Thursday, December 3, 2020

Open That Safe

 Trina and some weird guy in the coffee shop. He says he has info about her father. Then he tells her to wait. LOL Oh !! CYRUS comes and tells her Taggert is alive!! 

Carly and Taggert are talking. He's mad there's no body guard on Trina. Carly and he talk about Cyrus. Nothing big. Taggert does mock her tho..then Carly tells him everything is his fault. 

Cyrus tells SaSon that Julian planted the bomb. He says that Julian wanted Jason killed and went to him first to have the job done. He said no. Yada yada, then he leaves. Sonny and Jason think he's trying to throw Jules under the bus. 

Ava flashesback to Julian jumping. Nikolas startles her. They talk about Lulu being in a coma and about siblings. They talk about their marriage and agree they are married for real now.  Ava tells Nikolas Julian is dead "because of her" . 

Laura talks to Curtis and Jordan, she wants the info they go to Cyrus.  Curtis talks to her about  the police record. She tells him it was about her killing David Hamilton. Then he asks her if she knew a Florence Grey--she says that she was her biological father's mother. She tells him that Gordon Gray was Leslie's mentor and she got pregnant by her. He told her the baby died in birth and sold it to the Vinings (Laura's adoptive Family...Amy was her "sister"). 

Martin goes into his office..he notices the blinds are down and he knew he left them up. He turns and maces someone--IT'S JULIAN!!!!!! OH HELLOOOOOOOOO! THAT surprised the heck out of me lol. Julian wants help to get outta town. He found a photo of Martin that has "secrets" so he wants his car and money. Martin gives him a pile of money.  Julian leaves. 


  1. I applaud the use of history! GH was barely 10 years old when Lesley Williams was introduced along with Gordon and Florence Gray. Laura was even played by a minor child before she was aged to a teenager and Genie got the role. I believe Florence was being treated by Lesley and had no idea that her husband had an affair with Lesley. The one thing missing from this story is Denise Alexander. It’s amazing in all these years the show has never revisited Laura’s bio father. With Denise Alexander probably not coming back in any kind of long term capacity, I’m curious if the writers are setting up a rewrite that Florence is actually Laura’s mother, not Lesley. Someone on another board mentioned what a coup it would be if they cast Erika Slezak as Florence. Curious where this will all lead.

    1. *waves enthusiastically to kd*

      Laura said her bio father said she was dead and gave her away. What if she was a twin and he kept the boy.

    2. I like that idea. So would her twin be Cyrus or Tad/Marty?

    3. I highly doubt it'll turn out that Florence is Laura's mom. That would piss a lot of people off. I do think that Tad/Martin will end up being Laura's 1/2 brother.

    4. I'm thinking Cyrus since he's obsessed with laura and seemd upset about lulu being hurt. maybe Marty is another sibling or a cousin or something.

    5. "Di says, What if she was a twin and he kept the boy."

      *GASP* And the boy is Marty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :0

    6. Would NOT want anyone else but Lesley to be Laura's mother.

    7. I absolutely LOVE Erika so I would love to see her on GH! But no rewrite on Laura's mom.

    8. I also love the Denise Alexander-Genie Francis connection and am not hoping for a rewrite. Denise Alexander is really missed here and would be the icing on the cake for this terrific story. I still can't believe no writing regime has ever thought to go back to Laura's introduction for story, similar to the way they've done with other major characters. Florence was played by acting vet Anne Collings in the '70s. There was no mention that Gordon and Florence had any children. In fact, I think it was Lesley who encouraged them to get back together and stay together after it was revealed Gordon had an affair with Lesley when she was a student. So Cyrus and Martin being siblings would be a bit of a rewrite unless they are supposed to be younger than Laura or if one of them is a twin to Laura. Maybe Cyrus with the different last name is actually Florence's brother and Martin is the sibling. And then there's David Gray. Common last name but seems clumsy to overlook this. Although if there was a grudge here, it seems it would be with Luke who fought with David Gray before he plunged out a window to his death. Why would Cyrus hold a grudge against Laura when she was a child; it seems he would have more against Lesley. Then again, Florence was treated by Lesley, I think one of her first patients when she came on GH. Again, big missing piece in this is Lesley. I think Denise Alexander is 82, so I don't see her coming back for anything long-term. Florence, however, I can see TPTB going big with a big name for the role. With all this buildup I can't see them casting a no-name actress in the part. One other Florence tidbit: Both Florence and Laura were treated by the same psychiatrist - Peter Taylor.

    9. Because Leslie is 82 is probably the reason this has become Laura's story with Cyrus.

  2. This is good old soap opera mystery stuff. Could the photo Julian took from Marty be of him and Cyrus as young bros?
    Just read that Max Gail is coming back. Dev's funeral probably.

    1. That is my guess and that the writing on the back shows they are the Grey boys.

    2. "Gary says, That is my guess and that the writing on the back shows they are the Grey boys."

      And that is probably what we will call them if they turn out to be bros.. The Gray boys, and Gray bros haha.

    3. That's what I was guessing too, about Marty and Pony Tail. And I had no clue about Max Gail coming back. He'll probably be an angel taking Dev to the other side.

  3. Marty Gray's room: Marty has got mace! HAHAHAHAHA! Hey that sounded like Jules!

    Marty and Jules: IT IS JULES! HAHAHAHAHA! His poor eyes.. And when Marty gave him the glass of water, he couldn't see it! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Jules: OW! WHAT THE HELL! OW!

    ROFL! He would have won the line of the day, but alas Curtis wins it. OH BLACKMAIL! :) Love it! Love blackmail on soaps! Delicious. Hey! I want to see the picture!


    Nava: Awwww! Their marriage is REAL! YAY! :) Now all they have to do is get some Tribbles of their own. :)

    Central perk:

    Strange man and Trina: Trina! Kick the guy in the gonads and run!!!! Glad he didn't kidnap her.

    Cyrus and Trina:

    Cyrus: Marcus Taggart is very much alive.

    *MIC DROP*

    Outside Carson home: At first I thought it was a cemetery.

    Taggart and Carly: I can't believe she told him HE should be grateful!!!! That, and everything else she told him, OH SHUT UP CARLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And here it is.. Taggart winning the line of the day.



    Sonny's office:

    Cyrus and Sason: Cyrus is throwing Jules under the bus, under the car, under the boat, impaling a tree in his stomach, impaling him with every thing that you can think of.

    The hospital:

    Laura and Curtis: Oooooooo... History lesson!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to February 23, 1979* I couldn't see them. I could only hear them. Audio only. Well, until the end.

    1. hmmmm The writer's stole my Taggart line, although I said he he waving his arms as he said it. lol

    2. Thanks for the recap, my governor was chatting it up again at 2 pm. GH cam on at 2:20. Sheesh! The 3rd line of the day was Marty "not another brief case!" I died!

      I was yelling at Carly to shut up, too. Wonder if she heard us? Lol!

      Way too much history going on with Laura, Marty, and Pony Tail. It's fantastic!

    3. "Di says,hmmmm The writer's stole my Taggart line, although I said he he waving his arms as he said it. lol"

      Hahahahahahahaha. Well now I can see it too! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

      "Julie H says, Thanks for the recap, my governor was chatting it up again at 2 pm. GH cam on at 2:20. Sheesh!"

      OH! You're welcome!! Did you watch GH online with the scenes you missed?

      "The 3rd line of the day was Marty "not another brief case!" I died!"

      Hahaha. Yeah that was really funny too. :)

      "I was yelling at Carly to shut up, too. Wonder if she heard us? Lol!"

      ROFL! Hmmmm. Nah! :)

      "Way too much history going on with Laura, Marty, and Pony Tail. It's fantastic!"

      YES!!!! :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Cyrus is gross. Hope they don't make him Laura's brother

    1. Yes! I can't stand Ponytail! Ewww is it weird...he just reminds me of a pedofile? I think I spelled that wrong.

    2. I get the same sense of him, Michelle. He gives me the creeps.

  6. Just looking at a picture of Cyrus and Martin Gray. They look like brothers. Just hope they are NOT related to Laura

  7. I think the guy who plays Cyrus is a really good actor. Reading thru these posts everyone is creeped out by him. The actor must be doing a great job! Love having Laura front and center in a story line. Is Carly going to tell Nina about Nell being her daughter??

    1. I agree on Cyrus. He is *supposed* to creep people out. That is the character's purpose.

    2. He always has played creepy. And so good at it.

    3. Exactly Kevin. We're just commenting on it. He's doing his job well.



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...