Sunday, December 13, 2020

Sunday Surgery: O No!


Another good week! Things are continuing to move right along and we are also getting some delightful scenes that made me feel great. Maybe I'll talk about those first!  I am loving the character interaction on the show. Scotty and Lesil; Tracey and Alexis; Anna and Dante. All unexpected and just plain good viewing. 

Starbucks today. My fave Strawberry Acai with black tea! 

WUBS JOYFUL SCENES OF THE WEEK: These are the ones that make me happy I'm a GH FAN! 

1. FANNA WEDDING WOES:  Oh, FINN!! First rule is always ask your wife before making ANY social engagement...then check twice! lol.. I thought the whole Anna/Finn exchange in the hospital was fun and light hearted. Reminds me why I enjoy these two. 

2. NAVA WUB: Yes, they are up to the "WUB" category! First Nikolas has Ava tear up the agreement, then they agree to kill Ryan once he wakes up. Oh yes, I so need a couple that are on the same page. Even if it IS Murder... 

3.  STABBY SCOTTY: Ok, Lesil and Scotty are the couple I didn't know I needed now. LOL. WHOOPS. Love what this might entail. PLUS the fact Franco is there too. With the doctor dead, who will fix his Drew-Memories?? 


4. TRACEY TAKES THE WHEEL: Oh I love Jane and Nancy. Pure delight. Now Tracey set her up to be arrested for drunk driving to get her out of Ned's way. At least I THINK that's what she's doing!? 

5. MARTIN GRAY  SLIP UP :  Nice touch to have Diane with Sonny when Marty slipped about his is brother being Cyrus. Anyone but Carly or Jason. It widens this thing right out. I LOVED MEK's reactions to all of this. He's  having fun with the part. 




SHAKE UP OF THE WEEK:   Kim has...a baby? Julian's baby!

WEAK LINK OF THE WEEK: In what could have been a very in-depth and powerful scene, the Liz and Sam thing just fell flat. The fact that he 'gave up' Jake to be raised by Lucky surely should have come up. Jason talking about Danny like he's his only son is just baffling. I also think it would have been a great time to bring up Drew in all this. Basically giving Sam what she is craving right now; stability. 

SCENE OF THE WEEK: Cyrus and Laura at the shooting range. Hello. Two stellar actors just--acting out some great dialog. Talk about me being giddy seeing Laura all "Laura Like"!! We also are going to get Laura and Curtis out on a road trip. WIN WIN. 

RUNNER UP: Just a short scene with Tracey and Monica but so much perfection. Monica couldn't keep her mouth shut for 2 seconds around Tracey!! LOL..They share such a history that one look gives it away. Plus, come on, who else does Monica have to dish with?? 



Ava and Nikolas bury all hatchets and vow to move on 

Ryan wakes up from his coma

Laura and Cyrus have a run in at the gun range. 

Martin Gray tells Sonny and Diane that Cyrus is his brother

Sam and Jason break it off for the sake of the kids

Monica spills the beans about Nexis to Tracey 

Jason and Sonny are hunting Julian; Sonny finds him

We find out Kim had a baby and it's Julian's

Tracey pulls a driver switcheroo with Alexis to make it look like she drove drunk

Alexis got Olivia thinking about her marriage

Dante wanted Danny at the Qs but 1/2 time will have to do

Epiphany warns Jordan that the kids are on to her coverup

Cameron hacks into the GH mainframe and medical records

Franco and Scotty go to Geneva to get help with his tumor

Scotty stabs Dr. Kirk on accident...Lesil watches in horror

Finn and Anna realize they are going to have a double wedding with Paxie 


SPOILERS:  Julian is still trying to get away next week, Britt and Nikolas have a chat and Tracey's plan doesn't go well. ALL THE SCOOPS for ALL THE DAYS on Diagnosis Daytime! 

THANK YOU faithful readers! We are 24 posts away from 5000!! Can you believe it? Please consider hitting that Amazon link over there if you are doing some holiday shopping. Thank goodness for 2 day shipping, right? 


  1. You hit the nail on the head: Character interaction! That's definitely been the key lately. It really seems like all these folks live in the same town again. I love it.

  2. the only thing I don't like is ava and nik. she looks too old for him. zero chemistry. love franco and scottie scenes.

    1. "witch says, the only thing I don't like is ava and nik. she looks too old for him."

      She may look too old for him, but Maura West is 48, and Marcus Coloma is 42. :)

  3. Great SS once again. I loved the interactions with all our old GH characters, the way it used to be before they tried to replace our show with another. Totally agree about the weak link. Even poor Elizabeth couldn't save it.

    I'm definitely up for a road trip or 2. (Anna and Finn should run and elope. lol)

    Scotty and Lesil were a great combo . They need to stop writing him as a buffoon. Lesil's interactions will raise the comedy bar if that's the route they want to go, while still bringing the drama.

    Ryan on the loose as a mumbling zombie would be good. Otherwise a whodunnit gets my vote.

  4. I missed Ryan waking up, was it in previews? Also the driver switcheroo? I've been working weird hours late early mid...I'm so tired I think I fell asleep watching. Definitely a rewatch is in order. I did see alot of it and loved it! However wth is Jules still hanging around for, Sonny found him and now he dead for sure! smh! Loving Nava❤ Glad they got their heads on straight. 😊 Living GH right now!

    1. Michelle..sorry that's an old photo from the LAST TIME he woke up LOL I couldn't find one this time. He just kinda opened his eyes

  5. With Dr. Kirk dead they should bring Andre back to help Franco with the voices/memories issue that he's having. Also with Dr. Kirk dead what's going to happen with Dantes issues and investigation into Peter.

  6. "I thought the whole Anna/Finn exchange in the hospital was fun and light hearted. Reminds me why I enjoy these two."

    Yeah that scene was hysterical. I like them together, but only as friends.

    "Ok, Lesil and Scotty are the couple I didn't know I needed now. LOL. WHOOPS."

    Hahahahahaa me neither, but now I want it! :)

    "Now Tracey set her up to be arrested for drunk driving to get her out of Ned's way. At least I THINK that's what she's doing!?"

    Yup! That is exactly what she is doing. I saw a clip of it and shared it.


    HELLO RYAN!!! :)

    "BREAK UP OF THE WEEK: Good Bye, JaSam!"

    buh bye!

    "SHAKE UP OF THE WEEK: Kim has...a baby? Julian's baby!"

    Mmmmmm I'm starting to think it's BobTodd's baby who was Drew at the time. Cus the baby is named Andrew..

    "Just a short scene with Tracey and Monica but so much perfection. Monica couldn't keep her mouth shut for 2 seconds around Tracey!! LOL..They share such a history that one look gives it away. Plus, come on, who else does Monica have to dish with??"

    Yes!!! They have so much rich history! Yes nobody is better to dish with than Tracy! :)

    "FACE OF THE WEEK: Um, Jason is PISSED!!"

    That was awesome. I loved it!

    1. What the H is up with Steve Burton’s face? Either he has no makeup on or had it “pulled”. That on top of KM’s lips 👄

    2. Agree about Anna and Fin and the friendship. I don't see romantic chemistry, buy I like their interactions.

  7. I too loved the actor "mix up" this week. Scotty is rarely on and Leisl even less so. Those 2 are fun together. LOVE Tracy and Monica together. Tracy and Alexis was interesting too. I don't think that's Julian's baby either. I don't want a Kim recast. Too many people already. Enjoyed Alexis interaction with Olivia too.

    Are they ever going to bring back Jackie Templeton or was that just a tease like the Holly story line?

    1. The actress who plays Jackie is working on a tv movie&is expected back soon.

  8. P.S. Thank you again Karen and hope your migraine is gone

  9. Another great SS wrapping up a great week on GH! Thanks.
    Small detail...does Tracy politely ask Alexis to switch seats? She is not that drunk. Can't see Tracy physically moving her.
    Scotty should stay exactly how he is. One of the only long time character they haven't changed drastically. Love him and hope he and Dr. O have "zee sex".
    Ava/Nikolas are fantastic together. Both have such explosive personalities it won't be easy.
    Enjoy Sunday. Be safe.

    1. I KNOW RIGHT?? LOL I have NO CLUE how she switched her and wasn't even out of breath

    2. Plus Alexis would have woken up if pushed around


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