Thursday, July 26, 2018

Things are Movin' people!

Franco is in Kevin's office, talking to the camera--and Kevin's not there!! LOL, he's practicing. !!! AHAHAHAH Liz walks in and and says: You can practice, but he's back. Oh that was funny.  Franco leaves for an appointment.

Ok, so..nurse Mary Pat is putting lotion on Carly's hands and IT'S SO CREEPY GOOD! ewwwww!!  Mary Pat says that she is going to see a new Dr. --Lazarus..."Like the Bible" . Then Carly has halluncinations of Nelle in her face.  Mary Pat opens the door and tells the new person to make themselves at home. I think it's Dr. Laz but OMG IT'S FRANCO! that surprised He has a grant to do art therapy. He sees Carly and is like: HUH? She thinks she's hallucinating him too. "Carly a good way to express your feelings is through art"!! LOL. She says "Franco get me out of here...tell Jason and Sonny they are going to hurt me".
I love Laura and Roger together as actors so--this was great. 

Mary Pat tells Franco to stay way from Carly. 

Sonny is talking to Kevin, actually--at Sonny's house with Jason standing Guard. Sonny's being weird. Asking about Spencer and Laura. Kevin says Laura wants to come home. Sonny says HE misses Carly so GET HER BACK. Kevin said Carly was an idiot to dupe him and escape and he's not sure he can get her back.

Brucas Baby is born! It's a boy---

OMG OMG!! Wait, so Nelle will get a car accident, she'll die and her baby live but Brucas' baby will get sick, die and Brad will switch them I BET....BOOKMARK THIS! Those babies will be switched one way or another.  Heather Webber isn't there to kidnap them so, something has to go wrong. 
Lucas is in surgery for hours. They bring the baby in and Julian and Brad gush over it. (I think Lucas is not there so the baby can be switched with Nelle's soon)... 

They were going to name the baby Cher after Cheryl if it was a girl-- But since it's a boy it's WILEY. :) Because it took AWHILE!! :) AWWW. 

WOW--- Ok, so Carly's being taken in for electro shock treatments and she SAW SOMEONE THAT LOOKED LIKE KEVIN in a straight jacket in the hall!! THAT IS TOTALLY KEVIN and "Kevin" is Ryan. I mean, Kevin sat there and told Jason about Carly's electro shock treatments. Casual like. He'd never let that happen as a professional, he knows she's sane!!  

Nelle: Chase is going to tamper with the car-- and the reason they are doing this is to get a confession from her that she framed Carly. Which makes sense now. 


  1. Tomorrow is going to be a real Friday cliff hanger, I'll bet.

  2. do not like baby switch stories or this mental health story with carly,ryan and kevin. I will not watch till they r over with. I will just keep checking back here

  3. Watching live now....what the what?!?! Franco is at Ferncliff????!!

  4. but if Nelle leaves, why would she switch babies and/or care - or does she take the baby?

    kinda wanted it to be FInn's baby.

  5. Looks like Franco will help Jason rescue Carly. I like it!

    I really hope there is no upcoming baby switch!

    Tomorrow's episode looks good! Yay Robert! :-)

    1. I think so too Paul, especially since Liz was talking to Jason about how Drew and Franco have become friends basically and it's time for Jason to come around. Not in those words, so we'll see.
      I agree, NO NO NO baby switch sl.

  6. I agree Barbara, I too wanted it to be Finn’s baby!

  7. Wait- can’t it still be Finn’s baby?

  8. Would Finn's baby be a new born? I thought Haydn was pregnant or had the baby like 2 years ago????

  9. Hadyen left town in September of 2017.

  10. Carson home:

    Doc and Sonny: Wait! So Doc really did go see his wife? He wouldn't just leave his patients like that. Especially Carly! Something is just not right here.

    The park:

    Nelle and Chase: Oh boy!!!! She really wants Michael DEAD!!!!! *grabs some popcorn*

    The hospital:

    Doc's office: BobTodd practicing! HAHAHAHA!

    Friz: Can't wait for them to be married! :)

    Jason and Doc: WAIT!!!!! Electroshock treatments?!!?!?! Why are you so calm about this Doc?!!?! You are not going to stop it?!!?!?!?!?!?!?! This isn't like you!!!

    "Karen says Kevin sat there and told Jason about Carly's electro shock treatments. Casual like. He'd never let that happen as a professional, he knows she's sane!!"

    RIGHT?!!?!?!?! This has to be Ryan!!!!!

    Brad, Alexis, Julian, and doll baby: Wait what?!?!?! The baby is coming soon?!!?! Oh the baby is here. Awwww look at that adorable doll baby! No something isn't right.. I still have a feeling something bad is going to happen! I can smell it!

    "OMG OMG!! Wait, so Nelle will get a car accident, she'll die and her baby live but Brucas' baby will get sick, die and Brad will switch them I BET....BOOKMARK THIS!"

    YES!!!! That could happen!!!!

    "I think Lucas is not there so the baby can be switched with Nelle's soon"

    YES!!!! Cus it's so strange Lucas isn't there!!! And why is Brad letting Julian hold the baby, and take pictures of them, and sending him the picture, when Julian can't even be in the baby's life? So odd. So not right!

    "Karen says But since it's a boy it's WILEY. :) Because it took AWHILE!! :) AWWW."

    I know!!! Awwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Ava and Nelle: Hahaha. They are NOT besties! :)

    Crazytown: BobTodd wins the line of the day!

    BobTodd: Why are you here? That's crazy. Sorry no offense.


    Q home:

    Nelle and Michael: Oh boy!!!! Here......We.......GO!

  11. "ishouldreadmore said.. Tomorrow is going to be a real Friday cliff hanger, I'll bet."

    ROFL! Pun intended? :)

  12. sonya said...Brad, Alexis, Julian, and doll baby: Wait what?!?!?! The baby is coming soon?!!?! Oh the baby is here. Awwww look at that adorable doll baby! No something isn't right.. I still have a feeling something bad is going to happen! I can smell it!

    *** diaper maybe? lol

  13. "Di said...diaper maybe? lol"


  14. We all know Jason won't let anything happen to his precious Carly so he will inevitably ride his white horse to the rescue like he always has.Something will surely go wrong with Michael's car ride and the baby will be at risk - hopefully both baby's in this "My Mom can do no wrong story" will be ok.


Rock N Roll

 TODAY is.... THURSDAY!!  So one of the soap mags has said that Leslie Charleson probably won't be back as Monica due to health issues. ...