Monday, December 21, 2020


 St. Jaysus is in the water! He's out!!! YELLIN for SONNAAAYYYY.. Chopper is out looking too! Manhunt! OMG they bring a BODY BAG when the cops come out. Jason is all nervous.  Its' Julian. Oh, he's DEAD DEAD. I thought they'd let him just be missing. 

Dante is talking to Carly about the house Sonny bought for he and Lulu. He thinks he paid the difference. Carly and he talk about how GENEROUS SONNY is and what a GREAT GUY he is. LOL. :GIGGLE:  Dante meets Donna. HE wubs her (we don't see her tho) 

Anna and Valentin talking about Dante and maybe he's not over the PTSD. And WHY would the WSB let him go. She and Val figure that the WSB wanted something from him. 

THE BABY for Paxie? It's a :  GIRL!  Maxie and Anna leave to talk about the wedding. Valentin invites Peter to sit and talk. Peter is glad the baby is a girl so he doesn't have to wonder if she'll turn out like Faison. BUT.. Val knows he's Alex's kid. Doesn't say anything. 

Poker game. Chase and Dad talk about being a family. Chase looks just like him., not so much lol . Dad says he was so much harder on Finn than on Harry.  Harry leaves for a minute. Dad says that Jackie told him it was also her fault Finn wasn't happy with the wedding. She said it probably was too soon. (not the truth tho). They leave and Anna is home. Finn says he's going to tell her the truth about why he was estranged from his family all these years. 

Gray Family. Aww.. Florence doesn't want to see Cyrus. He cries and says to look at him like she's his mother. She's like NOPE! Laura takes him out of the room. She says he can't make his mama love him. She also asks why he led her on a goose chase instead of just telling them they are related. He says she never would believe it unless she found out herself.  Then they argue and she blames him about Lulu. Cyrus says "careful, don't make me more of an enemy"... Martin comes out and tells him "not to talk to our sister that way"!! YEAH!! 

Cyrus goes into the room to talk to mama alone. He shows her all his money, credit cards and his badge as the admin of GH. Says she should see all the good he's done. He's not a delinquent. She doesn't care. He cries. Jeff Kober is great in this. 


Jason arrives home (in about 3.4 seconds) and Carly is like WHERE IS SONNY? 


  1. Sonny will be presumed dead, have amnesia, they both will fall for someone

    1. Yeah I heard that he is going to have amnesia! :)

    2. I heard that Carly and Jason get married. I figure it has to do with Jason taking care of the business.

    3. "Gary says, I heard that Carly and Jason get married."

      Yeah I heard that too.. I don't think my Jarly heart could take it!!! :)

      "I figure it has to do with Jason taking care of the business."

      Yeah probably..

    4. Like Sonny needs even more of a storyline.

    5. In the past few months I have read spoilers that never happened.

    6. The Three Stooges need less story line that is for sure. Make room for someone else. Like Jax or someone. Maybe bring on Mac and Felicia more.

  2. so if the rumors are correct, Sonny is found and has amnesia? It would be HYSTERICAL if he fell in love with Ava...……..just saying...…..
    did I miss the service for Dev? I know Carla and Brando talked about it, but was there a service off-camera?

    1. OMG! Not a Sonny fan but Imma grab the popcorn cause I'd love if Sonny got amnesia and fell for Ava!! πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£
      But he really gonna be gone that long where Jarly has to get married?? Although....I always liked them together (Sarah's Carly) and Jason were smokin' hot!

    2. I agree that Sarah's Carly and Jason were fantastic. Not a fan of the current Carly and Jason.

    3. "Michelle L says, OMG! Not a Sonny fan but Imma grab the popcorn cause I'd love if Sonny got amnesia and fell for Ava!! πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚"

      Hahahahahhahaha. That would be an interesting soapy twist. :)

      "I always liked them together (Sarah's Carly) and Jason were smokin' hot!"

      Hell yeah they were! :)

    4. yes, sarah brown was my favorite carly

  3. I predict they do an ebenezer scrooge with sonny. life without sonny would be great. love the back history of laura. I have zero interest in finn's back story. wish chase and his father would disappear.

  4. and why did they write julian with another kid, than kill him off?

    1. I still think the baby is Franco's when he was Drew.

    2. Probably why the introduced the baby. I think Franco is going to be Drew again maybe and that is where the baby will fit in. ??????

  5. Cyrus made me cry. Those are 4 words you couldn't have convinced me that I'd ever write. Great, great, great!!

  6. I would say that Cyrus will never change (I don't think he will), but look at Hutch; the hit man with the heart of gold. LOVED Hutch and Rose.

    1. "lindie says, but look at Hutch; the hit man with the heart of gold."

      YES!!! I loved him!!!! :)

      "LOVED Hutch and Rose."

      Yes I loved Hutch and Rose together. :)

    2. Hutch killed people, but don't think he ever wanted to do it, or be bad. IDK

    3. "lindie says, Hutch killed people, but don't think he ever wanted to do it, or be bad. IDK"

      Yeah he didn't want to kill anybody and he wanted to stop.

  7. Bridge: Awww they didn't reshow Sonny falling? That sucks. OH MY! Wet Jason. Yummy! :) Awww poor Jason.

    Jason: SONNY!!! Oh no! The love of my life is dead!!! Please noooooooo!!!!!

    *Cops find a body and it's Julian's"

    Jason: Whew!

    Really did you see the look on Jason's face when he saw that the body wasn't Sonny's? ROFL! Oh look it's the cop with the pornstache again. Didn't think we would see him again. Julian is wearing dog tags? Since when? :)

    Carson home:

    Carly and Dante: Sonny bought Dante and Rocco a house? Why?!! They already has a house. Why move Rocco to another house? Makes no sense. Oh and gushing over Sonny, and they don't even know anything happened to him yet. ROFL!

    Jarly: Awww no more wet Jason? Too bad.

    Vermont hospital:

    Marty, Mama, Cyrus, and Laura: Oh great scene. Is mama Gray faking this? Hmmm. I love this whole dynamic!!! :)

    Laura, Cyrus and Marty: I love that Marty was sticking up for their sister awwwwwwww. :)

    Cyrus and mama: Oh oh. Is Cyrus going to kill mama?!!?!?!?!?!!

    Laura and Marty: I so love this!! I can't wait to see them bond and celebrate the holidays together! :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Maxie and Hiney: I don't freaking care about baby Hiney!

    V.C. and Anna: So Anna thinks something is strange with Dante, but not with Hiney?!!?! UGH! Oh hi Maxie and Hiney.. Oh baby girl yay I don't care.

    Hiney and V.C.: Oh Hiney shut up! Girls can be bad just like boys can you idiot!

    Chandler Mansion:

    Finchy, Harry, and Papa Finch: YAY! Finch family. :) Love the scenes!!!

    Finchy wins the line of the day.

    Harry: And when did you start sleeping with a stuffed animal?

    Finchy: Me? Oh I never stopped.

    Hahahahahaha. I LOVE THIS FAMILY! :)

    1. They did when I watched. I saw him fall...

    2. "Michelle L says, They did when I watched. I saw him fall..."

      OH! I don't know what happened then. I guess I missed it. :)

  8. Just listened to James Patrick Stuart sing "When I'm 64" on Soaps in Depth. LOVE his voice. Sad that his father died recently IRL

    1. "Sad that his father died recently IRL"

      Yeah so sad. :(

    2. Very sad. I saw his father perform with his singing partner several years ago. They were really funny. I just love watching JPS with Anna.

    3. That is so cool LSV422. I like Valentin and Anna too. I know they won't put her back with Robert, so my second choice is Valentin.

  9. Dante was talking about their current house, but Sonny secretly gave money a long time ago when they first bought the house.

  10. Baby girl Hiney will be evil like Alex I guess

  11. Oh, whatever happened to the evil Charlotte?

  12. Anybody get the hint that Finn’s father knows that Chase isn’t his son? There’s some thing very subtle in Gregory Harrison’s expressions when he’s in scenes with Finn that suggest he knows but has kept quiet to get back at him for sleeping with Jackie. I guess we will soon find out.

  13. Like Friday, the Laura/Martin/Cyrus scenes were the highlight of today's episode. I am loving these characters together. I also like how Anna and Valentin are sort of co-plotters together. Just a thought: What if an amnesiac Sonny is nursed back to health by Nell? LOL

    1. What would be even more funny is if Sonny were nursed back to health by Nelle and actually fall in love with her. LOL

  14. So........... Will Finn spill the beans to Anna about sleeping with Jackie? She won't tell her secret about Peter I am sure.

  15. I am so loving Martin and Laura together and want to see a lot more! Cyrus is something else (!) and his scenes especially with his mother were great. I came "this close" to feeling sorry for him!

    Good grief, I just read all of these comments about Sonny having amnesia and I'm still rolling my eyes. And Carly and Jason get married?? I'm gonna be sick. Is that why I had to sit thru the Sonny has a heart of gold nonsense between Carly and Dante? 2020 has been bad enough, now this? I don't think my GH loving heart can take it, lol!

    1. Yeah,Julie it was bad enough that we've had to sit through years of "Morgan had a heart of gold." The only way I could tolerate Sonny with amnesia is if he ends up homeless somewhere with no power whatsoever. Give him a chance to act something different besides the chin rubbing gangster.

      Martin needs Laura to take him under her wing.

      And I really thought Cyrus was going to smother his mother too, Sonya. lol

    2. "Di says, And I really thought Cyrus was going to smother his mother too, Sonya. lol"

      It was making me really nervous!!!

    3. Ewwwww Di, you said the "M" word! :)
      And yes, they rewrote or re-remembered him all wrong. He was a self entitled snot nosed brat.

      It did cross my mind that Cyrus might smother mommy, too! I think we've all been watching soaps too long. Lol!

    4. "Julie H says, I think we've all been watching soaps too long. Lol!"

      Hahahaha. Yeah we really have. :)

    5. I don't feel sorry for PT! He was lying. He may have those cards and that I'd but he lied...he has the respect of NOONE!!!

  16. I think Finn will start to tell Anna and get interrupted by Violet.

  17. Here in NYC, President-elect Biden started a press conference a little before 3pm& still on.He's taking questions from reporters. Just finished.

    1. Yeh it's 230 central time and Biden just finished.

  18. So, I think they are going to try to get Alexis into rehab. Think that's what the preview yesterday was about.

  19. The last few minutes was Biden talking.

    Geneva hospital:

    Dr. O and Scotty: They are a riot!!! I want more!!! :) First Dr. O says that Scotty killed Dr. Kirk, and he said it was an accident, then all of a sudden he is worried the cops are going to arrest him for killing Dr. Kirk! You didn't stab him Scotty! ROFL! Scotty wins the lines of the day.

    Scotty: I don't panic!

    *Knock on the door*

    Scotty: Oh!


    Dr. O, Scotty. BobTodd and Geneva cops: Oh wait a second. So, Kirk's body was at the morgue?!!?! So Dr. O dropped him off at the morgue?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! WHOA! Dr. O is going back to Port Chuckles? YAY! :)

    Scotty: Why did you give me that look when you said we'd be in touch?

    Dr. O: Because we are in this together now.

    Scotty: Oh no. No no no no. No we're not.


    Dr. O: Haven't you heard? It is better to be my ally than my enemy. Think about it dear Scott.

    Hahahaha. FUN FUN FUN! :) They are boding too. Team Baldbrecht!!! :) She calls him dear Scott! :)

    Carson home:

    Jarly: Time to find Sonny!!! The most magnificent man in Port Chuckles!

    New Jersey bridge:

    Jarly: They are trying to find him. Maybe he landed on the Pennsylvania side of the rivvvverrrrrr.

    Q home: Olivia is the one who found out that Julian is dead. :( She is worried about little Uncle Leo! Poor little boy lost his daddy! Olivia is crying. Tracy is really really trying to get Ned to not go see Alexis who was arrested and to stay there and be with his wife!!! :) Tracy is working overtime!! But it worked.. Ned is staying with Olivia!!! :) Oh hi Dante. Good to see you. I hope nobody clicks any pens. Of course he is trying to get ahold of Dr. Kirk!

    Police station:

    Diane, Alexis, and Sam: Oh boy! Sam wants to take Alexis to rehab, and Alexis says no! Diane agrees with Sam, and Alexis says no! She is telling them she didn't drive drunk!! Well, she should still go to rehab!!!! She needs to badly!

    Sam and Chase: What is this? Chem testing? I don't want them together. Chase tells her that Julian is dead. Don't you dare cry or get upset Sam!!!!! I don't want to see that! When he was alive he was dead to you remember?

    Jackie's hotel room:

    Jackie is in a white robe. She is looking on the internet to see what is going on. Oh she is talking to Robbie!!! He misses her! Awww how sweet. :) She wants to know how Finchy is. Robbie is asking if she is going to the wedding cus she will be his plus 1. :)

    Chandler Mansion:

    Anna and Finchy: Finchy tells the story to Anna about Jackie and him how they met.

    Once upon a time there was a handsome man named Finchy and he met a pretty gal named Jackie. Oh she fell in love with his father, but she had feelings for Finchy too, but she married the father anyway. The night before the wedding Finchy and Jackie had all the sex, and then the next time he saw her, she had a baby boy in her arms! DOH! He even asked her if the baby boy was his, and she said the timeline is all off, and that Gregory is the father. DOH! There was no DNA test done!!! He let it go and lived happily ever after. The end.

    My spidey senses are tingling and it's telling me that Jackie is LYING! Come on Finchy, you are a doctor!!! You should know these things! Unless you are in denial.

    1. "lindie says, He's in denial."

      Yeah he is!! :)

    2. So would that mean Chase is Finns?

    3. I think the line of the day should have been yours...."Jarly: They are trying to find him. Maybe he landed on the Pennsylvania side of the rivvvverrrrrr." HAHAHAHAHA!

      So agree about Jackie lying, and seriously Scottie was a hoot!

      I feel bad for Alexis but she really does need to go to rehab, or at least see Kevin. I don't like this version of her. :(

    4. Me neither. The writers are ruining Alexis too

    5. "Julie H says, I think the line of the day should have been yours...."Jarly: They are trying to find him. Maybe he landed on the Pennsylvania side of the rivvvverrrrrr." HAHAHAHAHA!"

      Hahahahahaha. Thanks. :)

      "So agree about Jackie lying,"

      Anna should tell Finchy to secretly get a DNA test. :)

      "and seriously Scottie was a hoot!"

      He was!!!! Hahahaha!

      "I feel bad for Alexis but she really does need to go to rehab, or at least see Kevin. I don't like this version of her. :("

      Yeah I want Alexis to get better. :(

  20. Isn't Finn Alexis sponsor for AA? Wouldn't Alexis family have mentioned her relapse to him? Probably wouldn't do any good but still.

  21. I so wanted to see Jason push Carly out the door when she was so loud and annoying in the car.

  22. ALERT: I just saw a GH promo on Facebook with Carly, Jason and ....the tribbles!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. "zazu says, ALERT: I just saw a GH promo on Facebook with Carly, Jason and ....the tribbles!"

      Okay that's weird that I wasn't able to delete my post comment, but now I can... Anyway, yeah I saw that on twitter and shared it. :) It's so funny! :)

  23. PS. My daughter told me today that I share a birthday with Dr. Fauci. Pretty cool.


Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...