on a plane and BobTodd wore that stupid bandage the whole time?!?! COME ON!!! Take it off! Oh and second of all, there is no appointment?!!?! This sounds very suspicious.

    Nu Dr. Kirk and Dr. O: Okay what the hell? Who the hell?!!?! They did it to us again!!!! There was no Dr. Kirk is now being played by, I HATE WHEN THEY DO THIS!!! ARGH!!!!! GAH anyway Dr. O knows BobTodd is here!! Awwwww. :)

    Dr. O: You have to see him. He was a dear friend.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! I miss the Dr. O and BobTodd friendship. :(

    Fake Kirk: All of your charges have been dismissed. You're a free woman.

    WHAT?! IT HAS!?!!?! SHE IS?!!?!?!! YAY! Now I want her to go back to Port Chuckles and I want a Britch and mudder scene!!!! :)

    BobTodd, Scotty, and Nu Dr. Kirk: Boy I hope this fake Kirk helps BobTodd!!! Hmmm Kirk's first name is Warren.. I thought it was Kirk. I love that Dr. O is listening in.. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. :)

    Dr. O and Scotty: OH OH!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1981* Tiffany finds out that Robert isn't rich and is furious! HAHAHAHA! It's hysterical! :)

    1. Line of the day was scene of the day for me, I was giggling thru the whole thing! Seriously, I was ready to muzzle Maxie and PLP behind her smiling and nodding? That's when I was face palming, lol!

      Do not like new Doctor Kirk. Boo!

      Nobody does pity party face like Mumbles. I'm sorry, but her telling Liz "I may never have said it before, but I admire what you did with Jake." WHAT??? You never said it before because you were too busy being Judgey-McJudgerson saying to anybody that would listen that Liz couldn't handle being with Jason, that she was a hypocrite AND watching Jake get kidnapped! If it was the writer's intention to have me shaking my fist at the TV they succeeded! Lol!

      Time machine trip was a hoot! HAHAHAH! I miss Tiff!

    2. "Julie H says, Line of the day was scene of the day for me, I was giggling thru the whole thing!"

      Hahaha yeah that was scene of the day for me too!

      "Seriously, I was ready to muzzle Maxie and PLP behind her smiling and nodding? That's when I was face palming, lol!"

      Yeah they are just too much! UGH!

      "Do not like new Doctor Kirk. Boo!"

      Yeah I agree with you!

      "Nobody does pity party face like Mumbles. I'm sorry, but her telling Liz "I may never have said it before, but I admire what you did with Jake." WHAT??? You never said it before because you were too busy being Judgey-McJudgerson saying to anybody that would listen that Liz couldn't handle being with Jason, that she was a hypocrite AND watching Jake get kidnapped! If it was the writer's intention to have me shaking my fist at the TV they succeeded! Lol!"

      ROFL! It's just like with Kung foo Barbie judging Robin for breaking up with Jason, when she did the same thing later!!! UGH!

      "Time machine trip was a hoot! HAHAHAH! I miss Tiff!"

      Hahahaha it was great!!! I miss her too. :(

    3. Ack! You said Kung Foo Barbie, lol! I hated her so. Especially that mess with Robin. Bah!

    4. "Julie H says, Ack! You said Kung Foo Barbie, lol! I hated her so. Especially that mess with Robin. Bah!"

      I'm sorry I'm sorry!! I hated her too with a passion!!!

  3. I loved Tiffany.

    Who is Kung foo Barbie?

    1. “I loved Tiffany.”

      Yeah me too! She was the best!!

      “Who is Kung foo Barbie?”

      Courtney Matthews! :) Sonny’s sister.

    2. Who should never be spoken of again, lol!
      (Except she is Spencer's mother...)

    3. Thanks. I think I stopped watching some during that time. I didn't seem to mind Courtney but maybe didn't watch her enough. Lol

    4. "Julie H says, Who should never be spoken of again, lol!"

      I agree!!!! I never do!! :)

      "Except she is Spencer's mother...)"

      Yeah that's the only thing that's good about the character. She gave us Spencer, I will be forever grateful for that.

      "lindie says, Thanks. I think I stopped watching some during that time. I didn't seem to mind Courtney but maybe didn't watch her enough. Lol"

      ROFL! Yeah you didn't watch enough. :) Why did you stop watching during that time?

    5. There was one short period I didn't watch because I was working and too busy. Another period because it was so HORRIBLE.

    6. "lindie says, Another period because it was so HORRIBLE."

      Yes!! That! THAT!!!! :) I stopped watching when the 3rd Carly showed up. I stopped watching for awhile, until we got the 4th Carly.

  4. Yes. And towards the end when Jonathan Jackson was around. Tony Geary stuff was bad. Courtney Liz, Jax stuff I missed.

  5. I wonder if the father of Kims son is Julian or Franco. You know they brought the baby up for a reason .

  6. HOLY COW! WHAT A SHOW TODAY! So many things happened at once!!! It's all too much!!! Oh Karen you missed a lot!!!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Alexis and Olivia: Oh oh. I thought Alexis was going to tell Olivia that her husband cheated on her!!! Alexis tells her to worry about your own marriage! YIPES!

    Alexis and Tracy: Tracy wants to give Alexis a job at Amsterdam!!!!!! Alexis is drunk and Tracy wants to take Alexis home!

    Nava: Oh! Ripping up the post nup!!! :) Awwwwww. :)

    Olivia and Dante: Awwww I love they had a scene together.. Dante worried about Rocco.

    Sam and Carly: Sam talks to Carly about how her and Jason are OVAH! Carly is very uncharacteristically understanding. Carly says Jason hasn't changed, but Sam has!

    On the road:

    Alexis and Tracy: Alexis is so drunk! She wants to tell Olivia the truth! HOLY CRAP I THINK TRACY WANTS TO KILL ALEXIS TO SHUT HER UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The hospital:

    Nava and Ryan: NIK WAS GOING TO KILL RYAN WITH A PILLOW BUT FELIX CAME IN!!!! Ryan's eyes fluttered when he was alone and then he opened his eyes!!!!!

    Sonny and Jason: They are in the car. Who's car? Dunno. Probably Jason's since he was in the driver's seat. Jason tells Sonny that he and Sam are OVAH! Wow beautiful soliloquy!!!! There was even a moment where Jason was so frustrated that he let out a frustrated sound! Bravo to Steve Burton!!! :)

    CarlyKim's (Kim Nero) apartment:

    Jules and a woman: Jules is looking for CarlyKim! The woman said she is at work. As it turned out, the woman is a nanny and KIM HAD A BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A BABY BOY NAMED ANDREW AND THEY ALL CALL HIM ANDY!!!!! Now at first I'm thinking that it's BobTodd's baby when he was Drew!!!! Oh oh fire alarm! Someone pulled the fire alarm!

    Jason and Jules: OH OH!!!!!!!!!!!

    The parking garage:

    Nanny: The nanny is talking to Kim over the phone. She warned the nanny about Julian! The baby is JULIAN'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unless she lied to the nanny about the father of the baby.. Hmmmmmmmmmm. But really if the baby is Julian's why would Kim name the baby Andrew? Hmmmmmmmmm.


    Scotty and Dr. O: Oh come on Dr. O! Scotty knows what you look like. Don't pretend you are NOT Dr. O! Hahahahahaha.

    Dr. O and Dr. Kirk: Oh they had SEX!!!! The first time too!! They get into an argument and he gets on the phone to get her in trouble, and she has a knife and puts it at his throat. He grabs the knife and was going to stab her, when Scotty comes in and cold cocks Dr. Kirk! Hahahahhahaha. Oh oh Dr. Kirk is D-E-A-D!!!! :0

    Scotty wins the line of the day.

    Scotty: It's a small blade. So, He's okay right?

    ROFL! After Scotty hit Dr. Kirk, I was thinking can Scotty and Dr. O be together? :) There are some people on twitter who think so too, and they gave them a name!! Balbrecht!! Love it!

    Flashback Friday: *Goes to time machine to go to 1982* Laura just died. Jackie is there with her sister Laura. Yes her name was Laura. Tiffy was there along with Robert and Luke. There is also a scene with David Gray. I wonder if David Gray is related to Cyrus and Marty! And if Laura is their sister, related to Laura too. Hmmmmm.

    1. Love your enthusiastic reviews of the show!

      One thing though, I don't think that Dr. O and Dr. Kirk had zee zex. I think that she fought him off and that's why they fought and he got stabbed.

    2. "Zak says, Love your enthusiastic reviews of the show!"

      Thanks. :) Today was just that kind of day! :)

      "One thing though, I don't think that Dr. O and Dr. Kirk had zee zex. I think that she fought him off and that's why they fought and he got stabbed."

      Ohhhhh. They sure seemed like they did zee zex. Oops!

    3. I was really mad when Ryan opened his eyes. I've had more than enough of twins on this show.And I'm a twin!!! Unless Ryan wakes up drooling on his pillow, I want him GONE...for good.

    4. "Di says, I was really mad when Ryan opened his eyes. I've had more than enough of twins on this show. Unless Ryan wakes up drooling on his pillow, I want him GONE...for good."

      I am going to pretend you didn't say that.. La la la I can't hear you!!! :)

      "And I'm a twin!!!"

      Hmmm did you ever tell me you have a twin?!!? I don't remember. Oh no. 2020 is eating my brain!

    5. I'm a twin and my hubby was a twin. No identicals though. They would be my best friend and the neighbor's boys.

    6. "Di says, I'm a twin and my hubby was a twin."

      Oh my! Two Di's!!!! OH OH! :)

      "No identicals though."

      Awwwww. :(

      "They would be my best friend and the neighbor's boys."

      Wow! You are surrounded by twins! :)

  7. Is Tracy going to kill Alexis or just make it look like she was drunk driving

    1. I was really worried there for a minute. I thought she was going to kill her and I was thinking...What the heck! Between that scene and the one with Nic, Ava and Ryan , I was beginning to wonder if the writers were all suffering from Covid head. Check out the previews for next ep.



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...